Section 1. This document shall be known as "The Bylaws of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE".


Section 1. DEFINITION. A delegation is defined as a particular group of students from an institution of higher learning, officially recognized and chartered by the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE, Inc. as representatives of their particular institution, organized to participate in official activities of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE, Inc.

Section 2. CHARTERS. Subsection 1. A charter shall serve as official notice that the delegation is in good standing with the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE. No unchartered delegation may participate in official NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE activities.

Subsection 2. Full charters may be granted only by a two-thirds vote of a Plenary Session. A full charter shall be valid for the one legislative year after it is granted, except if suspended or revoked.

Subsection 2. A temporary charter may be granted only by a majority vote of the Interim Council and shall only be valid for the following two “regular meetings”.

Section 3. RIGHTS. A chartered delegation shall have the right to representation in the Interim Council and Annual Session, to be informed of all events and activities of NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE, to charge reasonable fees of its members and interns, and to adopt for itself any rules necessary to govern its internal affairs, provided that those rules do not conflict with any rule adopted by NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE.

Section 4. DUTIES. Each delegation shall have the duty to pay any fees imposed on it, to keep its members and interns informed about NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE events and activities, and to elect a delegation chairperson to act as a liaison between the organization and the delegation.


Section 1. FEES. Fees may be levied upon the delegations by the Governor to support the operations of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE. Only by a two-thirds vote of the Interim Council may any fee be altered or suspended.

Section 2. GENERAL FUND. All moneys received by the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE, unless otherwise stipulated by the donor or this article or designated by a majority vote of the Interim Council or Plenary Session, shall be deposited into the General Fund to meet the annual operating expenses of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE.

Section 3. BUDGET. A balanced budget shall be adopted by a majority vote at the second regular meeting of the Board of Directors each fiscal year. At no time may expenditures from any line item within the budget exceed its approved amount, without such expenditures having first been approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 4. PAYMENTS. All payments from the General Fund shall be in the form of a check signed by the Treasurer with the consent of the Governor. Any payment exceeding two hundred dollars shall be co-signed by the Governor and the Treasurer. The Lieutenant Governor is authorized to co-sign a check in the absence of one of these officers.

Section 5. ENDOWMENT FUND. Subsection 1. The NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE shall establish and maintain an endowment fund. The endowment shall have the goal of reaching a balance of $100,000. The endowment will be designated as the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE Endowment Fund.

Subsection 2. The purpose of the endowment fund is to help to meet the expenses of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE as expressed in its annual budget.

Subsection 3. Only earnings from the endowment fund can be transferred to the General Fund. Unused earnings shall be added to the principal of the endowment. No earnings shall be transferred before the balance goal set by the constitution has been met.

Subsection 4. The custody, administration, and management of the endowment fund shall be the responsibility of the Endowment Board described in Article IV, Section 13, of these Bylaws.

Section 6. RESERVE FUND. Subsection 1. A Reserve Fund shall be maintained in an interest bearing account.

Subsection 2. One-quarter of all moneys raised through fundraisers or donations, unless otherwise stipulated by the contributor, shall be deposited into the Reserve Fund. Fees levied upon delegations by the Governor may be deposited into the Reserve Fund at the discretion of the Council of State.

Subsection 3. Two withdrawals per fiscal year, neither of which shall exceed one-quarter of the balance of the Reserve Fund, may be made with a two-thirds vote of the Interim Council or Plenary Session.

Subsection 4. One year after the first transfer of earnings from the endowment fund to the General Fund, this section shall be removed from these Bylaws, and the contents of the Reserve Fund shall be added to the endowment fund.


Section 1. DEFINITIONS. The standing committees of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE shall be the following: Finance, Resolutions, Session, Judiciary, State Recruitment, Public Relations, Awards, Interns, History and Delegation Chairpersons. There shall also be an Elections Board, Endowment Board, and Investment Advisory Board.

Section 2. CHAIRPERSONS. All Chairpersons will be approved by the Council of State and appointed by the Governor, except for Session and the Awards who will be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, the Judiciary and Elections who will be the Attorney General, and the Finance and Endowment who will be the Treasurer; and shall serve until their successors are appointed. All appointments made by chairpersons onto a committee, other than the Judiciary, must be approved by majority concurrence of the Council of State

Section 3. REPRESENTATION. No delegation shall have more than two voting members on any committee at any given time without two-thirds approval of the Interim Council.

