Cornell Notes Template - AP United States History

Key Topics

• Competing political plans for reconstructing the defeated Confederacy

• Difficult transition from slavery to freedom for African Americans

• The political and social legacy of Reconstruction in the Southern states

• Post-Civil War transformations in the economic and political life of the North

Reconstruction (1865-1876): ______________ the South, __________________the Union, _________________________Southern society

Key Questions

1. How do we bring the South back into the Union?

2. How do we rebuild the South after its destruction during the war?

3. How do we integrate and protect newly emancipated black freedmen?

4. What branch of government should control the process of Reconstruction?

President Lincoln’s Plan

• Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (December 8, 1863)

• Replace majority rule with “loyal rule” in the South.

• He didn’t consult _________________ regarding Reconstruction.

• _________to all but the highest ranking military and civilian Confederate officers.

• When __________ of a state’s voting population in the 1860 election had taken an oath of loyalty and established a government, it would be recognized.

• Angered Radical Republicans

• 1864 ( “Lincoln Governments” formed in TN, LA, AR

o “loyal assemblies”

o They were weak and dependent on the Northern army for their survival.

Wade-Davis Bill (1864)

← Congress feared restoration of ____________________________________ & potential re-enslavement

← Required __________ of the number of 1860 voters to take an “iron clad” oath of allegiance (swearing they had never voluntarily aided the rebellion).

← Required a state constitutional convention before the election of state officials.

← Enacted specific safeguards of freedmen’s liberties.

← “Iron-Clad” Oath.

← “State Suicide” Theory [MA Senator Charles Sumner]

← “Conquered Provinces” Position [PA Congressman Thaddeus Stevens – “Radicals”]

13th Amendment

← Ratified in December, 1865.

← Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

← ___________________ shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Freedman’s Bureau

← Bureau of _______________, Freedmen, and ________________________.

← Many former northern abolitionists risked their lives to help southern freedmen.

← Primitive “welfare” agency – food, clothes, medical care

← Called “________________” by white southern Democrats.

← Scalawags?

← “Plenty to eat and nothing to do”

President Andrew Johnson

- A southerner who didn’t understand the _____________,

- A ___________________ who had earned the distrust of the S,

- A Democrat who had never been accepted by the Republicans,

← A President who had never been elected to office

- “The wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Johnson’s Plan

← Offered amnesty upon simple oath to ______ except Confederate civil and military officers and those with property over $20,000 (but they could apply for ____________)

← Restored their property rights once pardon given

← In new constitutions, they must _____________ ordinances of secession, _____________ war debts, & __________ 13TH Amendment in order to be _______________.

← Mentioned nothing about voting & rights of ____________

← Named provisional governors in Confederate states and called them to oversee elections for constitutional conventions.

← Effects

1. Disenfranchised certain leading Confederates.

2. Pardoned planter aristocrats, brought them back to political power to control state organizations.

3. Republicans were outraged that planter elite were back in power in the “New South!”

Growing Northern Alarm!

← Many Southern state constitutions fell short of minimum requirements.

← Johnson granted 13,500 special pardons.

← Revival of southern defiance in the Post-war South. (__________________________

Black Codes

← Purpose:

* Guarantee stable ______________________ now that blacks were emancipated.

* Restore pre-emancipation system of race relations.

← Forced many blacks to become sharecroppers [tenant farmers].

|Furnishing Merchant |Tenant Farmer |Landowner |

|Loan tools and seed up to __________ interest to tenant farmer to |Plants crop, harvests in autumn. |Rents land to tenant in exchange for |

|plant spring crop. |Turns over up to ½ of crop to land owner as |_____________ of tenant farmer’s future |

|Farmer also secures food, clothing, and other necessities on |payment of rent. |crop. |

|credit from merchant until the harvest. |Tenant gives remainder of crop to merchant in| |

|Merchant holds “________” {mortgage} on part of tenant’s future |payment of debt. | |

|crops as repayment of debt. | | |

Congress Breaks with the President

← Congress _________ newly-elected Southern Congressional delegates.

← Fear the power of a restored South.

← February, 1866 ( President vetoed bill to extend the life of the ________________________.

← Congress passes Civil Rights bill in March, 1866 to grant _______________ to blacks ( Johnson vetoed it.

← Congress passed both bills over Johnson’s vetoes ( __________________________________ - & will continue to override his vetoes

14th Amendment

← Ratified in July, 1868.

1. Provides a constitutional guarantee of the rights of citizenship & security of freed people.

2. Insures against neo-Confederate political power.

3. Enshrines the national debt while repudiating that of the Confederacy.

← Southern states would be punished (______________________________________) for denying the right to vote to black citizens!

1866 Congressional Elections

← A referendum on Radical Reconstruction.

← Johnson made an ill-conceived propaganda tour around the country to push his plan.

← Republicans won a 3-1 _______________________ majority in both houses and gained control of every northern state.

Radical Plan for Readmission

← Radicals seek full & complete rights for blacks with federal gov’t in control

← Moderates (________________ in Congress) just trying to keep states from infringing basic rights of blacks.

