Exam #2 AP Human Geography


Format: SECTION 1: 56 Multiple Choice (50%)

SECTION 2: 2 Essays (50%)

Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements is followed by five suggested answers or completions. Select the letter that is the best answer in each case and then fill in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet.

|1.    Which of the following has most affected the development of suburbs in | |5. What was the primary reason for people fleeing urban centers after WW |

|the United States in the last 50 years? | |II during the 1960’s? |

|popularity of the automobile | |Governments intervened to control the growth of cities. |

|computer technology and the internet | |The increased demand for urban commercial space caused a housing shortage. |

|high-speed transportation | |The economy weakened resulting in massive layoffs. |

|inexpensive and reliable electrical energy | |Transportation networks made outlying areas more accessible. |

|access to regional airports | |Economic activity became more dispersed due to changing patterns of trade. |

| | | |

|2.    What statement best characterizes a feature of the concentric zone model | |6. Where are U.S. metropolitan areas growing at the most rapid pace? |

|of urban development? | |The Bible Belt |

|City growth is haphazard following no particular design or predictable formula.| |Northeast |

|Urban growth conforms to sectors radiating out from the downtown along such | |the Mountain and Pacific West |

|transportation routes as bus and train lines. | |in the Southeastern states |

|The city is organized into groupings of specialized activities (e.g., housing | |Southwest |

|districts, shopping areas, port facilities, etc.). | | |

|A multi-metropolitan complex is formed by the coalescence of two or more major | |7. Most Latin American cities are focused on a |

|urban areas. | |central plaza |

|The central business district (CBD) is the focus of the city’s social, | |government housing project |

|commercial, and civic life. | |squatter settlement |

| | |skyscraper office building |

|3. An “economic base analysis” studies what? | |zone of heavy industry |

|the threshold level of a good | | |

|the interaction between city systems | |8. The multiple-nuclei model of city structure tends to be most applicable|

|a city’s taxable income | |to |

|a city’s economic structure | |traditional cities |

|the cost-benefit differential between varying goods | |Latin American cities |

| | |small cities |

|4. Which best describes edge cities? | |newer, faster growing cities |

|Along freeways outside of major cities. | |cities and homogenous land-use |

|Usually found in Europe and Asia. | | |

|Small, isolated communities. | | |

|Built in the Beautiful City tradition. | | |

|Gentrified neighborhoods. | | |

|9. What does the term “empty-nester” refer to? | |13. Which of the following is a true statement about classic models of |

|couples who never had children at all | |city structure? |

|the term “empty-nester” is a totally made up word that refers to absolutely | | |

|nothing | |The sector model is highly influenced by |

|suburban families whose children no longer live at home | |transportation patterns. |

|the constriction of the suburbs leaving the metaphorical nest in the | |The concentric zone model does not |

|hinterlands empty | |have a transitional area. |

|a central city area that has been abandoned and left to poor residents | |The multiple nuclei model and the sector |

| | |model are similar in that they both have |

|10. Which of the following is a correct statement about the major cities of | |only one core. |

|the world? | |The interaction between the central city |

|They are concentrated between the tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.| |and the suburbs is greatest in the urban |

|Most are found in areas that are not very suitable for agriculture. | |realm model. |

|Most primate cities are located in the United States and western Europe. | |(E) The central business district has the most |

|Most are located on rivers or seacoasts. | |dominant position in the multiple nuclei |

|The world’s fastest-growing cities are | |model. |

|found in areas with the highest standards | | |

|of living. | |14. In the United States and Canada, which areal unit best approximates a |

| | |city neighborhood in size? |

|11. Which of the following has greatly impacted Eastern European cities over | |A census tract |

|the past 100 years? | |A county |

|the market mechanism | |A municipality |

|the lack of large residential housing | |A congressional district |

|democracy | |A metropolitan area |

|communism | | |

|the need for a strong central business district (CBD) | |15. On what principle is the hierarchy of urban places primarily based? |