Section 4. ELECTIONS BOARD. Subsection 1. The Elections Board shall be responsible for determining whether candidates for Council of State and Board of Directors positions are, and shall continue to be, eligible for membership within the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE during their candidacy, as well as during any possible term of office. Further, the Board shall annually determine the guidelines for the regulation of the campaigns for the Council of State and Board of Directors offices, for the processes by which elections shall be executed, and for the actual executions of those elections, with the majority consent of the Interim Council.

Subsection 2. The Board shall consist of one member of each delegation. The chairperson of the Board shall be the Attorney General. The chairperson shall not be considered as a delegate from any delegation. The chairperson of the Board shall appoint each member of the Board, to serve as the voting members of the Board in addition to the chairperson.

Subsection 3. No person other than the chair shall serve in a voting capacity on the Elections Board after the adjournment of the third regular meeting of the Interim Council and be eligible to run for Council of State or Board of Directors office during that year of service.

Section 5. FINANCE COMMITTEE. The Finance Committee shall be responsible for raising money for the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE. The NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE Treasurer shall serve as Chairperson of the Finance Committee and appoint one member from each delegation to serve on the committee. The appointees shall serve until their successors are appointed.

Section 6. RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE. Subsection 1. The Resolutions Committee shall have automatically referred to it any resolution presented to the Interim Council or Plenary Session, except by a two-thirds vote of the Interim Council or Plenary Session.

Subsection 2. The committee shall report to the body the status of all resolutions that were referred to it at the previous Interim Council or Plenary Session.

Subsection 3. The committee shall report each resolution to the body with a favorable, unfavorable, or non-prejudicial report. The committee chairperson will be appointed by the Governor, consist of one member from each delegation, and shall at the appropriate time report the actions of the committee to the Interim Council or Plenary Session.

Subsection 4. The committee may make amendments in style, grammar, and form that do not change the intent or philosophy of the resolution; and be responsible for maintaining those resolutions for the entire legislative year.

Subsection 5. The committee shall have no authority over resolutions that would amend the Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, Bylaws, or special rules of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE, Inc.

Subsection 6. The committee shall determine the best resolution of the year and present an award to its author at the Annual Session.

Section 8. JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. Subsection 1. The Judiciary Committee shall consist of the Attorney General as Chair, three members and one alternate appointed by the Attorney General, and three members and one alternate appointed by the Governor. The appointees shall serve until their successors are appointed.

Subsection 2. An alternate shall serve as a member of the Judiciary Committee when a member appointed by the same officer who appointed him or her is absent. If two or more members are absent, both alternates shall act as members. If a member and an alternate are absent then the other alternate shall act as a member. In order for the Judiciary Committee to convene, there must be no less than four members including the chair.

Subsection 3. The committee shall consider all proposed amendments to the Corporate Charter, Constitution, Bylaws, and special rules of NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE, and shall report its opinions on the desirability of these amendments to the body.

Subsection 4. Except as stated in Subsections 5 and 6 of this Section, the committee shall settle any dispute arising over the interpretation of the Corporate Charter, Constitution, Bylaws, or special rules of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE in the following manner: by the written request of two members, a matter shall be committed to the Judiciary Committee. If the Interim Council or the Annual Session is convened when such a request is made, then the committee shall have one hour to meet and consider the legality of the matter brought before it, and present its ruling to the members, unless the makers of the request or the membership shall grant the committee permission to deliberate for a longer period time. If neither the Interim Council nor the Annual Session is convened, then the committee shall conduct its deliberations on the matter and prepare its report, to be presented upon the conclusion of opening remarks at the next official meeting of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE.

Subsection 5. The ruling of the Judiciary Committee may be overruled by a two-thirds vote of the Interim Council or Plenary Session, or of both houses of the Annual Session.

Subsection 6. The committee shall investigate charges of gross misconduct, non-performance of duties specified in the Constitution and Bylaws, or any other appropriate issue at the request of the presiding officer or the written request of three members. The committee shall report its findings and sentencing to the body within a reasonable amount of time.

Subsection 7. a) INITIAL ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS. During the fourth regular meeting of the Interim Council, the Judiciary Committee shall review the number of chartered delegations and their respective numbers of members, and shall divide them into three groups of similar size. These groups shall be called the Western District, the Central District, and the Eastern District, and all Districts shall be geographically contiguous. This initial formula for districts shall be presented to the Interim Council during its fourth regular meeting.

b) REDISTRICTING. After the three Districts have been established they shall be amendable only by the following process: At the written request of the Delegation Chairpersons of one-third of the chartered delegations, the Judiciary Committee shall meet and reformulate the districts, and propose such formula to the Interim Council during its next regular meeting, provided that there shall be no less than twenty-one days notice of what that proposed formula shall be. All districts must be geographically contiguous. Districts may only be changed once during any Legislative Year and revised districts shall not take effect until four months after their adoption.

c) NEW DELEGATIONS. Upon being chartered, each new delegation shall be assigned to the district in which that school is geographically located. If the delegation being chartered is located along the borders of two or more districts, then the Judiciary Committee shall assign it to one of those districts, such assignment requiring the approval of the Interim Council.

