2020 Submission Deadline: Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 5:00pmTrack 2: Mentored Undergraduate Research tc \l1 "Grant GoalsThe CCRG Mentored Undergraduate Research program is designed to support faculty basic research endeavors and to increase the number of associate degree students engaged in faculty mentored research projects. Research is a high impact educational practice for undergraduates, and this program aims to enable faculty to provide outstanding mentored research experiences for students. Proposals from all disciplines will be considered. Faculty in the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities are especially encouraged to apply.It is anticipated that 10 Mentored Undergraduate Research grants will be awarded with budgets not exceeding $7,500.Eligibilitytc \l1 "EligibilityPIs must be tenured or tenure-track faculty of CUNY community colleges. (Research faculty, lecturers, adjunct faculty, and full-time Higher Education Officers are ineligible. Only one proposal per faculty member is permitted. Faculty who were awarded a CCRG within the past two years (Round 15 in 2018 or Round 16 in 2019) are ineligible. Faculty are limited to one submission to the Community College Research Grant program (either Track 1 or Track 2). Students may not receive funds from the CUNY Research Scholars Program and the CCRG during the same academic year. If conducting research with human subjects, appropriate Institutional Review Board (IRB) approvals must be in place prior to the release of funds. For more information about IRB and human subjects research, visit PI must submit a one-page report at the end of the funding period. Guidelines on the structure of this report can be found on the CCRG program webpage. Future eligibility for participation in this and other internal funding programs offered through the CUNY Research Office is contingent on the submission of a post-award report.Proposal Development and StructureThe proposal package should include a project summary, a signature page, a project narrative, a budget, a budget justification, a 2-page biosketch and a list of current and pending funding. A proposal template can be found here.Narrative SectionThe proposal includes a four-page narrative (excluding references), and a one-page Undergraduate Researcher Mentoring Plan (see details below). Successful Track 2 proposals will provide a structured research experience for one undergraduate student. The project narrative is limited to five pages (12-point font, 1” margins) and include the following sections:Research QuestionBriefly describe the project research question or hypothesis, which should be situated within the relevant literature.Research Method Describe your implementation strategy. How will you answer your research question or test your hypothesis? What methods will you employ and what data will you collect? Provide references to the relevant literature when using established methods. Include preliminary data if applicable, although this is not necessary. Describe in a paragraph how you plan to leverage your anticipated research success.Undergraduate Researcher Mentoring Plan (one page)Track 2 proposals must include a one-page description of the mentoring activities that will be provided for the student. Some examples of mentoring activities include: teaching students to identify, understand, and synthesize relevant literature; preparing students to collect and analyze data; providing training in laboratory safety and responsible conduct of research; offering career and academic advice; providing guidance on improving writing and presentation skills. The applicant should be prepared to develop a personalized plan to meet the needs of the student who will be participating in the study. If applicable, a recruitment strategy should also be delineated. Budget & Budget NarrativeGrants of $7,500 in RF funds will be awarded. The budget may include the following:$3,000 in summer salary for community college faculty$1,500 for Other Than Personnel Services (OTPS) including: research supplies, equipment, travel, and field expenses $3,000 student training grant (this is a required item)The funding period will be September 1, 2020 – August 31, 2021Provide a brief itemized justification for budget expenses. All student research assistants funded by Community College Research Grant awards must complete Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training in compliance with federal requirements. For further information, see GuidelinesComplete proposals must be submitted via the online proposal submission form, which can be accessed through the following link: PackageThe proposal must be approved and signed on the signature page by an appropriate administrative official at the applicant’s college and should follow the standard college proposal approval process. The entire package (proposal summary, signature page, project narrative, citations, budget, budget justification, 2-page CV/biosketch, and current & pending grant information) must be converted into a single PDF for submission via the online system. Please use the following naming convention: MURG_2020_LastNameOfLeadPI_proposal.pdfSubmission TimelineComplete submissions must be uploaded no later than 5:00 PM on Thursday, April 30, 2020. The award announcements will be made in August 2020. Proposal EvaluationTwo faculty experts selected by the CCRG Committee will evaluate each proposal. tc \l1 "Proposal EvaluationProposals will be evaluated in three areas: feasibility of the project, quality of the mentoring plan, and the potential for generating publishable outcomes that contribute to the applicant’s discipline. The reviewers will rank the proposals in each of the three review areas according to the following numerical values:1 – excellent2 – very good3 – good4 – fair5 – poorThe final awards will be decided by the CCRG Committee, and will be based on the numerical rankings and reviewer comments. Please direct inquiries to: Rimi DharProject AdministratorCUNY Office of ................

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