Checklist and Timeline Sample

Checklist and Timeline Sample

Any fundraising event requires many details to be thought through and covered by the time the event arrives. The best approach is to plan ahead and involve a team. Planning an event is so much more enjoyable when working together!

The checklist and timeline sample below provides a general list of items for your event. Some may be unnecessary for your event, but consider the entire list for helpful ideas. The suggested timeframes provide a range depending on the size of event. A larger event would require more planning time than a smaller event.

The following is an example timeline for a large event:

_____ Recruit your team. Choose people suited for specific areas. Continue meeting with your team on a regular basis leading up to the event.

(Six months to one year prior to the event)

_____ Brainstorm event ideas, themes, locations, and budget with your team. Be creative! A successful event is fun and inviting.

(Six months to one year prior to the event)

_____ Make reservations. Check the schedules of all involved. Be sure that there are no conflicts with the facility, speakers, holidays, or competing community events.

(Five to eleven months prior to the event)

_____ Publicize. Once you have confirmed the event theme and reservations, promote the event in several ways.

(Four to nine months prior to the event)

_____ Organize the details. With your team, list everything needed for the event. Work together at dividing the work and mapping out the schedule leading up to the event.

(Four to nine months prior to the event)

_____ Complete the Booked Event Form. This can be done online or mailed stjudeforms

(One month prior to the event)

_____ Setup. Recruit extra help. Ask friends, family members, and even high school students to volunteer.

(One week to one month prior to the event)

_____ Enjoy the event. As you’re planning the event, be sure not to schedule yourself for too many tasks during the event. Take a moment, even for a brief moment, and take pleasure in seeing your hard work come together. Encourage your team to do the same.

_____ Clean Up. Plan ahead and divide the tasks to make this process quick and easy.

(Day of or day after the event)

_____ Complete the Completed Event Form. Do not hold checks from the event. Each bank has a deadline in which checks must be deposited. If you are waiting on some late checks, submit the checks you do have with a Completed Event Form noting more checks are coming.

(Within one week of the event)

_____ Evaluate and appreciate. Meet with your team to discuss what to repeat and what to change if you all were to do the event again. Intentionally thank each team member.

(Within one week after the event)


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