Senior Pictures Information - School Webmasters

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|2017-18 Senior Picture Information |

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|All seniors will need to turn in at least ONE senior photo. The same pose can be used for the yearbook and the class composite. |

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|Yearbook – portrait in senior section |

|Class Composite - this is for the large senior class picture that hangs in the school for each graduating class. |

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|2. If different poses are desired, two photos can be turned in for the publications. (Please label on the back of each photo where you want it to appear – do it |

|lightly in pencil.). |

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|Senior Photo Requirements |

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|IMPORTANT! All photos should meet the following requirements: |

|billfold size (larger okay if you want picture scanned and returned) |

|vertical poses only (no horizontals!) |

|in color |

|head and shoulder shots or head to waist shots – this is particularly important for the yearbook. (Please do not turn in full length, head to toe poses or close |

|face poses that cut off the hair!) |

|NO hats or head coverings are allowed. – The Administration |

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|*Please check with your photography studio – many studios will send these photos directly to the high school, so that you don’t have to be bothered with it. |

|(Sometimes they may also do this upon request even if it is not their policy.) Please show these requirements to the photographer, and be sure the photographer |

|has the high school address and the date photos are needed. Photos on CD from the studio are preferable. |

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|Senior Photo Due Date |

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|All photos must be turned in to Mrs. Green at the high school by |

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|Friday, December 15, 2017 |

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|*If photos are not received by this date, your son or daughter’s picture will be taken at school by Mrs. Green for the yearbook and class composite or the previous|

|year’s school photo will be used.* |

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|*Hand photos in person or send to: |

|Carla Green, North Cedar Jr/Sr High School, P.O. Box 310, Clarence, IA 52216. |

|*If you have any questions or concerns, please call or e-mail Mrs. Green at the high school at 563-452-3179 or cgreen@north- |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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