RECON GSA Federal Supply Schedule

GSA Federal Supply Schedule

Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)

|Contractor | |RECON Environmental, Inc. |

| | |3111 Camino del Rio N, Ste 600 |

| | |San Diego, CA 92108-5726 |

|Phone / Fax | |P 619.308.9333 |

|Contract Number | |GS-10F-0339M |

|Contract Period | |June 18, 2012 – June 17, 2022 |

|Business Size | |Small Business |

|Contract Administrator | |Gina Sisson, Business Operations Manager |

|Phone | |619.308.9333, extension 151 |

|Email | |gsisson@ |

|Website | |recon- |

| | | |

For more information on ordering from Federal Supply Schedules click on the FSS Schedules button at fss.

Price list is current as of Modification #PA-0039 effective November 15, 2018

On-line access to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the option to create an electronic delivery order are available through GSA Advantage!TM, a menu-driven database system. The INTERNET address for GSA Advantage!TM is .


1a. Table of Awarded Special Item Number(s) with appropriate cross-reference to page numbers:

|SIN |SIN Description |

|541620 |Environmental Consulting Services – see page 4. |

|541370GIS |Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Services – see page 11. |

1b. Identification of the lowest priced model number and lowest unit price for that model for each special item number awarded in the contract. This price is the Government price based on a unit of one, exclusive of any quantity/dollar volume, prompt payment, or any other concession affecting price. Those contracts that have unit prices based on the geographic location of the customer, should show the range of the lowest price, and cite the areas to which the prices apply. Not applicable

1c. If the Contractor is proposing hourly rates a description of all corresponding commercial job titles, experience, functional responsibility and education for those types of employees or subcontractors who will perform services shall be provided. If hourly rates are not applicable, indicate “Not applicable” for this item.

2. Maximum Order: $1,000,000.00. Requests exceeding the maximum order may be handled pursuant to clause I-FSS-125.

3. Minimum Order: $100.00

4. Geographic Coverage (delivery Area): Domestic Only

5. Point(s) of production (city, county, and state or foreign country): Same as company address

6. Discount from list prices or statement of net price: Government net prices (discounts already deducted).

7. Quantity discounts: N/A

8. Prompt payment terms: Net 30 Days Note: Prompt payment terms must be followed by the statement "Information for Ordering Offices: Prompt payment terms cannot be negotiated out of the contractual agreement in exchange for other concessions."

9a. Notification that Government purchase cards are accepted up to the micro-purchase threshold: Yes

9b. Notification whether Government purchase cards are accepted or not accepted above the micro-purchase threshold: Yes

10. Foreign items (list items by country of origin): None

11a. Time of Delivery: Specified on the Task Order

11b. Expedited Delivery. The Contractor will insert the sentence “Items available for expedited delivery are noted in this price list.” under this heading. The Contractor may use a symbol of its choosing to highlight items in its price list that have expedited delivery: Contact Contractor

11c. Overnight and 2-day delivery. The Contractor will indicate whether overnight and 2-day delivery are available. Also, the Contractor will indicate that the schedule customer may contact the Contractor for rates for overnight and 2-day delivery: Contact Contractor

11d. Urgent Requirements. The Contractor will note in its price list the “Urgent Requirements” clause of its contract and advise agencies that they can also contact the Contractor’s representative to effect a faster delivery: Contact Contractor

12. F.O.B Points(s): Destination

13a. Ordering Address(es): Same as contractor

13b. Ordering procedures: For supplies and services, the ordering procedures, information on Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA’s) are found in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.405-3.

14. Payment address(es): Same as company address

15. Warranty provision: Contractor’s standard commercial warranty.

16. Export Packing Charges (if applicable): N/A

17. Terms and conditions of Government purchase card acceptance (any thresholds above the micro-purchase level): Contact contractor

18. Terms and conditions of rental, maintenance, and repair (if applicable): N/A

19. Terms and conditions of installation (if applicable): N/A

20. Terms and conditions of repair parts indicating date of parts price lists and any discounts from list prices (if applicable): N/A

20a. Terms and conditions for any other services (if applicable): N/A

21. List of service and distribution points (if applicable): N/A

22. List of participating dealers (if applicable): N/A

23. Preventive maintenance (if applicable): N/A

24a. Special attributes such as environmental attributes (e.g., recycled content, energy efficiency, and/or reduced pollutants). N/A

24b. If applicable, indicate that Section 508 compliance information is available on Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) supplies and services and show where full details can be found (e.g. contactor’s website or other location.) The EIT standards can be found at:

25. Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number: 098239510

26. Notification regarding registration in System for Award Management (SAM) database: Registered

27. Final Pricing: The rates shown at the end of this file include the Industrial Funding Fee (IFF) of 0.75%.

RECON Environmental, Inc.