| | |the number of basic industries providing job opportunities |

|12. Zoning regulations serve all of the following legitimate purposes EXCEPT | |the availability of customized services |

|to | |population and their function and services |

|provide for the creation of certain public uses, such as transportation. | |their site and situation |

|provide for the creation in appropriate locations of government buildings. | |the dominance of a single downtown serving as the urban core |

|characteristics. | | |

|exclude undesirable land uses, such as waste disposal sites, from residential | |16. Which of the following statements regarding basic activities is |

|areas. | |correct? |

|ensure homogeneity of ethnicity in keeping with already existing neighborhood | |basic activities are manufacturing in nature |

|provide land for certain private uses, such a shopping centers. | |basic activities bring in money from outside the town or city |

| | |basic activities are heavily dependent on rail and barge transportation |

| | |basic activities occur in the central business district (CBD) |

| | |basic instinct was a very good movie |

| | | |

|17. Today, most of the United States and Canadian populatio1n lives in which | | |

|of the following? | | |

|Farming areas | | |

|Rural nonfarming areas | |22. In the developing world, population data in many large urban areas is |

|Central cities | |incomplete because |

|Metropolitan areas | |records are kept by a well-organized central government. |

|Small towns | |most developing cities are immense expanses of sprawling suburbs. |

| | |the wide-use of the automobile creates a spatially disaggregated urban |

|18. Historically, the growth of North American suburbs was most constrained by| |geography. |

|high land values. | |there is a constant flow of poor migrants from rural areas who live in |

|limited transportation. | |shantytowns. |

|zoning ordinances. | |the multiple-nuclei model of urban development does not lend to data |

|housing shortages. | |acquisition. |

|cultural preferences. | | |

| | |23. The number of functions in a central place is dependent on all of the |

|19. What has had the greatest impact on the historical development of Asian | |following EXCEPT the |

|and African cities? | |population of the central place |

|Ancient river valley civilizations | |total number of central places in the urban system |

|Industrialism | |size of the market area |

|European colonialism | |population of the market area |

|McDonald’s | |distance to a place with similar functions |

|Dramatic population shifts toward sprawling suburbs | | |

|20. What is an important gender issue in relation to the city? | |24. What is the major difference between the problems faced today by |

|Men make up a slightly larger percentage of the population due to the amount of| |cities on the East coast versus the West coast? |

|high- | |Overexpansion in the E. and W. coasts |

|paying jobs in cities geared toward men. | |The East coast has limited communications access due to its older |

|Women and their children are more numerous and constitute the bulk of the poor.| |historical status |

|Women make up a slightly smaller percentage of the population due to a lack of | |The West coast rappers have no “game” |

|jobs. | |East coast constriction versus West coast expansion |

|Suburbs were created with the idea of gender equality based upon commercial | |Gentrification plagues both coasts |

|areas. | | |

|Men rely more on public transportation to reach central city jobs. | |25. Which of the following refers to the size and functional complexity of|

| | |cities? |

|21. All of the following fostered suburbanization in the United States EXCEPT | |Multiplier effect |

|the interstate highway system. | |The sector model |

|pent-up housing demand after WW II. | |Urban hierarchy |

|the suburbanization of industry in the 1970’s and 1980’s. | |Basic-nonbasic ratio |

|the creation of the Federal Housing Administration. | |Threshold ratio |

|higher energy prices of the 1970’s. | | |

| | |26. Today, most of the Western European population lives in which of the |

|27. What threefold classification system is used to describe the functional | |following? |

|structure of particular urban settlements? | |Metropolitan areas |

|cities are either focused on basic, nonbasic, or base ratio economic activities| |Central cities |

|urban settlements are structured around rail, port, or airway hubs | |Small towns |

|the multiplier effect constitutes the most basic part of the threefold | |Farming areas |

|classification system | |Rural nonfarming areas |

|settlements are recognized as either transportation centers, special-function | |31. Which of the following economic activities is most likely to be found |

