Project Title: Send 200 tribal children to school in India ...

Project proposal

Project Title: support 570 orphan children send to school in India.

Summery: This project provides study materials to 570 orphan children in the least developed Tribal and dalit areas of Gajapati, Ganjam and Kandhamal Districts of Orissa state. The area is backward, hilly terrain, there are no communication facilities and the people are under poverty. Illiteracy and poverty rate is highest in this area. This project is prepared to support the disadvantaged orphan children to go to school and promote healthy life style and a secure future of the children. Through this support the burden of the families is reduced.

Project area:

Gajapati, Ganjam and KandhamalDisticts of Orissa state, India. The area is backward and the numbers of orphan and destitude children are more.

Problem Exists:

In India widowhood is not just transition from one marital status to another after the death of one of the partner. Entering into widowhood is more hazardous, painful and humiliating to women than to a widower because of the discrimination, ritual sanctions of the society against widows as a result widows in India not only suffer with social and economic sanctions but also face many psychological consequences, loneliness and in many cases deprivation causing emotional disturbances and imbalance. As a consequence he or she could not take care of their upspring (children). Hence children became abandoned, neglected and gradually loose their basic rights of development.

The target area is found utter economical crisis. There are 570 orphan children who are utter distress, neglected and trapped. Their education is questionable. Widow mother or father can not afford to meet expenses of their children education. Hence children are deprived of education. Many children do not go to school or dropout. Due to poverty they are tempted and biased with false promises by the middle men and trapped. They became victims of trafficking and engaged in different Companies, hotels, brothels and domestic works. This is not conducive for them.

Problem solved:

The children have basic requirement for their education that will support them for their education. The guardians will be motivated and aware on children education and rights of child so that they can be more responsible on caring, protecting and monitor child study. Our support will reduce the mother’s burden and live with free mind with their daily earning. The school materials will support the children for better study and gain higher education.

Long term impact:

Children will be protected from dropout and child labor. Child trafficking will be stop in the area. The children will have good life style and get quality education and built bright future. Social evils against children will reduce.

Achievements of READ: READ has been created to fulfill the social obligation by rendering service to the disadvantaged, Tribal and Dalit in the remote areas. From the beginning READ started working in 20 tribal villages conducted awareness programs in the field of Education of children, health, especially Immunization to children, care and support to pregnant women, HIV/AIDS awareness, Formation of SHG in rural areas. So far we have formed 60 SHG groups in remote villages and tie up with microfinance intuitions, banks to get financial support for creating small business of the rural tribal and dalit women for the economical sustainability. We too created awareness on Water and Sanitation at village level and tie up with local Govt. for the support. Children education is our main thrust. READ regularly Champaign against child labour, child abuse and giving awareness to parents on child rights.

Current Programs at READ: READ is working with in three Districts in four blocks of 60 villages with the population of 21,000. With the support of “Manos Unidas” Spain, in the year 2009 on wards READ is active in implementing integrated community health project in the operational areas. With this intervention READ has established Rural health center in the inaccessible area giving health services to the poor disadvantaged Tribal and Dalit especially for women and children. With this intervention of READ 60% burden of people have been reduced towards economy. Geographically the program area is remote and inaccessible, hilly terrain where Government personnel do not reach. The people are deprived of Government programs and support towards children education, health and other development activities. We have established rural health center which People get in time treatment in the door step with minimum price. Along with this program we too conduct and organize the following programs such as: Health awareness camp, Traditional Birth Attendance (TBA), Antenatal Care, (ANC) Camp, Immunization camp, Supply of medicine, Special eye camp etc.

Home for children: READ has open a home for the Tribal and Dalit children, where Semi orphans, orphans and Disabled Children are kept. This home is being run in a rented building. At present, 60 numbers of boys and girls in the age group of 7 to 15 years are staying at the home and some more have also registered but have not yet been accommodated due to lack of space. Children are attending near by school getting education. Children are given other support also. In the evening they are attending tuitions along with other curriculum activities are also provided to the children to develop their potentials and bring out their hidden talents. In Sundays and holidays our care takers take special class on moral teaching, child rights, etiquette, behavior etc. There are many children are left at home who do not get privilege to have this type of education. This home is rune by people’s contribution and fees.

Activities carry out:

1. Meeting with widow and widower: This meeting will be organized with the said stakeholder in the project area considering 50 to 60 beneficiaries along with children. During this meeting they will be counseled and given awareness on the value of education, child rights, similarly they also will be given awareness on the bad impact of child labor, trafficking and dropout from school. And motivate them to be more responsible in taking care of children over all development.

2. Distribution of study materials and supports: Through the financial support of global giving READ will provide to the children with the following materials such as;

Books, note books, pen, pencils, crayons, geometry box, school uniforms, daily used dress, shoes, school bags, Umbrella and water battle.

3. Bicycle: The identified 157 numbers of 12 to 18 years old children both girls and boys will be provided bicycles to go to school.


Books, note books, geometry box, crayons, pen, pencils etc $10 X 570 = 5700

Daily use dress $12 X 570 = 6840

School uniform $15 X 570 = 8550

Shoes, school bags, umbrella, water battle $20 X 570 = 11400

Bicycle $100 X 157 = 15700

Total = $ 48,190


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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