RECON Environmental, Inc. (RECON) is a company of specialists that has been successfully operating since 1972. With offices in San Diego, Goleta, and Berkeley, California; and Tucson, Arizona, the firm’s experience in providing environmental services extends throughout the western United States. We offer our clients the best value and a commitment to excellence. RECON’s award-winning professional staff provides technical expertise in the following areas:

|NEPA and CEQA Documents |Environmental Permitting |

|Biological Resources |Endangered Species Studies |

|Cultural and Historic Resources |Visual and Scenic Resources |

|Habitat and Ecosystem Restoration |Landscape Architecture |

|Noise Impact Analysis |Resource Management Plans |

|Air Quality/Climate Change |Mitigation and Monitoring Programs |

|Feasibility and Constraints Studies |Agricultural Resources Analysis |

|Planning and Entitlement Services |GIS Mapping and Analysis |

SIN 541620 Environmental Planning Services and Documentation

Environmental Planning

RECON specializes in the preparation of environmental documents in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). We have prepared environmental documents in compliance with NEPA for the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Agriculture, and Department of the Interior. Projects include civil works, planning and operations/ maintenance facilities, capital improvements, habitat conservation plans, resource management plans, renewable energy, gulatory agency permits, endangered species incidental take permits, and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) projects.

RECON has prepared NEPA documents and technical services for a many federal government clients including the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest (NAVFAC Southwest), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), National Park Service (NPS), and Bureau of Land Management (BLM), as well as local, state, and federal municipalities, water districts, and utility companies in the Southwest. Types of projects have included operation and maintenance of facilities, resource management plans, transportation and utility improvements, land acquisition, recreation, flood risk reduction and ecosystem restoration.

RECON provides the full range of environmental planning documents, including:

□ Environmental Assessments (EA)

□ Initial Studies (IS)

□ Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)

□ Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

□ Clean Air Act Conformity Determination

□ Record of Non-Applicability (RONA)

□ Record of Decision (ROD)

□ Alternatives Analyses

□ Integrated Natural Resource Management Plans (INRMP)

□ Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plans (ICRMP)

□ Habitat Conservation Plans (HCP)

□ Comprehensive Management Plans

□ Ecosystem Restoration Reports (ERR)

□ Feasibility and Constraints Studies

□ Habitat Restoration Plans

RECON specialists also prepare combined environmental documents for projects in California that require both NEPA and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review. We perform third-party technical reviews and peer reviews of environmental documents, coordinate hearings, facilitate public meetings, prepare materials for public presentations, and provide expert testimony. Our professional staff keep abreast of current laws and policies as well as the technical aspects of their individual disciplines.

Natural Resources and Wetlands Analyses

RECON provides complete biological and natural resource services including wetlands and endangered species studies. Our biologists have worked on high-voltage generation, transmission, and distribution projects, as well as on Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS). RECON biologists understand the unique safety considerations relating to high-voltage site access and unexploded ordnance (UXO) issues and recognize the associated hazards and safety requirements. RECON’s comprehensive biological resources capabilities include:

□ Biological feasibility surveys

□ General biological resource surveys

□ Directed surveys for threatened and endangered species

□ Mapping using GIS and GPS technology

□ Endangered species studies, permits, and planning

□ Mitigation and construction monitoring

□ Wetland delineations per USACE regulations

□ Jurisdictional Waters Determinations

□ Coordination with USFWS:

□ Endangered Species Act Section 7 consultation

□ Endangered Species Act Section 10(a) permits

□ Coordination with USACE:

□ Clean Water Act Section 404/401 permits

□ USACE protocol wetland delineations

□ Preparation and processing of permits in compliance with

state regulations:

□ California Fish and Game Code Section 1601/1603 agreements

□ Arizona Game and Fish Department permits

□ Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources permits

□ Reports and resource planning documents

□ Biological Assessments

□ Biology Technical Reports

□ Feasibility and Constraints Reports

□ Wetland Delineation Reports

□ Natural Resource Management Plans

□ Habitat Conservation Plans

□ Habitat Restoration Plans


|Plants |Mammals |Invertebrates/ Insects |Reptiles and |Birds |

| | | |Amphibians | |

|California Orcutt Grass |Pacific Pocket Mouse |Conservancy Fairy |Chiricahua Leopard |Burrowing Owl |

|Canelo Ladies Tresses |Stephens’ Kangaroo Rat |Shrimp |Frog |Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy Owl |

|Del Mar Manzanita |San Bernardino Kangaroo |Longhorn Fairy Shrimp |Lowland Leopard Frog |Coastal California Gnatcatcher|