Section 9. SESSION COMMITTEE. The Lieutenant Governor shall serve as the chair of the Session Committee and appoint one member of each delegation to the Session Committee to assist in the coordination of the Annual Session.

Section 10. COMMITTEE OF INTERNS. Subsection 1. The Committee of Interns shall consist of all interns to delegations of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE. The Committee shall be responsible for the recruitment of interns into the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE from high schools and high school organizations that share a purpose, goal or function similar to the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE.

Subsection 2. The chairperson shall be a full member of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE and be appointed by the Governor. The chairperson shall be referred to as the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE Internship Coordinator. The chairperson shall have the authority to appoint a vice-chair to serve in the absence of the chairperson and to aid in the execution of the duties of the committee. The vice-chair must also be a full member of the NORTH CAROLINAT STUDENT LEGISLATURE.

Subsection 3. Each delegation may sponsor one intern per every ten full delegates in good standing. Interns may also be sponsored by the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE as a whole with the two-thirds consent of the Board of Directors.

Subsection 3. All interns shall have voting rights within the committee, however, decisions from the committee that would affect other bodies of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE or the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE as a whole will serve only as suggestions.

Subsection 4. All interns will be required to have permission forms and liability waivers signed by the intern and their guardians on file with the Secretary of State before they will be able to participate in activities as an intern of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE.

Subsection 5. Only high school students of at least sixteen (16) years of age may participate as interns of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE.

Subsection 6. Interns shall be required to pay only half of the membership dues set for each legislative year. Interns shall be required to pay the full Annual Session dues.

Section 11. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. The Governor shall appoint Sergeants-at-arms to aid the presiding officer in maintaining order, as well as to attend to any logistical concerns that may arise during the course of a meeting of the Interim Council.

Section 12. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. The Governor with the majority approval of the Interim Council or Plenary Session may form special Committees. The Governor shall set forth the scope and structure of these committees in his or her proposal.

Section 13. ENDOWMENT BOARD. Subsection 1. The Endowment Board shall consist of the Treasurer and one member of each delegation appointed by the Chair. The appointees shall serve until their successors are appointed.

Subsection 2. The Board shall be responsible for the custody, administration, and management of the Endowment Fund as established in Article III, Section 5, of these Bylaws, including:

a. Development and recommendation of fund objectives, to be approved by the Interim Council or Plenary Session;

b. Selection and recommendation of a professional investment fund manager, to be approved by the Interim Council or Plenary Session; and,

c. Supervision of the investment manager to ensure compliance with investment fund objectives and consultation with the investment manager on all matters relating to the management of the fund.

Subsection 3. The Board shall have quarterly regular meetings, the first to be held within a month after the first regular meeting of the Interim Council. Additional meetings shall be held if such meetings are determined to be in the best interest of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE by the Board Chairperson and/or the investment manager. Adequate minutes of all meetings shall be kept and shall become part of the permanent files of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE. All decisions and instructions of the investment manager shall be stated in writing. All actions of the Board shall be reported to the Interim Council or Plenary Session at its next meeting following such actions.

Section 14. INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD. Subsection 1. The Investment Advisory Board shall consist of no fewer than three and no more than nine alumni of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE and/or state business leaders with investment experience appointed by the Governor, who shall name the chair. Full members of the Board shall serve for a term of three years. When the Board is established, the Governor shall designate as equally as possible one-third of the appointees as full members serving for two-year terms. Members appointed to fill vacancies shall serve for the remainder of the term. Board members may be re-appointed when their terms expire.

Subsection 2. The Board shall meet with the Endowment Board at its first and third regular meetings and at such other meetings as the Chairperson of the Endowment Board may think necessary.

Subsection 3. The Board shall be responsible for assisting the Endowment Board in maintaining a consistent and sound investment strategy. If necessary, the Board shall provide advice on investment guidelines and the selection of a professional investment fund manager.

Subsection 4. For the purpose of appointments to this Board, alumni of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE are considered to be those individuals who have attended their final Annual Session as members of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE.

