The LZHS graduating class of 1970 - Blue Eyed Leo

the LZHS graduating class of 1970


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Lake Zurich High School

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Lake Zurich, Illinois

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*Star Date* January 1, 2010

Greetings and Welcome. As we have all now

crossed the threshold into the year in which HAL

is awakened & David Bowman finally reconnects

with Dr. Floyd, a committee of the four graduating

classes of 1967, 1968, 1969 and 1970 reconnected as

well laying the groundwork for a combined class reunion

in the year 2010 for these graduating classes. Both the “Ice

Breaker” scheduled for Friday July 23rd will be held at the

old Lake Zurich firehouse and the “Class Reunion” main event

will start at 6:00 PM on Saturday July 24 at Chauncery Banquets


The next multi-class meeting has been scheduled for 7:00 pm, Tuesday June 18, 2010 at the old firehouse.


35th Class Reunion Attendees

1st. row:

Chuck Jennings, Bob Schiewe, Rick Sheets

2nd. row:

Bob Sazma, Lee Ford, Bill Walt, Marg Zelm, Mary Brown, Dawn Knigge, Jody Schwartz, Sarah Young

3rd. row:

Bob Dorman, Leslie Peters, Sue Fremming, Diane Wallace, Jim Franzen, Joye Watson, Deb Schwicardi, Jan Kaminski, Paul Pessis, Kathy Gudgeon, John Wright, Kathy Merkle, Becky Fick, Jan Wagner,

(Mr. G. Fred Gscheidle), Bill Link

4th. row:

Courtney Johnson, Steve Thompson, Bill Vanni, Don Snetsinger, Jim Irick, Steve Hansen, Chris Deemer, Eric Wait, Roger Block, Tom Gerblick

Also in attendance but pulled a senior ditch day stunt and missed this group shot: George Malecki.

Our thanks to the president Paul Pessis for his opening remarks and,

a special thanks to comedian Ken Mate for his impressive performance.

Here is the 35th reunion photo album [pic] only names of classmates noted.

If you need to update your contact info please send it to the following private mailbox. [pic]

For public comment we have placed a guestbook near the bottom of this page,

a place to check in, say hello and view the thoughts and words of fellow classmates.

Enjoy, we look forward to talking to you soon...your 40th reunion committee.


20th Reunion Group Photo

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You're holding me down, turning me round. Filling me up with your rules”

 Timeline Related Sites

A Day in the Life  Hair  Purple Haze

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"and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"

The End

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Updated Last On April 28, 2010…Chuck Jennings


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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