Lesson Plan: World War II - ss143.k12.sd.us

Lesson Plan: World War II

Grade Level: Middle School (6)

Names: Laura Scholl, Amy Roth, and Shannon Smith

Grade Level: Middle School (6)

School: Hawkes High

Date: Tuesday, May 1, 2001

Time: 9:30 A.M.

Background, Context, and Purpose:

Due to great economic depression the United States was facing, many Americans strayed from the troubles persisting over seas in a land that could not handle its own problems. Even though the economic depression persevered, in 1936 the United States was considered a world power with business connections all over the globe. Soon, the United States would face fears of the immense powers that Hitler had gained. In addition, because Germany found out about our contacts with Great Britain and France, they were compelled to take action and bomb Pearl Harbor, which left the United States with no choice but to intervene. In order to better serve the allies and to retaliate from the loss of innocent lives, the United States would become a part of World War II, which took place from 1939 – 1945.

This introductory lesson leads us into the beginning of our unit on World War II. Other lessons in this unit will give us further insight on the many actions that led to the beginning of World War II along with specifics on events that Germany, England, Great Britain, France, and the United States took part in.

In this lesson, you (students) will conduct interviews with individuals who experienced life during this time. You will also utilize documents such as books, diaries, movies, and/or archives to further your understanding on events pertaining to World War II.


•Our goal is to create a more clear account of World War II, as well as, a time line of the events that occurred.

•Also, we wish to help you (the students) relate to the time period in a more concrete matter.


•Students will be able to construct the first page of a ten-page booklet by creating a concept map, which focuses on their understandings of the assigned readings on the World War II Unit with 70 percent accuracy.

•After listening to a World War II Veteran Speaker, students will be able to generate the second page of their ten-page booklet by writing a one-page reflection paper pertaining to the veteran’s recollections, as well as, their own thoughts and perceptions of life at this time with 90 percent accuracy.

•With 100 percent accuracy, students will identify the most accurate answer on a short answer worksheet pertaining to their assigned readings and a time line on the World War II Unit.


1. INTRODUCTION: After allowing our students to view a display of World War II memorabilia such as a uniform, pictures, maps, metals, and flags, we (teachers) will conduct a class discussion with our students on feelings, thoughts, and perceptions of life during this time. We will then list these items on the board allowing the students to visualize as well as further their understanding of life during this time.


✓ Activity One:

1.Have students clear their desks

2.Pass out stationery for the booklet to each student

3.Have students construct a concept map pertaining to their reading assignments

4.Before they begin, guide students by illustrating an example on the board, as well as, introducing some key elements to their concept maps.

5.After finishing their maps, ask students to help you construct a “key” on the board generated from their concept maps they produced.

✓ Activity Two:

1.Speaker will reminisce about World War II

2.Students will be required to take notes and ask at least one question

3.Students will complete a one-page reflection paper pertaining to the Veteran’s recollections


✓ In order to gain from this experience, we must make sure that our students have background knowledge to further their understanding and to reestablish life during this time.

✓ Model guidance and understanding concretely.

✓ Encourage students to share feelings, thoughts, and perceptions about this time period as well.

✓ We must also take into consideration the special needs that some students might have. For instance, special seating for those with visual, as well as, hearing problems.



1.Reintroduce Time-Line

2.In class discussion, ask students if they have any questions, comments, and/or concerns about the lesson

3.(Idea) – reflections


•In order to have students reflect on their experiences for the day, we believe that a class discussion is in order.

* Ask specific question(s) relating to the Veteran Speaker such as “How would your life be different if there was another World War and you had to serve in it?”


1.Group Participation

2.Analysis of concept map

3.Reflection paper on the Veteran Speaker





|Level of comfort with group |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 | |

|participation | | | | | | |

|Ability to generate concept map using |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 | |

|assigned readings | | | | | | |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 | |

| | | | | | | |

|Level of reflection on Veteran Speaker| | | | | | |

|and students thoughts and perceptions | | | | | | |

|Ability to recall information through | | |

|the use of the wkst. |_____/6 | |


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