Section 15. COMMITTEE OF DELEGATION CHAIRPERSONS. Subsection 1. The Committee of Delegation Chairpersons shall consist of all Delegation Chairpersons from fully chartered schools. Schools with new delegations that are not fully chartered may send a non-voting representative to meetings of the Committee of Delegation Chairpersons.

Subsection 2. All members of the Board of Directors, the Speaker of the House, and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate may attend each meeting of the Committee as if they were a member, but shall have no vote unless they also serve as a Delegation Chairperson.

Subsection 3. The Vice Delegation Chairperson of a delegation may serve as a member of the committee in the absence of that delegation’s Delegation Chairperson.

Subsection 4. The committee shall convene at a time to be determined by the chairman during each Interim Council and the Wednesday Evening of Annual Session for a required monthly meeting, and may be called to an emergency meeting by the Governor.

Subsection 5. The committee shall appoint a member as Chair to preside over the meetings, and Vice-Chair to preside in the Chair's absence. The Chair shall appoint any delegate in good standing to serve as Secretary who will be required to announce the minutes of the meeting, the committee's approved reports and rulings, or any other committee action to the body as a whole at its next meeting.

Subsection 6. At each required monthly meeting, the committee shall report either favorably, indifferent, or unfavorably on the performance of all members of the Board of Directors, the Speaker of the House, and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. None of the previously mentioned individuals may be present during these rulings. If the committee reports unfavorably on any official, it shall be required to submit in writing its reasons to that official and the Judiciary Committee.

Subsection 7. At the first Interim Council of the academic year, each member shall be required to submit to the approval of the Committee a non-binding commitment of membership recruitment for the current legislative year.

Subsection 8. The committee shall have the right to make reports concerning the operation and management of NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE. These may include, but not limited to, recommendations for special committees, amendments to the Corporate Charter, Constitution, By Laws, and Special Rules of NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE, or issues concerning Annual Session.

Section 16. AWARDS COMMITTEE. Subsection 1. The Lieutenant Governor shall appoint the chair of the Awards Committee who will appoint one member from each delegation.

Subsection 2. The awards presented by the committee shall be: “Best Delegation from a Small School,” “Best Delegation from a large school,” “Delegate of the Year,” “Intern of the Year”, “Delegation Chairperson of the Year,” “Best Resolution of the Year,” “Best Speaker of the Year,” “Best Speaker in the House,” “Best Bill in the House,” “Best Bill in the Senate,” “Best Speaker in the Senate,” and “Best Alumnus of the Year”.

Subsection 3. The committee may establish other awards or decline to present an award by a three-fourths vote. Such actions of the committee shall not be binding upon the committee in future legislative years

Subsection 4. Nominations will be taken in writing by each delegation to their delegate who is a member of the committee and be presented for discussion in the committee.

Subsection 5. The House of Representatives and the Senate shall select, by secret ballot, the best speaker and best bill in their respective chambers.

Subsection 6. At Session, the Awards Committee shall meet at the discretion of the chair to select recipients for each award. A simple majority shall determine the recipients. The recipients of all awards shall remain confidential until formally presented by the chair.

Section 17. Committee of State Recruitment. Subsection 1. The Committee of State Recruitment shall consist of the three District Councilors and any members-at-large, appointed by the Governor.

Subsection 2. The Committee, at its first meeting, shall elect a Chairperson of the Committee of State Recruitment who shall preside over the future meetings of the Committee of State Recruitment. The Committee of State Recruitment shall also elect a vice chair to preside over meetings at which the chair is not present and a secretary who shall record the minutes of the meetings of the committee. The committee shall convene at the discretion of the Chair. In the Chair’s absence, the committee may convene if two of the Councilors are present. Only District Councilors may serve as chair and Vice chair of the Committee. The Chair of the committee shall report directly to the Governor and the Council of State on all details pertaining to the function of the state recruitment effort.

Subsection 3. The focus of the committee will be to advise new delegations and continuing delegations on recruitment methods and membership levels by working closely with Delegation Chairpersons.

Section 18. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE. Subsection 1. The Public Relations Committee shall consist of one member of each delegation appointed by the chair, the Public Relations Director, whom shall be appointed by the Governor.

Subsection 2. The Secretary of State shall serve on the committee but shall not be considered a voting member. All efforts of the Public Relations Committee must be a joint effort between the committee and the Secretary of State.

Subsection 2. The committee shall be responsible for creating and maintaining a media contact list to easily and readily notify local media of each Interim Council and Plenary Session location, dates, time, and agenda; and issue press releases about Interim Council resolutions and Plenary Session bills and awards in each delegations local newspaper. The Public Relations Director with the advice and consent of the Secretary of State shall decide the scope, distribution, and interval of publication.