|Huachuca Water Umbel |Rat |Riverside Fairy Shrimp |Desert Tortoise |Least Bell’s Vireo |

|Munz’s Onion |Lesser Long-nosed Bat |San Diego Fairy Shrimp |(Mohave and Sonoran) |Northern Aplomado Falcon |

|No-named Navarretia | |Vernal Pool Tadpole |Flat-tailed Horned |Mexican Spotted Owl |

|Otay Mesa Mint | |Shrimp |Lizard |Interior Least Tern |

|Otay Tarplant | |Vernal Pool Fairy |Arroyo Toad |Red-cockaded Woodpecker |

|Pima Pineapple Cactus | |Shrimp | |Southwestern Willow Flycatcher|

|San Diego Ambrosia | |Quino Checkerspot | |Light-footed Clapper Rail |

|San Diego Button-Celery | |Butterfly | |Bald Eagle |

|San Diego Mesa Mint | | | | |

|San Diego Thornmint | | | | |

|Thread-Leaved Brodiaea | | | | |

|Willowy Monardella | | | | |

Habitat Restoration

RECON has been providing innovative approaches to ecosystem restoration and revegetation for over 20 years. We have extensive experience restoring a wide variety of vernal pool, wetland, riparian, and upland habitats throughout the southwestern United States. Through our highly qualified restoration team of biologists, field crew members, and native plant nurseries, we control all aspects of the restoration process from seed collection and site preparation to plant propagation, planting, and long-term site maintenance.

We have successfully developed and implemented numerous large-scale revegetation and mitigation programs for a variety of natural communities, including coastal sage scrub, maritime succulent scrub, native grasslands, vernal pools, southern mixed chaparral, southern maritime chaparral, freshwater marsh, coastal salt marsh, and riparian woodland and scrub. RECON restoration ecologists are innovators of methods and techniques to make the restoration of natural vegetation communities on disturbed sites successful. Our experience includes large-scale topsoil and seedbank translocation, salvage and propagation of thousands of native plants, and intensive invasive species management designed to substantially reduce competition with non-natives.

RECON’s field crew is well-trained in all aspects of habitat restoration. They are experienced in plant identification and can distinguish weeds from native species in all phases of growth.

Plant propagation

Plant translocation

Plant salvage

Herbicide application



Sign and fence installation

Adaptive management

RECON also monitors the physical construction of the sites and conducts long-term mitigation monitoring, usually lasting five years. Our success on projects can be attributed to our ability to control all aspects of the restoration process. By having the planting and maintenance crews under in-house supervision, all restoration tasks from seed collection to weeding are completed in a timely manner. We are highly responsive to demanding schedules and can be available to provide restoration and consulting services on short notice.

Cultural and Heritage Resources

RECON archaeologists have completed cultural resources surveys on more than 300,000 acres, and archaeological sampling, significance determination, and data recovery on more than 500 prehistoric and historic-era sites. RECON understands the policies, procedures, and regulations of federal and state resource agencies. We are knowledgeable of NEPA, Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, Archaeological Resource Protection Act of 1979, and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. We are experienced in National Register of Historic Places forms and criteria for nomination, and State of California Historic Resources inventory forms.

RECON staff meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation and hold BLM Cultural Use Permits in California, Arizona and Nevada.

RECON also works with Native Americans and has an understanding of tribal issues in relation to environmental concerns. We have worked with the California Native American Heritage Commission and with Native American monitors during excavation in archaeologically sensitive lands, and have consulted with local tribes and bands regarding traditional cultural properties.

RECON provides a wide range of cultural resources services, including:

◆ Surveys/Studies

◆ Phase I surveys to locate and inventory sites

◆ Phase II surveys to determine significance and eligibility for the National Register

◆ Listing of historic properties

◆ Phase III studies to develop mitigation measures including excavation and data recovery

◆ Evaluation of Resource Data

◆ Historic record/map searches and archival research

◆ Compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act

◆ Prepare nominations

◆ Memorandums of Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding

◆ Management Plans

◆ Mitigation and construction monitoring per NEPA and CEQA

◆ Integrated cultural resource management plans

◆ Tribal consultation and coordination

Noise Studies

RECON has conducted noise analyses for hundreds of federal, state, and local jurisdictions. Our projects range from documentation of traffic noise impacts resulting from roadway projects to general plan noise elements and include analyses of firing ranges, noise impacts to wildlife and other sensitive receptors, and effects of sand and gravel extraction operations. Our experience includes community noise analyses of aircraft, traffic, trains, construction activities, and point source noise generators. We complete analyses for new construction by calculating composite transmission loss for proposed buildings. We are experienced with the FHWA Noise Prediction Model and the Traffic Noise Model. We have the latest version of the Integrated Noise Model for calculation of airport noise impacts and the Highway Construction Noise Model for assessing construction noise. Our acousticians provide the following services:

□ Noise measurements, both single and simultaneous locations

□ Mobile noise source modeling (e.g., traffic, railroads, airports)

□ Stationary noise source modeling (e.g., pump stations, power plants, construction)

□ Level of noise modeling and determination of subsequent impacts to sensitive wildlife species

□ Determination of impacts to sensitive species from military activities

□ Noise studies in compliance with the International Building Code and Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations (California Building Standards)

□ Value engineering for highway design as it relates to noise

□ Mitigation design for noise impacts such as sound walls and buffers

□ Noise technical reports

□ Public testimony at hearings and meetings

Air Quality

RECON has prepared hundreds of air quality studies in compliance with federal and state regulations for over 30 years. We have conducted air quality analyses for a myriad of capital improvement programs, infrastructure, and community support projects. Whether modeling health risks of diesel particulates or analyzing criteria pollutants predicted to result from construction, our air quality specialists have the expertise needed to assure successful and timely project completion. RECON’s air quality services include:

□ Dispersion modeling (using models such as HARP, AERMOD, ISC, etc.)

□ Emissions calculations (using models such as EMFAC, MOBILE, etc.)

□ Conformity analyses

□ Impact analyses

□ Global climate change assessments

□ Health risk assessments

Visual Resources

RECON’s experience in visual analysis includes conducting reconnaissance, evaluation, and documentation in conformance with requirements of the FHWA, the BLM, and the United States Forest Service (USFS). RECON has direct experience in applying the BLM Visual Resource Management (VRM) system, as well as that of the USFS and other methods of visual impact analysis and mitigation. We have specialized experience in inventorying scenic values and establishing management objectives for those values through the VRM planning process, and then evaluating proposed activities to determine conformance with management objectives. RECON also develops mitigation strategies to revegetate disturbed areas and to reduce visual impacts (e.g., best siting of elements or use areas, minimizing disturbance, recontouring terrain to naturalize slopes, and aesthetic treatment of degraded areas).

SIN 541370GIS Geographic Information Services

RECON’s award-winning GIS department comprises highly skilled GIS analysts with extensive training and experience in GIS software analysis and programming. RECON’s GIS expertise covers data design, application development, and GIS implementation, as well as a full range of environmental analysis including GIS modeling, conservation planning, sensitive resource mapping and monitoring, vegetation and vernal pool restoration, hydrologic modeling, and environmental impact analysis. RECON uses GIS software from ESRI, including ArcGIS and ArcGIS Pro, using Windows-based networked workstations as the foundation of our GIS. RECON prepares and maintains all digital spatial data products as ArcView shape files and ArcGIS geodatabases. RECON's GIS department uses current ArcGIS software in order to extend our spatial analysis capabilities, streamline data management, improve project efficiency, and enable us to offer our clients digital data in the newest industry-standard formats for GIS.

RECON utilizes Trimble global positioning system (GPS) units and tablet field notebook computers for field data gathering. We have the ability to provide real-time, sub-foot accuracy for all GPS data collected. The tablet technology allows the users to bring all of the necessary GIS data and aerial photographs into the field with them electronically, minimizing time spent in the office preparing numerous paper field maps and post-collection digitizing.

RECON is experienced in developing datasets according to the latest standards of data management, including Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Standards for Metadata, and coordinate systems including State Plane, based on the current datum.

RECON’s comprehensive GIS services include:

Process Development

Needs analysis

Application development

GIS/GPS training

Emergency preparedness planning

Data Generation and Management

Sub-meter GPS mapping

Data verification and topology testing


Remote sensing

Database Development

ArcGIS geodatabase

Data conversion and integration

CADD conversion

Remote sensing

Mapping and Cartography

Hardcopy and digital map production

Map atlas generation

Large-format high-quality printing

Public forum presentation graphics

Spatial Analysis

Impact assessments

Best-fit analysis/site selection

Least cost path analysis

Multiple factor analysis

Migration pattern analysis

Pollution analysis

Environmental modeling

Predictive shade modeling

3D surface area modeling

Change analysis

Storm water run-off modeling

Hydrologic/watershed analysis

Federal Regulatory Compliance

|Federal Regulatory | |Federal Agency |

|Compliance | |Experience |

|American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) | |Bureau of Indian Affairs |

|Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) | |Bureau of Land Management |

|Clean Air Act (CAA) | |Bureau of Reclamation |

|Clean Water Act (CWA) | |Customs and Border Protection |

|Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) | |Department of Defense |

|Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability | |Department of Energy |

|Act (CERCLA) | |Department of Homeland Security |

|Endangered Species Act (ESA) | |Department of Housing and Urban Development |

|Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management | |Department of Justice |

|Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands | |Federal Aviation Administration |

|Executive Order 11991, Protection and Enhancement of Environmental| |Federal Energy Regulatory Commission |

|Quality | |Federal Highway Administration |

|Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) | |General Services Administration |

|Federal Noxious Weed Act | |National Park Service |

|Fish & Wildlife Coordination Act | |NAVFAC Southwest |

|Fish & Wildlife Conservation on Military Reservations (Sikes Act) | |U.S. Air Force |

|Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) | |U.S. Army |

|National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) | |U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |

|National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) | |U.S. Coast Guard |

|National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) | |U.S. Department of Agriculture |

|Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) | |U.S. Department of Homeland Security |

|Noxious Plant Control Act | |U.S. Department of the Interior |

|Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) | |U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |

|Water Resources and Development Act (WRDA) | |U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |

| | |U.S. Forest Service |

| | |U.S. Marine Corps |

| | |U.S. Navy |

| | |Western Area Power Administration |

Price List


SIN 541620/ 541370GIS

|Labor Categories |Hourly Rate |

|Principal |$146.00 |

|Senior Project Manager |$145.63 |

|Senior |$118.20 |

|Associate Project Manager |$117.83 |

|Associate |$102.40 |

|Analyst |$96.50 |

|Assistant |$80.36 |

|Research Assistant |$57.09 |

|GIS Specialist |$60.23 |

|Production Supervisor |$54.00 |

|Production Specialist III |$55.00 |

|Production Specialist II |$55.00 |

|Production Specialist I |$45.43 |

|Environmental Coordinator |$40.87 |

|Resource Monitor II |$61.96 |

|Resource Monitor I |$52.88 |

|Environmental Technician II |$65.10 |

|Environmental Technician I |$54.40 |

|Field Director |$113.25 |

|Field Coordinator |$59.09 |

|Field Supervisor |$39.20 |

|Field Assistant |$46.00 |

|Field Crew Chief |$30.50 |

|Field Technician |$30.50 |

Service Contract Act Labor Categories

|Commercial |GSA |SCA Wage Determination |

|Labor Category |Labor Category |Labor Category |

|Field Supervisor |Field Supervisor |11210 - Laborer, Grounds Maintenance |

|Field Assistant |Field Assistant |11210 - Laborer, Grounds Maintenance |

|Field Crew Chief |Field Crew Chief |11210 - Laborer, Grounds Maintenance |

|Field Technician |Field Technician |11210 - Laborer, Grounds Maintenance |

The Service Contract Act (SCA) is applicable to this contract and it includes SCA applicable labor categories. The prices for the indicated SCA labor categories are based on the U.S. Department of Labor Wage Determination Number WD 15-5635. The prices offered are based on the preponderance of where work is performed. Should the contractor perform in an area with lower SCA rates, resulting in lower wages being paid, the task order prices will be discounted accordingly.

Labor Category Descriptions

Commercial Job Title: Principal

Minimum/General Experience: A Principal is an employee with 10 years of experience in one or more of the following specialties (planner, environmental planner, biologist, ecologist, restoration ecologist, archaeologist, air and noise specialist, visual specialist) and is responsible for the overall management of the company. Principals are senior-level staff members who have demonstrated exceptional skills and commitment to warrant this level of responsibility and authority.

Functional Responsibility: Principals serve as corporate officers, group leaders, and senior project managers. They are responsible for the long-range marketing efforts of the company, maintaining adequate work, ensuring product and service quality, and training and supervision of senior staff.

Minimum Education: Master’s degree plus 10 years relevant experience or BA/BS plus 13 years of relevant experience and demonstrated success at the senior level.

Commercial Job Title: Senior Project Manager

Minimum/General Experience: A Senior Project Manager is an employee with 5 years of experience in one or more of the following specialties (planner, environmental planner, biologist, ecologist, restoration ecologist, archaeologist, air and noise specialist, visual specialist) and the requisite skills and experience to manage projects, coordinate client contact, and supervise staff. Senior Project Managers are assigned to group leaders and may have one or more subordinate staff members assisting them.

Functional Responsibility: Senior Project Managers are responsible for contract compliance, sales, and marketing. Contract compliance involves completion of job responsibilities on time, on budget, and in accordance with contractual provisions. Additionally, Senior Project Managers have an increase in project management authority and financial responsibility and are responsible for project managers below them. Sales and marketing duties include promoting repeat work with existing clients and contribution to the efforts of the firm to attract new work.

Minimum Education: Master’s degree plus 8 years of relevant experience or BA/BS plus 12 years of relevant experience. Two years of the listed experience must demonstrate successful project management.