|cities, or central places. | |in a city’s central business district (CBD)? |

|Linnaeus’ classification system is used to differentiate functionality between | |an automobile dealership |

|species | |the production facility of a major textbook publisher |

| | |a transfer point for railroad freight cars |

|28. What is a major difference between Western European cities and U.S. | |an office tower |

|cities? | |a metal fabricating plant |

|European cities have undergone massive out-migrations from city centers. | | |

|Due to the longer history of European cities, Europe’s urban areas are often | |32. In the competitive bidding for urban land, |

|larger. | |the distance decay function is paramount |

|European city streets were designed for mass transportation. | |land rents are uniform throughout the |

|Western European cities are more compact and occupy less total land. | |urban area. |

|Home and work are generally closer for residents of U.S. cities. | |the most accessible parcels command the |

| | |highest price. |

|29. In Christaller’s model, he concluded that | |the threshold requirement determines |

|as a city increases in size, the number of | |market value |

|nonbasic personnel grows faster than the | |competition is based upon distance away |

|number of basic workers. | |from the CBD |

|multiple patterns of development occur | | |

|along differentiated functional lines. | |33. Population density in U.S. central cities |

|towns of the same size will be evenly | |is greatest at the center and gradually decreases toward the suburbs. |

|spaced. | |gradually increases from the center to the suburbs. |

|the number of small towns will be less | |is low at the center, highest in the zone just outside the center, and |

|than the number of large towns by a | |decreases gradually toward the suburbs. |

|constant ratio. | |is relatively uniform and related to economic base. |

|there is a decline in land value from the | |is uniform and related to nonbasic economic activity. |

|peak value intersection. | | |

| | |34. The sector model of city structure assumes that typical spatial |

|30. Which of the following was NOT one of the five urban hearth regions? | |behavior involves people moving primarily |

|Mesopotamia | |around the outer belt |

|North China | |in and out of downtown |

|Mexico | |within downtown |

|Western Spain | |within neighborhoods |

|The Indus Valley | |everywhere all the time |

|36. Locational advantages important to the development of the earliest cities | | |

|included | |35. Which concept refers to the revitalization of central city areas |

|availability of good harbors for large ships | |higher income groups? |

|productive agricultural land and defensible sites | |inner-city |

|temperate climate and proximity to coal mines | |gentrification |

|good connections by road and canal | |edge city |

|proximity to manufacturing areas | |suburbanization |

| | |ghetto |

|37. Which of the following groups of cities contains the best examples of | |42. In recent decades, all of the following have played a major role in |

|central places with large hinterlands? | |the rapid growth of Sun Belt cities of the United States EXCEPT |

|San Diego, Milwaukee, and New Haven | |immigration from Latin America |

|Atlanta, Denver, and Calgary | |high levels of per capita federal spending in the South and West |

|Baltimore, Ottawa, and Duluth | |cheap land and labor |

|Las Vegas, Victoria, and Buffalo | |climatic changes leading to colder northern winters |

|Miami, Philadelphia, and Quebec City | |the increasing demand for retirement and resort centers |

| | | |

|38. In Latin America, data for employment in many large urban areas are most | |43. Classical cities from which region of the world have narrow, winding |

|likely to be incomplete because | |streets, open-air markets, many dead-ends, and courtyards surrounded by |

|employment is growing too rapidly | |high walls? |

|most people are unemployed | |medieval Europe |

|people change jobs regularly | |Islamic |

|records are kept mainly for male workers | |early U.S. |

|many people work in the informal sector | |Latin American |

| | |Colonial |

|39. Which of the following is an example of an edge city? | | |

|Anchorage, Alaska | |44. What did “Modernist” architecture emphasize? |

|Seattle, Washington | |efficiency and geometrical order |

|Boston, Massachusetts | |the use of eclectic and post-Modernist forms |

|Tyson’s Corner, Virginia | |ornate and exaggerated details |

|Las Vegas, Nevada | |the building of inhospitable cities |

| | |decentralized urban centers |

|40. The first cities arose in | | |

|ancient Greecce. | |45. The city of Miami or Los Angeles conforms more or less to which |

