ANALOGY TOPICS - Luzerne County Community College


• Life

• Love

• Valentine’s Day

• Relationships, marriage

• Cheating in relationships

• Stealing

• Politics (see the “Analogy Comic”)

• War

o any war, wars in general

o current war

• Guantanamo Bay

• Patriot Act

• Al Qaeda

• Religious fundamentalism

• Religion

• God (Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, …)

• The Economy

o depression, recession

o scandals, Wall St.

o the stock market, the bailouts

• Smoking (-)

• Gambling (-)

• Abusing drugs/alcohol (-)

• Driving while Intoxicated, under the influence of any drug

• Driving while texting

• Sexting

• Driving a Car

• Speeding in a Car (reckless driving)

• Learning to Drive

• Learning to Drive a Stick Shift

• Being a Senior in High School (or college)

• Being a Young Scholar

• Being under 21

• Attending College

• Attending LCCC (specific school)

• Registering for Classes

• Purchasing Text Books

• Online Classes

• Writing Essays

• Writing an Analogy Essay

• Critical Thinking

• Studying

• Cheating in School

• Drinking Energy Drinks

o Red Bull, Rock Star, Jolt, Monster,…

• Technology

• Cell Phones

• Blackberries, I-pods, mp3 players, …

• Internet

• Computers (Laptops, Desktops)

• Television

• Movies, Hollywood

• American Culture, Society

• Award shows

• All-Star games

• Shoveling snow/mowing grass/raking leaves

• Abortions for minors

• “Diversion” sentence (vs. jail) for drug crimes

• Egyptian revolution

• Tea Party

*Related to Major, Major Interest

• major systems of the human body (circulatory system, respiratory system

o interstates, highway system

o drainage system

o rivers

• human brain (computer’s CPU)

• laws, government

• parts, systems of a vehicle

last semester:

• chronic stress & high-revving engine

• gulf oil spill & teen pregnancy

• developing film & blanching broccoli

• child abuse & littering

• raising children & building model planes

• dogs & children

• puppies & babies

• big gov’t & mafia

• exercising & receiving an “A” in a tough class

• drinking alcohol is like walking in the fog

• Hoarding

• Non-traditional students

• Steroids

• Cheating/Plagiarism

• Gambling & Gardening

• Nurse & Chimera; Nursing Program

• Facebook or Twitter (social networking)

• Tattoos

• Green Movement

• Electives/Liberal Arts Educ.

• Writing essays (analogy essays) & Bldg. House

• College

• Abortion

• Religion; Inst. Rel. & Gangs

• Government, politics, politicians

• Art work/song & child

• Fast Food & Pollution, Cigarettes

• Smoking & Prostitution

• Break-ups/Divorces & fighting drug addiction

• MLB patriotism & Holidays (good intentions gone awry)

• Gov’t corruption & adultery

• Gov’t & org. crime/mob

• Writing paper s & bldg. home

• Plastic surgery & gambling

• Falling in love & being kid in candy store

• God & driving old car at amuse. park

• Bad vacation & natural disaster

• SSM & American Revolution

• Skydiving & blind dating

• Living in dorm & jail

• Controlling men & prison

• Pets & children

• Big City/NYC & jungle

• Becoming nurse & getting driver’s license

• Starting new job & traveling in foreign country


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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