|Title |Printed Copy |e-Access |

| | | |

|ACE Bulletin 1984- |1984- | |

|Active Learning in Higher Education 2000- (EDU) |2000- | |

|Aspects of Education 1967- |1967- 1998 | |

| | | |

|Assessment and evaluation in Higher Education 1993- ( EDU) |1993 |Ingenta 2000- |

| | | |

|Autism 1998- | |SwetsWise 1999- |

| | |Ingenta 1999- |

|Books for Keeps 1987- |1980- | |

|BJ of Educational Psychology 1939- |1939- |SwetsWise 1999- |

| | |Ingenta 1999- |

|BJ of Educational Studies 1952- |1952- |SwetsWise 2002 |

|BJ of Learning Disabilities 1999- |1999- |SwetsWise 2000 |

| | |Ingenta 2000 |

|BJ of Music Education 1992- |1991- |SwetWise 1999 |

|BJ of Religious Education 1995- |1985- | |

|BJ of Sociology of Education 1980- |1980- |SwetsWise 1999- |

| | |Ingenta 1999- |

|BJ of Special Education 1985- |1986- |Ingenta 1997- (Abstract only) |

|Broadsheet (was J. for Drama in Educ.) 1997- |1997 | |

|Bulletin of Physical Education 1978- |1975- | |

|Carousel 1996- |1995- | |

| | | |

|Child Education 1980- |1980- | |

|Children’s Literature Abstracts 1973-1999 | | |

|Children’s Literature in Education 1971- |1970- |SwetsWise 2000 |

|(not paid for by School) | | |

|Comparative Education 1975- |1975- |Ingenta 1995 |

| | |SwetsWise 1999 |

|Comparative Education Review 2000- |2000- | |

|Compare 1978- (ceased 2002) |1977- | |

|Curriculum Journal 1993- |1993- |Ingenta 2000 |

|Dance Teacher 1992- |1992- | |

|Dancing Times 1981- |1981- | |

|Data News 1998- |1996- | |

|Dyslexia 2001 |2001- | |

|Dyslexia Contact 1998- | 1997- | |

|Dyslexia Review 1997- |1997- | |

|Early Years 2000- | 1989- |SwetsWise 2001 |

|Education in Chemistry 1998- | 1964- | |

|Education 3-13 1973- |1973- | |

|Education Through Partnership | | |

|Education Today 1996- |1996- | |

|Educational Computing & Technology 1984- | | |

|Educational Developments 2000- |2000 | |

|Educational Management & Administration | |SwetsWise 1999-01 |

| | |Ingenta 1999-01 |

|Educational Psychology in Practice 1994- |1994- |SwetsWise 2000 |

| | |Ingenta 2000 |

|Educational Research 1958- |1958- |Ingenta 2000 |

| | |SwetsWise 2000 |

|Educational Review 1949- |1948- |Ingenta 1999 |

| | |SwetsWise 1999 |

|Educational studies |1975- |Ingenta 1999 |

| | |SwetsWise 1999 |

|Emotional & behavioural Difficulties 1986- |1996- |SwetsWise 2001 |

|English in Education 1967-2002 | |Ceased |

|English four to eleven 1996- |1996- | |

|European Journal of Special Needs Education 1996 |1996- |Ingenta 2000 |

| | |SwetsWise 2000 |

|European Journal of Teacher Education 1984- |1982- |Ingenta 2000 |

| | |SwetsWise 2000 |

|European Physical Education Review 1991 |1995- |SwetsWise 1999 |

| | |Ingenta 1999-01 |

|Exceptional children 1969- |1969- | |

|Forum for promoting 3-19 comprehensive education 1961- |1961- | |

|(formerly Forum for the discussion of new trends in education) | | |

|Gender and Education (not paid for by School) |1991- |Ingenta 1995 |

| | |SwetsWise 1999 |

|Harvard Educational Review 1971- |1969- | |

|Higher Education Digest 1999- (EDU) |1994- | |

|History in Africa 1998- |1977- | |

|History of Education 1973- |1972- |Ingenta 1999 |

| | |SwetsWise 1999 |

|Innovative Higher Education (EDU) | |SwetsWise 2000 |

| | |Ingenta 97 (Abstract Only) |

|Interactive 1997- |2000- |Ingenta 1997 |

|International Journal of Art and Design Education | | |

|1999- | | |

|International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 2000- |2000- |Ingenta |

|International Journal of Early years Education 2000- |2000- |Ingenta 2000 |

| | |SwetsWise 2000 |

|International Journal of Educational Development 1998- |1998- |SwetsWise 1997-2000 |

|International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching & Research 2000- | | |

|International Journal of Inclusive Education 1998- |1999- |Ingenta 1999 |

| | |SwetsWise 1999 |

|International Journal of Lifelong Education 2000- (EDU) |2000- |SwetsWise 2000 |

| | |Ingenta 1999 |

|International Journal of Science Education |2004 |Swetswise 2004 |

|International Review of Education 1968- |1968- |SwetsWise 1998 |

| | | |

|Japan in Focus 1997- (not paid for by School) |1997- | |

| | | |

| Japan taskforce 1997- (not paid for by School) |1997 | |

| Journal for Drama in Education (formerly Broadsheet) 1997- |1997 | |

|Journal of Applied Research into Intellectual Disabilities 2000- | | |

|Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders 2000- |2000- |SwetsWise 1999 |

| | |Ingenta 1999 (Abstract only) |

| | |Kluwer 1999 |

|Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 1985- (EDU) |1985- |SwetsWise 1998 |