|the Indian Subcontinent | |theory? |

|central Mexico | |theory of ghettoization |

|ancient Mesopotamia | |sector model |

|near the equator | |multiple-nuclei model |

| | |concentric zone model |

|41. Which of the following cities is an important gateway for international | |agglomeration model |

|travel? | | |

|Oslo, Norway | |46. The theory that explains the regional organization of urban areas, |

|Perth, Australia | |based on their functions and the goods and services offered is |

|Nairobi, Kenya | |metropolitan area theory |

|Honolulu, Hawaii | |sector theory |

|Denver, Colorado | |central place theory |

|47. Primate cities are those that | |urban-matrix theory |

|(A) are the seats of church power in a country. | |the rank-size rule |

|(B) are always the capital city. | | |

|(C) are larger and provide more services. | | |

|are inhabited by monkeys and apes. | | |

|were the first cities established. | |52. Which of the following models of urban |

| | |geography best describes this map? |

|48. Which of the following is a primate city? | |[pic] |

|Toronto, Canada | | |

|Cape Town, South Africa | |Central place theory |

|Jerusalem, Israel | |Rank-size rule |

|Mexico City, Mexico | |Von Thunen’s concentric zone theory |

|Phoenix, Arizona | |Sector model |

| | |Multinucleated model |

|49. Which of he following is NOT correct regarding the largest metropolises of| | |

|the developing world? | |53. Which model is useful for understanding a settlement node whose |

|They contain both great wealth and extreme poverty. | |primary function is to provide support for the population’s hinterland? |

|Many retain architectural elements of their colonial past. | | |

|Most have squatter settlements. | |Von Thünen’s model of land use |

|They house an increasing proportion of the world’s population. | |Concentric zone model |

|Because their economies are less developed, they rarely suffer from significant| |Core-periphery model |

|pollution. | |Rostow’s model |

| | |Christaller’s central place theory |

|50. International company headquarters and significant global financial | | |

|functions are defining characteristics of | |54. According to the sector model, members of low-income groups tend to |

|primate cities | |live where? |

|entrepôts | |(A) The inner city only |

|forward capitals | |(B) Peripheral temporary settlements |

|world cities | |(C) Areas radiating from the city center |

|edge cities | |(D) Evenly dispersed throughout the area |

| | |(E) The suburbs and rural areas only |

|51. Prior to 1850 the location of all major North American cities was related| | |

|to the presence of | |55. All of the following have helped create ghettos in North America |

|transcontinental highways | |EXCEPT |

|defensive sites | |(A) blockbusting and racial steering |

|railroad junctions | |(B) redlining by financial institutions |

|navigable waterways | |(C) concentration of public housing |

|water power | |(D) fixed school disctrict boundaries |

| | |(E) Economic Enterprise Zones |

56. Which of the following best describes the leading trend in retailing in the U.S. from 1950-1990’s?

1950’s 1970’s 1990’s

(A) Downtown business district Shopping mall “Big box” superstore

(B) Downtown business district “Big box” superstore Shopping mall

(C) Shopping mall Downtown business district “Big box” superstore

(D) “Big box” superstore Downtown business district Shopping mall

(E) “Big box” superstore Shopping mall Downtown business district


Time—50 minutes

Directions: You have 50 minutes to answer the two questions below. It is suggested that you take a few minutes to plan and outline each answer. Spend approximately half of your time (25 minutes) on each question. Illustrate your essay with substantive examples where appropriate.

1. The development of suburbs in North American metropolitan areas has greatly accelerated since the 1950’s and 1960’s.

Discuss how THREE of the following have contributed to this acceleration.

(a) Transportation

(b) Housing preferences

(c) Landscape preferences

(d) Social and demographic trends






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