Subsection 3. Furthermore, upon request the committee should provide all legislation of NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE to any body, organization, or group, separate and apart from the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE. The Public Relations Committee shall also be responsible for making the results of any politically non partisan analysis, study, or research conducted by the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE and approved by the Council of State available to the public.

Subsection 4. The Alumni Relations Sub-Committee shall be made up of three alumni of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE and two members of the Public Relations Committee. The alumni members shall be appointed by the Governor with the consent of the Public Relations Chair. One alumni will chair the committee. The Public Relations Director shall serve on the committee but shall not be considered a voting member. The Alumni Relations Committee will be charged with being a liaison between the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE and alumni, as well as improving communication with alumni.

Subsection 5. The Public Relations Committee shall, along with the Council of State, coordinate lobbying efforts in Raleigh.

Section 19. History Committee. Subsection 1. The History Committee shall consist of one member of each delegation appointed by the chairperson of the delegation and the State Historian, whom shall be appointed by the Governor.

Subsection 2. The State Historian shall chair all meetings of the History Committee. The History Committee shall work with the Secretary of State and the Resolutions Committee to maintain complete records of every facet of the legislative year.

Subsection 3. The History Committee shall work to compile the records of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE into a complete history of the organization.


Section 1. DISCIPLINE OF INDIVIDUAL. Subsection 1. A member or intern may be expelled from NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE by a majority concurrence of the Judiciary Committee. Expulsions may only be made for gross misconduct or for harm done to the organization.

Subsection 2. A membership or internship may be suspended indefinitely by a majority concurrence of the Judiciary Committee. Such a suspension may be imposed for conduct unbefitting a member or intern.

Subsection 3. A member or intern may be censured by the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE by a majority concurrence of the Judiciary Committee. A member or intern may be censured for conduct unbefitting of the NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE but of a misdemeanor nature.

Subsection 4. An officer is immune from expulsion or suspension of membership by the Interim Council or Plenary Session while in office but can be impeached.

Section 2. SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION OF CHARTERS. Charters may be suspended for as long as six months by a majority concurrence of the Judiciary Committee. Charters may be revoked for non-payment of fees, inactivity or misconduct by a majority concurrence of the Judiciary Committee.

Section 3. IMPEACHMENT OF OFFICERS. Subsection 1. Any member of the Council of State alleged to have breached the oath of office either through action or neglect shall be brought before a special meeting of the Interim Council. This meeting shall be called by the Governor or by the petition of one-third of the delegations and shall be for the sole purpose of impeachment proceedings.

Subsection 2. The Attorney General shall preside over such a meeting unless he or she is being presented for impeachment, in which case the Governor shall assume the chair.

Subsection 3. The Judiciary Committee shall conduct an investigation if necessary and reports those findings to the body during impeachment proceedings. If the Interim Council determines that the charges are within the scope of the oath of office and that the defendant is guilty of such charges, then by a two-thirds vote of the members present the defendant shall be removed from office.

Subsection 4. An officer of the Senate or House, except for the President of the Senate, may be impeached by the appropriate house by a one-third vote of the delegates present and then removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present. The presiding officer of the house shall preside over any impeachment proceedings, unless he or she is the defendant, in which the next highest-ranking officer shall preside.


Section 1. ACTION WITHOUT A MEETING. Subsection 1. If for any reason the Annual Session or Interim Council cannot meet, any necessary business may be conducted by the Council of State with the written permission of a majority of the delegations, such permission is to be sent by the delegation chairpersons to the Secretary of State.

Subsection 2. Abuse of this section is an impeachable offense.

Section 2. SPECIAL ELECTIONS. The Interim Council shall hold a special election, with ten business days previous notice to all delegations, to fill any vacancy in an elected office, except that of Governor. At this election, vacancies shall be filled with a majority vote.

Subsection 1. In the event of a vacancy in an elected office, the primary assistant to that officer shall assume all powers, responsibilities, and duties of the office until the special election, as provided for above, is held.

Section 3. TEMPORARY INABILITY OF OFFICERS. Whenever an elected officer transmits to the Council of State and their primary assistant a written declaration as to the inability to discharge the powers, responsibilities, and duties of their respective office, and until a written declaration to the contrary is transmitted to the Council of State and the primary assistant, such powers, responsibilities, and duties shall be discharged by the primary assistant of the elected officer.


Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Interim Council or Plenary Session when fourteen days previous notice of the amendment is given. When no previous notice is given, any amendment to the Bylaws may be made by a three-fourths vote of the Interim Council or Plenary Session.


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