| | |Ingenta 2002 (Fulltext) (1997-Abstract |

| | |Only) |

|Journal of Curriculum Studies 1969- |1968- |Ingenta 1997 |

| | |SwetsWise 1999 |

|Journal of Design and Technology Education 1998- |1998- | |

|Journal of Education for Teaching 1981- |1981- |Ingenta 1995 |

| | |SwetsWise 1999 |

|Journal of Education Policy 1998- |1998- |Ingenta 1999 |

| | |SwetsWise 1999 |

|Journal of Further and Higher Education 1997- (EDU) |1977- |Ingenta 2000 |

| | |SwetsWise 2000-01 (Fulltext) |

|Journal of Information Technology for Teachers |1997- | |

|Education 1997- (now Technology,Pedagogy & Education) | | |

|Journal of The National Association for Staff Development (NASD) 1996- (EDU) | | |

|Journal of Philosophy of Education 1966- |1969- |SwetsWise 2002 |

| | |Ingenta (Abstract Only) |

|Journal of Research in Reading 1978- |1978- |SwetsWise 2002 |

| |(Incomplete) |Ingenta (Abstract Only) |

|Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 2001- |2001- | |

|Journal of Sport Pedagogy 2000- (temp. suspended 2003) |2000- | |

|Junior Education 1977- |1977- | |

|Language & Education 1987- |1987- |SwetsWise 1996 |

| | |Ingenta 1996-99 (Fulltext) |

|Language Arts 1985- |1985- | |

| | | |

|Learning and Instruction 1993- | |Ingenta 1998- (Abstract Only) |

| | |Ingenta 1996- TOC Only |

|Literacy (formerly Reading 1976-) |1976- |SwetsWise 1997 TOC Only |

|Mapping News 1995- |1994- | |

|Mathematics Education Review 1992- |1992- | |

|Mathematics in School 1972- | |SwetsWise 1997 (TOC only) |

|Mathematics Teaching 1964- |1964- |SwetsWise 1997 (TOC Only) |

|Mentoring 1994- (EDU) | | |

|Mentoring and Tutoring (EDU) | |Ingenta 2000 (Abstract Only) |

| | |SwetsWise 2000 (TOC Only) |

|Micromath 1985- |1985- | |

|NUT Education Review |1988- | |

|OLS News 1986- (EDU) |1986- | |

|Open Learning 1983- (EDU) |1990- |SwetsWise (Fulltext 2000-01 Only) |

| | |Ingenta (TOC Only) |

|Oxford Review of Education 1975- |1975- |Ingenta 1999 |

| | |SwetsWise 1999 |

|Oxford Studies in Comparative Education 1996- |1996- | |

|PMLD Link 2000- (EDU) |1999- | |

|Primary Geographer 1989- | 1989- | |

|Primary History 1992- |1992- | |

|Primary Science Review 1968- |1988- | |

|Prospects in Education 2002- | 2002- | |

|Psychology of Education Review 1994- |1998- |Ingenta 1997- (Abstract Only) |

|Race Equality Teaching 2002- (formerly Multicultural Teaching) |2002 | |

|Reading 1976- (from 2004 becomes Literacy) |1976- |SwetsWise Fulltext 2002-03, TOC 1997-01) |

| | |Ingenta 1997- Abstract Only |

|Reading Research Quarterly 1985- |1985- |Ingenta 1996- TOC Only |

| | |SwetsWise 1997 TOC Only |

|Reading Today 1987- Free |1987- |SwetsWise TOC Only |

|ReCall 1995- (EDU) |1995- |SwetsWise TOC Only |

|Religious Education Today 1995- | | |

|Research in Education 1969- |1969- |Swetswise 1999- |

|Research papers in Education 1973- |1973 | |

|Resource 1995- | |Resource : the magazine of the |

| | |Professional Council for Religious |

| | |Education |

|School Science Review 1998- (incomplete earlier runs) |1981- | |

|Scottish Education Review 2000- | | |

|Special 1992- |1992- | |

|Studies in Higher Education 1992- (EDU) |1976- |Ingenta (2000-03) |

| | |SwetsWise 1997- TOC Only |

|Studies in Science Education 1998- |1975- |SwetsWise (1997-01 TOC Only) |

| |Incomplete | |

|Support for Learning 1986- |1986- |Ingenta (1997 TOC Only) |

| | |SwetsWise (1997 TOC Only) |

|Teacher 1990- free |1988- | |

|Teacher Development 1997- |1997- |SwetsWise (Fulltext 2001-02) |

|Teaching and learning 2003- |Teaching & learning 2003- |

|(formerly Primary Maths & Science 1991-2002 and Literacy and Learning 1994-2002) |Primary maths & science 1997- |

| |Literacy & learning 1998-2002 |

|Teaching Exceptional Children 1975 |1975- |SwetsWsie (1997-03 TOC Only) |

|Teaching Geography 1975- |1975- |SwetsWise (1997-03 TOC Only) |

| |Incomplete | |

|Teaching History 1976- |1970- |SwetsWise (1997-03 TOC Only) |

|Teaching Today (NASUWT) 1992- |1992- | |

|Technology, Pedagogy and Education (formerly Journal of Information Technology for |2002 | |

|Teachers) 2002- | | |

|Times Educational supplement 1971- |1990- | |

|Times Higher Education Supplement 1971 |1973- | |

|UCOSDA Briefing paper 1996- (EDU) |1996- | |

|Use of English 1994- |1969- | |

|Young Children 1974- |1974- |SwetsWise (1997 TOC Only) |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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