Conducting Psychological Research for Science Fairs



Conducting Psychological Research for Science Fairs:

A Teacher's Guide and Resource Manual Revised 2016


The American Psychological Association Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools

Allyson Weseley

Maureen McCarthy

Amy Fineburg

Debra Park

Stephen Chew

Randolph A. Smith

Jan Daniel

Information contained in this manual does not represent the official policy of the American Psychological Association.

Copyright ? 2016 by the American Psychological Association


INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................ 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................................................. 4 OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................................... 5 PLANNING THE PROJECT............................................................................................................................. 7 DESIGNING THE PROJECT........................................................................................................................... 13 CONDUCTING THE PROJECT...................................................................................................................... 20 DETERMINING RESULTS OF THE PROJECT................................................................................................ 22 PRESENTING THE PROJECT....................................................................................................................... 24 APPENDICES

Appendix A: Research Competitions for Psychology.................................................................................26 Appendix B: A Step-by-Step Approach for Guiding a Student Through a Science Fair Project.........29 Appendix C: Research With Animals............................................................................................................. 31 Appendix D: Science Fair Planning Schedule...............................................................................................32 Appendix E: Studies Deemed Exempt Under the Federal Regulations...................................................36 Appendix F: Sample Journal Article Review Form......................................................................................38 Appendix G: Templates and Sample Forms for Research Projects.......................................................... 40 Appendix H: Data Analysis..............................................................................................................................53 RESOURCES................................................................................................................................................ 54


or as starting points for independent projects


for students.

In an effort to advance psychology as a scientific discipline, the APA Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS) created this document to serve as a guide to increase high school psychology teachers' comfort with teaching the scientific method and engaging students in the research process. Ideally, this manual will empower psychology teachers to mentor their students in conducting original psychological research that could be entered into a local, regional, or national science fair competition.

Science fairs provide students with an opportunity to engage in exciting discoveries, learn, and receive potential awards and recognition. Participating in a science fair allows students to engage in hands-on learning experiences that will enhance their knowledge of psychology and provide a platform for them to share their learning with others. As teachers and students become more comfortable with the scientific method, entering a science fair becomes a realistic and exciting possibility. Science fair entries can range from extremely

The scientific method should be a fundamental simple demonstrations to those that entail sophis-

component of any high school psychology course. ticated research design and statistical analysis. So-

Additionally, active learning experiences are cen- phisticated projects often involve researchers who

tral to a successful course. Creating opportunities are external to a local high school; yet students

for student research integrates the scientific meth- can enter a science fair without this support. We

od with active learning to create a dynamic learn- have included a list of references that will provide

ing experience.

teachers with additional resources to assist stu-

Therefore, this guide provides a step-by-step outline of the scientific method, demystifying this process. Concrete examples of research projects are also provided to illustrate principles for conducting research. Teachers can use the exam-

dents in designing more sophisticated projects. We also make recommendations about how students can secure the assistance of a university faculty mentor on the APA website as they design and conduct their projects.

ples either to conduct classroom demonstrations



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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