Commercial Job Title: Senior

Minimum/General Experience: A Senior is an employee with required education and years of experience in one or more of the following specialties (planner, environmental planner, biologist, ecologist, restoration ecologist, archaeologist, air and noise specialist, visual specialist) and the requisite skills and experience to manage projects, coordinate client contact, and supervise staff. Seniors are assigned to group leaders and may have one or more subordinate staff members assisting them.

Functional Responsibility: Seniors are responsible for contract compliance, sales, and marketing. Contract compliance involves completion of job responsibilities on time, on budget, and in accordance with contractual provisions. Sales and marketing duties include promoting repeat work with existing clients and contribution to the efforts of the firm to attract new work.

Minimum Education: Master’s degree plus 8 years of relevant experience or BA/BS plus 12 years of relevant experience.

Commercial Job Title: Associate Project Manager

Minimum/General Experience: An Associate Project Manager is an employee with the experience in one or more of the following specialties (planner, environmental planner, biologist, ecologist, restoration ecologist, archaeologist, air and noise specialist, visual specialist) and the requisite skills to manage projects, assist a Senior or Principal with client contact, and help with day-to-day supervision of staff. Associates are assigned to Seniors or Principals and may have one or more subordinate staff members assisting them.

Functional Responsibility: Associate Project Managers may be responsible for the completion of specific projects. They help with contract compliance, conformance to budget and schedule requirements, and client satisfaction. Additionally, Associate Project Managers have an increase in project management authority and financial responsibility and are responsible for project managers below them. Associate Project Managers will assist in the monitoring of subcontractors and technical specialists and in keeping supervisor and client informed of their progress.

Minimum Education: Master’s degree plus 3 years of relevant experience, BA/BS plus 7 years of relevant experience, or high school diploma plus 10 years of relevant experience. Two years of the listed experience must demonstrate successful project management.

Commercial Job Title: Associate

Minimum/General Experience: An Associate is an employee with the experience in one or more of the following specialties (planner, environmental planner, biologist, ecologist, restoration ecologist, archaeologist, air and noise specialist, visual specialist) and requisite skills to manage projects, assist a Senior or Principal with client contact, and help with day-to-day supervision of staff. Associates are assigned to Seniors or Principals and may have one or more subordinate staff members assisting them.

Functional Responsibility: Associates may be responsible for the completion of specific projects. They help with contract compliance, conformance to budget and schedule requirements, and client satisfaction. Associates will assist in the monitoring of subcontractors and technical specialists and in keeping supervisor and client informed of their progress.

Minimum Education: Master’s degree plus 3 years of relevant experience, BA/BS plus 7 years of relevant experience, or high school diploma plus 10 years of relevant experience.

Commercial Job Title: Analyst

Minimum/General Experience: An Analyst is an employee with the experience in one or more of the following specialties (planner, environmental planner, biologist, ecologist, restoration ecologist, archaeologist, air and noise specialist, visual specialist) and requisite skills to assist with the completion of specific projects, with client contact, and with day-to-day project management.

Functional Responsibility: Analysts are responsible for the completion of specific projects. Their work will focus on particular topics, which may be stand-alone studies or part of a more general program. They may help with contract compliance, conformance to budget and schedule requirements, client satisfaction, and subcontractor management, but they are not solely responsible for these tasks.

Minimum Education: BA/BS degree plus 5 years of relevant experience or high school diploma and 8 years of relevant experience.

Commercial Job Title: Assistant

Minimum/General Experience: Assistant is an employee with experience in one or more of the following specialties (planner, environmental planner, biologist, ecologist, restoration ecologist, archaeologist, air and noise specialist, visual specialist) and must have good understanding of appropriate legislation and the ability to conduct relevant field work, data analysis, and technical writing under supervision.

Functional Responsibility: Assistants are responsible for completing and managing small routine projects or individual work orders under the close supervision of the project manager. They are responsible for completing tasks within budgeted time frame as well as obtaining necessary information from clients to be included in proposals and agreements. Assistants must be capable of carrying out literature research to obtain valuable data are in training for specialist certifications or permits in areas of expertise. Assistants must understand regulations that are a regular component of assigned tasks.

Minimum Education: BA/BS degree plus 2 years of relevant experience or high school diploma plus 5 years of relevant experience.

Commercial Job Title: Research Assistant

Minimum/General Experience: A Research Assistant is an employee with the requisite skills and experience in one or more of the following specialties (planner, environmental planner, biologist, ecologist, restoration ecologist, archaeologist, air and noise specialist, visual specialist) to assist with the completion of specific projects, with client contact, and with day-to-day project management. Research Assistants are assigned to Principals, Seniors, or Associates but will not have direct responsibility for subordinates. Three years of relevant experience is required.