← Required new state constitutions which included black suffrage and ratification of the 13th and 14th Amendments.

← By 1870 – 15th Amendment ratified.

← In March, 1867, Congress authorized the ______________ to enroll eligible black voters and begin the process of constitution making.

Reconstruction Acts of 1867

← Military Reconstruction Act

* Restart Reconstruction in the 10 Southern states that refused to ratify the 14th Amendment.

* Divide the 10 “unreconstructed states” into 5 ________________________.

* Each has military governor

* 20,000 troops

* __________ was first Southern state back in – 1866 & thus escaped military reconstruction

← Command of the Army Act

* The President must issue all Reconstruction orders through the ____________________ of the military.

← Tenure of Office Act

* The President could not remove any officials [esp. _____________________] without the Senate’s consent, if the position originally required Senate approval.

← Designed to protect ___________members of Lincoln’s government.

← A question of the constitutionality of this law.

President Johnson’s Impeachment

← Johnson removed _______________ in February, 1868.

← Johnson replaced generals in the field who were more sympathetic to Radical Reconstruction.

← The House impeached him on February 24 before even drawing up the charges by a vote of 126 – 47!

← The Senate Trial

← 11 week trial.

← Johnson acquitted 35 to 19 (_______________ of required 2/3 vote).

Limitations of Radical Reconstruction

← No land or education was guaranteed to freedmen

← Belief that creating an electorate would be enough to protect freedmen’s rights.

← Questionable legality of military rule:

← Ex parte Milligan – Supreme Court had ruled that military tribunals could not try civilians even during wartime if civil courts were open.

← So peacetime military rule would be in direct contrast to _______________________.

“Black Reconstruction”

← Only one state legislature (_______) elected a majority of blacks in its lower house

← No state senates had black majorities

← No black governors elected

← Most black officials that were elected were capable, educated, ________________

← 2 US Senators elected from MS

← 14 black Congressmen elected

Blacks in Southern Politics

← Core voters were black _______________________

← Blacks were politically unprepared.

← Blacks could register and vote in states since 1867.

← The 15th Amendment guaranteed federal voting.


• Education

– By 1870, some 4,000 schools & 9,000 teachers taught 200,000 formerly enslaved people

– Freedmen of _____________ were being taught

– By 1876, about 40% of African American children attended school

– African American colleges & universities were established

• Churches

– Religion had always been a major part of the lives of African Americans

– Became the center of many African American communities

– Acted as unofficial ______________

Ulysses S. Grant #18

• Elected in 1868 & 1872

• Civil war hero who saved the Union!


• Believed president’s role was to carry out the laws & leave policy making to ____________________

• Massive corruption during his administration

– William Belknap – bribes

– “Whiskey Ring”

Corruption in Business & Government

• Gold Market

– Jay Gould & James Fisk, with the help of Grant’s brother-in-law devised a scheme to corner the gold market

– Treasury Dept. broke the scheme, but not before Gould made a huge profit

• Credit Mobilier Affair

– Insiders gave ______________ to influential members of Congress

– Avoiding investigation of the profits they were making off of gov’t subsidies for the transcontinental railroad

• Whiskey Ring

– Federal revenue agents conspired w/ the liquor industry to defraud the gov’t of millions in ____________

Transcontinental Railroad

• Shortly before the Civil War, enthusiasm mounted for a transcontinental line

• Federal gov’t would provided ______________ to fund the project – largest in history!

• Railway Act of 1862

– ___________ Pacific: Employed Irish Americans & African American workers

– ___________Pacific: Tough time finding workers – Chinese men

• Burlingame Treaty

– Right to work in America does not guarantee citizenship

– Will later lead to anti-Chinese sentiment

• 1869, _______________________, Utah

• Hammer a ceremonial golden spike

• Other transcontinental railroads will be built w/out the fanfare

• Will become America’s first “________________________”

– Require huge amounts of capital

– Will increase economic power of banks

– Stimulated expansion of in the production of coal, iron, stone, & lumber

The Election of 1872

← Rumors of corruption during Grant’s first term discredit Republicans.

← Though Grant never personally profited from the scandals, his loyalty to dishonest men around him badly tarnished his presidency

← ______________________ runs as a Democrat/Liberal Republican candidate.

← Greeley attacked as a fool and a crank.

← Greeley died on November 29, 1872!

The Panic of 1873

← In 1873, ___________________ by financers & overbuilding by industry & railroads led to widespread business failures & depression

← Debtors required greenbacks in repayment of debts – requested more greenbacks be produced

← Grant will veto a bill calling for more greenbacks & support a stable money supply backed by _________

Northern Support Wanes

← “Grantism” & corruption.

← Panic of 1873 [6-year depression].

← Concern over westward expansion and Indian wars.

← Key monetary issues:

* should the government retire $432m worth of “greenbacks” issued during the Civil War?

* should war bonds be paid back in specie or greenbacks?

