Duplicate Record Merge: Patient Merge Technical …


TECHNICAL MANUAL Version 7.3 April 1998

Revised November 2009

Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Information and Technology (OI&T)

Office of Enterprise Development (OED)


This is the Technical Manual for the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) Duplicate Record Merge: Patient Merge application. It is designed to provide you, the Site Manager/Information Resource Management (IRM) Service Chief, the necessary information for use in the technical operation of the software. It is intended for use by technical computer personnel and not designed for use by the typical end user.

The Patient Merge component of the Duplicate Record Merge software will enhance the ability to associate appropriate data with a single patient identifier. It provides the tools necessary to review patient records that have a high likelihood of being duplicates, and merge verified duplicates.

April 1998

Duplicate Record Merge: Patient Merge Technical Manual


Revised November 2009

Version 7.3

Patch XT*7.3*113


April 1998

Duplicate Record Merge: Patient Merge Technical Manual


Revised November 2009

Version 7.3

Patch XT*7.3*113

Revision History

Date 11/2009


Final updates to documentation implementing feedback from Product Support (PS) for national release.



Kernel Toolkit Patch XT*7.3*113 changes the KERNEL Duplicate Resolution System [XDR MAIN MENU] options in support of the new PSIM Probabilistic Search. This patch is related to VistA patch MPIF*1.0*52 and MPI patch MPI*1.0*62.

? Search for Potential Duplicate Record Pairs:

As of Kernel Toolkit Patch XT*7.3*113, the PATIENT file (#2) will no longer be selectable from the Duplicate Record Merge Search option. Instead, the Initiate Probabilistic Search Implementation in Person Service Identity Management (PSIM) will perform searches for duplicate patients. Although users with access to the Duplicate Record Merge menus will still be allowed to add records to the DUPLICATE RECORD file, this file will mainly be populated when Initiate identifies patient pairs as matches or potential matches. In the case of potential matches, HC IdM will use a new PSIM (IMDQ) Toolkit option to review the patient traits and select the Integration Control Number to retain. This will cause the pair of potential matches to be added as a record to your local DUPLICATE RECORD file.

Master Patient Index (MPI) development team.

Oakland, CA OIFO:


After patient pairs are added to the DUPLICATE RECORD file, the review, verification, approval and merge processes will continue to be performed as before.

? New routine, XDRDADDS, and remote procedure call, XDR ADD POTENTIAL PATIENT DUP

Both will be called from the Master Patient Index (MPI) system to add records to the local VistA DUPLICATE RECORD (#15) file, as potential matches are identified.

? New routine, XDRDEFLG, and remote procedure call, XDR UPD SUPPR EMAIL

The remote procedure call is called from Healthcare Identity Management (HC IdM) options to remotely set the field SUPPRESS NEW DUP EMAIL (#99) on the DUPLICATE RESOLUTION file (#15.1)

? Modified Routines

XDRDPICK : If the status on a pair of patient records is changed to VERIFIED, NOT A DUPLICATE, and if this VistA system is attached to the MPI, a new routine, MPIFDNL, calls a remote procedure, MPI

April 1998

Duplicate Record Merge: Patient Merge Technical Manual


Revised November 2009

Version 7.3

Patch XT*7.3*113


DNLADD UPD, on the MPI server, to add a record to the MPI DO NOT LINK (#985.28) file.

-XDRDEDT: If the status on a patient pair is changed from VERIFIED, NOT A DUPLICATE back to POTENTIAL DUPLICATE, UNVERIFIED, and if the VistA system is attached to the MPI, a new routine, MPIFDNL, calls a remote procedure MPI DNL ADD UPD on the MPI server to inactivate the record on the MPI DO NOT LINK (#985.28) file.

? Updated Options--Utilities [XDR UTILITIES MENU]:

-Add Verified Duplicate Pair [XDR ADD VERIFIED DUPS] This option will no longer calculate a score on patient pairs.

-Check Pair of Records to see if Duplicates [XDR CHECK PAIR] This option will no longer be available for patients.

-Find Potential Duplicates for an Entry in a File [XDR FIND POTENTIAL DUPLICATES] This option will no longer be available for patients.

? Updated Options--Manager Utilities [XDR MANAGER UTILITIES]

-Purge Duplicate Record File [XDR PURGE] This option will no longer be available for patients.

-Start/Halt Duplicate Search [XDR SEARCH ALL] This option will no longer be available for patients.

ClearCase Requests/CodeCRs that cover updates to this manual:

? MPI_CR1072(MPI_CodeCR1384)-- - MPIF API to capture the "VERIFIED, NOT A DUPLICATE" action.

? MPI_CR1068(MPI_CodeCR1387)--3.2.1 - Duplicate record tools


12/06/04 04/1998

Implemented new conventions for displaying TEST data. See Orientation section for details.

Initial release via PATCH XT*7.3*23

Table i. Revision History


Patch History

For the current patch history related to this software, please refer to the Patch Module (i.e., Patch User Menu [A1AE USER]) on FORUM.

April 1998

Duplicate Record Merge: Patient Merge Technical Manual


Revised November 2009

Version 7.3

Patch XT*7.3*113

Revision History


Duplicate Record Merge: Patient Merge Technical Manual

April 1998

Version 7.3

Revised November 2009

Patch XT*7.3*113


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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