Functional Responsibility: Research Assistants may be responsible for the completion of specific projects. Their work will focus on particular topics, which may be stand-alone studies or part of a more general program. They may help with contract compliance, conformance to budget and schedule requirements, client satisfaction, and subcontractor management, but they are not solely responsible for these tasks.

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree or high school diploma and three (3) years of relevant experience.

Commercial Job Title: GIS Specialist

Minimum/General Experience: A GIS Specialist is an employee proficient in using GIS software to perform spatial data editing, analysis, and mapping. A GIS Specialist is responsible for managing GIS databases and projects.

Functional Responsibility: Under the direction of the GIS Manager, GIS Specialists process GPS and hard copy field data, digitize and edit GIS files, use data files to conduct spatial analyses, and produce maps.

Minimum Education: BA/BS plus 0 to 3 years of relevant experience.

Commercial Job Title: Production Supervisor

Minimum/General Experience: A Production Supervisor is responsible for maintaining document quality control standards and maintaining a scheduling system for document production, which enhances efficiency and encourages effective project management.

Functional Responsibility: Production Supervisors oversee final product formatting, editing, assembly, reproduction, and distribution. They are responsible for the maintenance of project files and records, the operation and management of the telephone system, and the operation and management of corporate reproduction facilities and equipment.

Minimum Education: Associate degree and 5 years of relevant experience.

Commercial Job Title: Production Specialist III

Minimum/General Experience: A Production Specialist III is an employee with advanced editing, formatting, and proofreading skills. The Production Specialist III may have one or more subordinate staff members assisting them.

Functional Responsibility: Production Specialists III are responsible for final product formatting, editing, assembly, reproduction and distribution of documents. They have day-to-day contact with Project Managers, report authors, and GIS specialists and report directly to the Production Supervisor. Production Specialists III are responsible for training and mentoring subordinates.

Minimum Education: High School diploma and 2 to 4 years of relevant experience.

Commercial Job Title: Production Specialist II

Minimum/General Experience: A Production Specialist II is an employee with experience in a technical editing environment.

Functional Responsibility: Production Specialists II are responsible for formatting, editing, assembly, reproduction and distribution of documents under the guidance and direction of Production Specialist III.

Minimum Education: High school diploma and 0 to 2 years of relevant experience.

Commercial Job Title: Production Specialist I

Minimum/General Experience: A Production Specialist I is an employee with the requisite skills to assist Specialist II & III with production and distribution of documents.

Functional Responsibility: Production Specialists I are responsible for the day-to-day maintenance and operation of production equipment. They assist Production Specialists II & III with clerical duties, copying, and binding reports.

Minimum Education: Sufficient knowledge and training to accomplish the required work.

Commercial Job Title: Environmental Technician II

Minimum/General Experience: An Environmental Technician II has experience with NEPA and knowledge of local regulations.

Functional Responsibility: Environmental Technicians II are responsible for conducting and supervising portions of field studies and producing related reports. They are responsible for producing high-quality documents for challenging field projects. They assist with the completion of specific projects and with the day-to-day management of projects.

Minimum Education: BA/BS degree and 2 years of relevant experience or high school diploma and 5 years of relevant experience.

Commercial Job Title: Environmental Technician I

Minimum/General Experience: An Environmental Technician I has knowledge of NEPA regulations.

Functional Responsibility: Environmental Technicians I conduct high-quality field studies for challenging projects in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment. They are responsible for completing fieldwork within the required schedule and balancing multiple projects and priorities.

Minimum Education: BA/BS degree or high school diploma and 7 years of relevant experience.

Commercial Job Title: Environmental Coordinator

Minimum/General Experience: An Environmental Coordinator provides entry-level project assistance in one or more of the following areas (planning, environmental planning, biology, ecology, restoration ecology, archaeology, air and noise, and construction monitoring).

Functional Responsibility: Environmental Coordinators participate in research for projects; compile, edit, and format documents; and facilitate in-house meetings within the required schedule, while balancing multiple projects and priorities. Work may involve field duties related to assisting with implementation, monitoring, and surveys of habitat restoration sites or other field studies.

Minimum Education: High school diploma.

Commercial Job Title: Resource Monitor I

Minimum/General Experience: A Resource Monitor I provides entry-level field assistance in one or more of the following areas (biology, archaeology, and construction monitoring).

Functional Responsibility: Resource Monitors I conduct field monitoring as assigned as part of a project, complete daily reporting logs, and, when necessary, contribute to monthly reporting. Additionally, Resource Monitors I may be required to conduct record searches, assist in lab or data entry tasks, or conduct various field duties under the supervision of a senior staff. This position requires familiarity with applicable state and federal regulations, including CEQA.