The End of Reconstruction

- With Radical Republicanism on the wane, southern conservatives, southern conservatives took control of the gov’t

- Known as __________________

- Had different social & economic backgrounds, but agreed on their political program

- States rights, reduced taxes, reduced spending on social programs, & white supremacy

Southern Resentment and Resistance

- “Scalawags” and “Carpetbaggers”

- Accusations of corruption

- Ku Klux Klan, TN, 1866

o Terrorists that targeted blacks, __________________, __________ in black schools, Radical Republicans

o Main goal is disenfranchisement of blacks

o Congress passes Force Acts of 1870 & 1871

White Supremacy & The KKK

- Groups of southern whites organized various secret societies to intimidate blacks & white reformers

- Most prominent was the Ku Klux Klan

- Founded in 1867 by ex-Confederate general _____________________________

- “invisible empire”

- burned black-owned buildings, flogged & murdered freedmen to keep them from voting, chased carpetbaggers & scalawags out of the south

Amnesty Act of 1872

- ____________________ after Lee’s surrender, many northerners were ready to put hatred of the Confederacy behind them

- Congress passed a general amnesty act that removed the last of the restrictions on ex-Confederates, except for _________________

- Political Consequence: allowed southern conservatives to vote for ______________________to retake control of state gov’ts

Legal Challenges: The Slaughterhouse Cases (1873)

• 1st test case of the 14th amendment.

• LA legislature granted a 25-year _________________to a slaughterhouse in New Orleans in 1869 (to protect the people's health).

• Other slaughterhouse operators brought suit - deprived of their property without ______________ of law in violation of the 14th Am.

• The U.S. Supreme Court decided against the slaughterhouse operators, holding that the 14th Am. had to be considered in light of the _________________________ of its framers, i.e., to guarantee the freedom of former black slaves.

• Although the amendment could not be construed to refer only to black slavery, its scope as originally planned did not include rights such as those in question. The restraint placed by the Louisiana legislators on the slaughterhouse operators was declared not to deprive them of their property without due process.

Civil Rights Act of 1875

← Crime for any individual to deny ___________________ use of public conveyances and public places. (Last attempt of Radicals)

← Prohibited discrimination in ___________ selection.

← Shortcoming ( lacked a strong ____________________ mechanism.

← No new civil rights act was attempted for 90 years!

Election of 1876

□ Republicans wanted Grant to run for 3rd term, but too much scandal

□ ___________(D) has more popular votes than _______ (R) & is only short 1 electoral vote, but disputed votes come in from FL, SC, LA

A Political Crisis: The “Compromise” of 1877

• ____________, gets the Presidency

• Troops to be withdrawn from South

• Southerner will become __________________________________

• Republicans promise federal $ for internal improvements in S


15th Amendment

← Ratified in 1870.

← The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

← The ___________________shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

← __________________rights groups were furious that they were not granted the vote!

The Failure of Federal Enforcement

← Enforcement Acts of 1870 & 1871 [to stop the ____________ - also known as the _________Act].

← “The Lost Cause.”

← The rise of the “_____________.”

← Conservative, pro-business Democrats

← Redeemers (prewar Democrats and Union Whigs)

← Wanted to oust freedmen, carpetbaggers & scalawags


← After abandonment of Republican Reconstruction, blacks were left friendless in South

← White Democrats resume power (the “Redeemers”)

← Political Subjugation:

← Legal codes of segregation appear – ____________________

← Also – disenfranchisement through voter-registration laws, poll taxes, grandfather clauses, etc.

← South’s segregation validated by ____________________________, 1896

← “_____________________________________” doctrine… separate, but equal, schools/facilities are constitutional

← Economic Subjugation:

← Blacks forced into sharecropping/tenant farming

← Record #s of blacks lynched to ensure South’s “_______” political & economic order


• Traditional view has been a failure:

– “The Tragic Era”

– “The Blackout of Honest Government”

• Justify these 3 reasons given by historians for the failure of Reconstruction to help freedmen find their place in American life:

– Confused priorities

– Opposition from Southern whites

– Federal gov’ts unwillingness to go the distance to accomplish its goals

Reconstruction a Success?

• “Black Reconstruction” is how revisionist historians view the era

– A more positive characterization?

• What evidence is there that goals of education, economic development & establishing a sense of community were achieved?

• How did Black Reconstruction pave the way for the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s?

Review Questions

1. What was Lincoln’s vision of reconstruction in the South?

2. What was Lincoln’s plan and how did it differ from the Wade-Davis plan? Which would have produced better results?

3. Where would you put the burden of responsibility for the battle between Johnson and Congress?

4. What were the most important changes in the lives of African Americans in the years immediately following the war?

5. What did the ex-slaves want from Reconstruction? To what extent were their aspirations fulfilled?

6. The text suggests that to some degree African Americans accepted segregation. Why was this so?

7. What major groups made up the southern Republicans?

8. Why was the Southern Republican Party unable to sustain itself without outside intervention?

9. Why was it so difficult for Southern whites to accept the changes Northerners were insisting upon?

10. To what extent was the North being reconstructed? How different was the North of 1877 from the North of 1860?


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