Student application - Peel District School Board

Professional Engineers Ontario - Scholarship 2017Student Application FormThe Mississauga Chapter of Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) is pleased to offer scholarships in the amount of up to $1,000 for the university study term beginning the fall of 2017. Applications will be accepted from grade 12 students enrolled at any high school in the City of Mississauga who will be attending an Engineering faculty at an Ontario university accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB). Complete applications must be received no later than Aug. 05, 2017.The scholarship will be awarded based on a combination of academics, extracurricular activities, community service and interest in pursuing a career in engineering as a licensed Professional Engineer. Please fill out the following application form, and enclose your latest high school transcript, university acceptance letter, and an essay explaining why you want to become a Professional Engineer.All submissions and attachments should be sent to the following e-mail address in pdf or Microsoft Word (.pdf or .doc) format:Rishi Kumar, P. Eng., PMP, FECrishi.kumar@peo-mc.caIMPORTANT: Please provide complete information. Be sure to date your application. All provided information is confidential in accordance with the PEO Privacy Policy, and will be used solely to determine a successful applicant.NOTE: You can download this application form over the Internet at our Chapter website ( Information:First Name: FORMTEXT ?????Last Name: FORMTEXT ?????Home Address and postal code: FORMTEXT ?????Telephone Number: FORMTEXT ?????E-mail Address: FORMTEXT ?????Are you a relative of a current PEO Mississauga Chapter executive member? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoNote: See list of the current PEO Mississauga Chapter executive members here.Academic Information:High School Currently Attending: FORMTEXT ?????Please enclose copy of your latest official School Transcript: FORMCHECKBOX Enclosed Please submit the marks of at least six Grade 12 U/M courses, including: Advanced Functions, Calculus and Vectors, Chemistry, Physics, English and a U/M course of your choice. If final marks are not yet available, please submit midterm marks. Name of the University that you will be attending in Fall 2017: FORMTEXT ?????Desired engineering discipline: FORMTEXT ?????Please enclose copy of the University Acceptance Letter: FORMCHECKBOX EnclosedReferences:IMPORTANT: Two references are required. Please use an email or phone number that the teacher can be reached at in August.Name of a Teacher: FORMTEXT ?????Telephone Number: FORMTEXT ?????Teacher (as reference) E-mail Address: FORMTEXT ?????Name of the Alternate reference: FORMTEXT ?????(I.e. team coach, volunteer, community leader, etc.)Alternative Reference Telephone Number: FORMTEXT ?????Alternative Reference E-mail Address: FORMTEXT ?????Extracurricular Activities and Community Service Information:Please describe your extracurricular activities (i.e. athletics, counseling, clubs, etc.) as well as community service. Explain why you chose to be involved (500 words maximum). FORMTEXT ?????Why do you want to become a Professional Engineer?Please write an essay to explain why you want to become an engineer. Include your thoughts about the values of the engineering profession to the public, as well as what your responsibilities would be as a Professional Engineer. (500 words maximum) FORMTEXT ?????I hereby certify that the information I have provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Electronic signatures are acceptable.Signature of Applicant: ____________________________________ Date: FORMTEXT ?????The selected recipient will be invited to an awards ceremony. The ceremony may be hosted by the PEO Mississauga Chapter or may be part of the recipient’s high school graduation ceremony in the Fall of 2017. An announcement of the awardees may be made on the PEO website ( and in the PEO publication Engineering Dimensions.We encourage every applicant to sign up for the PEO Student Membership Program (SMP), compliments of PEO. The SMP is a no-cost program that maintains contact between the student and their PEO Chapter during their university years.Best wishes in applying for the Professional Engineers Ontario Chapter Scholarship!Professional Engineers Ontario - Scholarship 2017Student Application Weighting ModelThe Mississauga Chapter of Professional Engineers Ontario, Scholarship Committee will evaluate applicants based on the following weighting model.CategoryWeightAcademic Standing30%Extracurricular/Community Service Activities30%Essay: “Why do you want to become a Professional Engineer?”40%Two References providedYes/NoOverall Score100%Each applicant must provide contact information for two references (school teacher, and alternate reference). IMPORTANT: Failure to provide references will cause your application to be disqualified.Should you have questions or concerns, please send an email to ................

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