ACCT11059: Accounting, Learning and Online Communication

77001355725540005773420ACCT11059: Accounting, Learning and Online CommunicationASS#1 STEP 1&2Daniella Romeo035000ACCT11059: Accounting, Learning and Online CommunicationASS#1 STEP 1&2Daniella Romeoright23002457452020760098002020ASSIGNMENT #1STEP: 1Let me just start by saying this; being told that by the end of the first week in this unit each student will be given a company to analyse made my heart skip a beat. For some reason, this news had me so excited! I love the idea of accounting and when I was told we are getting our own company for this assignment, I realised that even though this is an introductory course, it will be one of my favourite units I have to undertake within the next four years of my life. Reading through the study guide gave me hope I would complete this course to the best of my ability. I find that I am usually a very organised person, so when I read all the due dates for the first part of the assignment in the introduction and the sub-chapters about starting early, like any organised person, it was like a kid going to a candy store and getting everything they have ever wanted. I had no idea what to expect coming into this unit. Obviously, there would be a schedule, but this is entirely different to what I have dealt with in the past. Technically, my course doesn’t start for over another week! Having the ability to read the study guide before starting the unit is giving me an immense amount of pleasure and confidence for the rest of the term. And PeerWise? Why had I never heard of PeerWise before! While I am not so good at creating high quality questions yet, I find enabling a group of students like myself and others in this unit to share questions with one another is such a great way to review what we have already learnt and see where we should put more focus. And like it is said in the study guide and everywhere else I have looked in this unit so far, being able to rate and comment on the questions provides such wonderful feedback to the student creating the questions and help everyone improve on PeerWise. Have I also mentioned how much I love getting badges and improving my score? As an online student, I expected to undertake this journey alone. The criticality of interactions with other students really surprised me at the least. I never realised that you could seek help and further insights away from your lecturer and their notes. Having a host of other students in the same boat as you to communicate with throughout the term is such a relief. However, I have never been all that confident when it comes to communicating. Call me anxious or shy, but I truly have mixed emotions about communicating with so many people in order to achieve the standards I have set for myself. Having said that, however, reading about the advantages of online communication has, in a way, motivated me to start getting out there a bit more online and to contribute on Moodle, PeerWise and the Facebook page. At the start, I found creating a blog to be a bit silly, but after reading the rest of the introduction and looking at past student’s examples, I now find it a really unique way to show other people the work I have been doing in this unit so far. Part of me wants to create a different site for each unit so I can continue sharing work like I will be doing with my company assignment, whereas the other part of me likes having a small blog to keep tabs on my company and that only. I am also really excited to see everyone else’s blogs as well. I wonder if they had as much trouble as I did trying to create it? Because I know it took me at least five tries to finally get the hang of using WordPress. But like I said before, looking at other examples gave me a really good idea of what content to be sharing with the rest of the students in the unit until I finally get given my company. And let me also say, since when was there so many different ways of learning. And what is rote learning. The definition on Wikipedia explains it as a memorization technique based on repetition. In primary school, our teacher would simply explain something from a PowerPoint and the rest of us would sit and listen. In high school, we would sit and copy the notes the teacher provided for us, so I guess that was the beginning of my rote learning. Thinking about it now, I feel this study guide has really opened up my personal view on the way I perceive learning. Martin really explained it well. The only learning I had been doing so far schooling-wise was rote learning. But having this new perception of six different ways to think of learning has really been an eye-opener for me. As I got my current part-time job at 15, I can understand some of the different ways of learning. Especially Learning is changing as a person. Through the past three years I have had to learn how to interact with people of all ages and the only way I was able to learn was through observation and then putting that into practise. Over time, both myself and my employees noticed how much I was growing as a person as I learnt new things that wouldn’t be taught through a PowerPoint presentation. That’s how I perceive the sixth way of learning anyway. Even after learning about the different ways of learning, I still believe it will take me some time to get out of my habit of regurgitating facts and information for assessments like tests and examinations. Reading the first chapter, I found myself getting really confused with the use of the words business reality. While I understand the concept, I find my issue is similar to the situation where you say or write a word so may times it starts to sound and look wrong. Is that just me? I find this will be yet another thing I have to work on. Wow, I have read two chapters and I have already realised there are so many things about myself I will need to work on in order to do really well in this unit and all my other units.Last year in year 12, I undertook Stage 2 Accounting, where we covered different financial statements and the major accounting concepts. The double-entry concept was one of them. However, as each teacher will teach their students in a different way, I find I am also learning about the double-entry concept in a different way to how I previously learnt about it. For example, Martin goes into the history behind it all, whereas my year 12 teacher didn’t mention anything about Luca Pacioli. Similar to the double-entry concept I was already familiar with the accounting equation and found it a nice refresher starting this course. I also found the explanation of value really eye-opening. Instead of seeing value in monetary items we assess value by instead evaluating the entirety of a business. This was not a new concept to me, however like the double-entry concept. Having it explained to me in a different way made me take a moment to think about what I already know about it and what I need to learn still. I especially had to take a moment to sit and ponder the idea of creating or destroying value, as my previous accounting teacher never said anything like that at all throughout the course.Having said all this, I am still excited to read the rest of the study guide throughout the course of the next few weeks. I think next time I will need to pace myself on the reading instead of trying to read it all in one hit, as I found myself needing to reread a few paragraphs as I read them but didn’t read them. STEP: 2LINK TO MY BLOG ................

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