Minimum Education: BA/BS degree in anthropology, archaeology, biology, botany, zoology, or a related field and 2 years of experience in Southern California.

Commercial Job Title: Resource Monitor II

Minimum/General Experience: A Resource Monitor II provides experienced field assistance in one or more of the following areas (biology, archaeology, and construction monitoring).

Functional Responsibility: Resource Monitors II conduct field monitoring as assigned as part of a project, complete daily reporting logs, and, when necessary, contribute to monthly reporting. Additionally, Resource Monitors II may be required to conduct record searches, assist in lab or data entry tasks, conduct various field duties under the supervision of a senior staff, and coordinate directly with the client or contractors in the field. This position requires familiarity with applicable state and federal regulations, including CEQA.

Minimum Education: BA/BS degree in anthropology, archaeology, biology, botany, zoology, or a related field and five years of experience in Southern California.

Commercial Job Title: Field Director

Minimum/General Experience: A Field Director has supervisory experience with a background in habitat restoration, landscape maintenance, and related field work.

Functional Responsibility: Field Directors are responsible to oversee a field crew, which implements habitat restoration projects. They read and understand irrigation plans, are usually fluent in both English and Spanish, and are computer literate.  

Minimum Education: BA/BS degree in biology, botany, environmental sciences, landscape architecture, horticulture, agriculture, ecology, forestry, land management, or related field and 3 to 5 years of relevant and supervisory experience.

Commercial Job Title: Field Coordinator

Minimum/General Experience: A Field Coordinator is responsible for coordination of all materials and equipment necessary to efficiently complete implementation and maintenance of restoration projects. A Field Coordinator also assists the Field Director in completing daily activities, organization, observations, and scheduling.

Functional Responsibility: Field Coordinators are responsible for all office organization associated with project documentation and filing. Additionally, responsibilities include assisting the Field Director with daily coordination between project managers and field crew, preparing vendor invoices to facilitate accounting process, herbicide reporting, checking progress of projects, coordinating site safety with safety consultant, and delivering materials to job site.

Minimum Education: High school diploma. A minimum of 3 years of experience in office management and construction or in a similar role. Computer literacy in Word, Excel, and other MS Office programs. Fluency in conversational English is required, fluency in conversational Spanish is desirable.

Commercial Job Title: Field Supervisor

Minimum/General Experience: A Field Supervisor is responsible for ensuring compliance with approved conditions for large and small-scale mitigation sites.

Functional Responsibility: Field Supervisors provide recommendations on the best way to rid sites of exotic plant species and how to restore, enhance, and maintain mitigation sites to RECON’s habitat restoration specialists. Field Supervisors coordinate purchasing of materials. They regularly visit all of RECON’s mitigation sites and growing facilities, and meet with field/growing facility staff to direct activities.

Minimum Education: Sufficient knowledge and training to accomplish the required work and 3 years of relevant and supervisory experience.

Commercial Job Title: Field Assistant - Bilingual

Minimum/General Experience: A Field Assistant is responsible for daily communication with Crew Leaders regarding time worked and daily timesheet entry for all field crew.

Functional Responsibility: Field Assistants are also responsible for water truck and herbicide application reports, expense reports, crew and client schedules, managing licenses and training, and organizing meetings as necessary. They are often the liaison between Field Crew members and in-house human resources and accounting staff for personnel issues.

Minimum Education: High school diploma and fluency in written and conversational English and Spanish. A minimum of 2 to 3 years of experience in office management or in a similar role. Computer literacy in Word, Excel, and other MS Office programs.

Commercial Job Title: Field Crew Chief

Minimum/General Experience: A Field Crew Chief can identify native and non-native plants in upland and wetland plant communities. A Field Crew Chief is responsible for the maintenance and enhancement of native plant communities at habitat restoration sites.

Functional Responsibility: Field Crew Chiefs supervise the field crews in the planting, weed control, trash pickup, hauling and disposal of all debris and exotic plant parts, and other tasks for implementing and maintaining RECON’s habitat restoration sites.

Minimum Education: Sufficient knowledge and training to accomplish the required work and 5 years of relevant experience.

Commercial Job Title: Field Technician

Minimum/General Experience: Performs maintenance and enhancement of native plant communities at RECON’s habitat restoration sites.

Functional Responsibility: The Field Technician performs planting, weed control, trash pickup, hauling and disposal of all debris and exotic plant parts, and other tasks for implementing and maintaining RECON’s habitat restoration sites.

Minimum Education: Sufficient knowledge and training to accomplish the required work and two (2) years relevant experience.


*Rate increases of approximately 3% annually are anticipated. Government prices shown herein are net; all discounts deducted and valid domestically.


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