Strategic Message PlannerService: Lava YogaYour name(s): Aubrey Goscha, Allie Knapp and Lexi Tarter 1. Advertising goal To convince college aged women, 18-23, that they should try Lava Yoga, because hot yoga offers many health benefits. 2. Client: key facts Lava Yoga (Lava) is owned and operated by two sisters, Beth Gartner and Leigh Granada. Lava has two locations, one in Topeka and one in Lawrence. The Lawrence studio is located on Wakarusa Drive, off of KU campus. The studios are staffed with 14 qualified and professional team members who all have the same passion for yoga as the founders. Lava also offers classes for people to become certified teachers through a 16-week, 200-hour program. The studio offers a number of classes and prides itself on being accommodating for all. The classes include hot yoga, restorative yoga, community classes and even kids’ yoga. Lava is mostly known for its hot yoga classes, and that is what most of the members prefer. The two sisters found a love for hot yoga once they realized the many benefits it could provide them and their clients. Some examples of benefits from the company’s website include: Promoting sweating, assisting the detoxification process of the skin.Elevating heart rate and improving the cardiovascular system.Burning more calories because muscles are heated. ?With those benefits in mind, the two sisters are hoping to make changes in their clients’ lives. Due to their location in Lawrence, one of their biggest target audiences is college students who attend KU. In order to gain attention, Lava offers student discounts to get more people to stop by. To begin with, Lava offers an introductory offer of $20 for 20 days of unlimited yoga. The studio hopes that this will lead students to purchasing the student membership, which is discounted to $85 a month. The sisters say that KU students are unaware of these discounted prices and want to spread awareness about the student discount program. Although the studios can accommodate people of every age, the main focus of the campaign is to appeal to students. As of now, the studio is seeing clients who fall between the ages of 30 and 40. The sisters said that their competitors have classes from 60-70 college students, and they are not hitting that mark. They believe that this was because many college students tend to believe that hot yoga is too difficult and is intimidating. In addition, according the the owners, many people do not know the difference between regular yoga and hot yoga. According to Refinery29, hot yoga allows participants to experience a deeper stretch rather from yoga postures in a regular-temperature room. According to Harvard Health, yoga can be used as a natural anxiety decompressor. 3. Product: key featuresWhat is the service?The product category Lava falls under would be health and wellness. The service Lava Yoga offers is called hot yoga. As mentioned above, hot yoga provides several health benefits. Not only that, but according to Harvard Health Publishing, yoga is a natural anxiety relief. According to Dr. Stephen Ilardi, a psychology professor at the University of Kansas, stress levels for college students have doubled in the last 10 years. A benefit of yoga is that it can relieve stress that student’s experience. ??? Lava offers an introductory offer of $20 for 20 days of unlimited yoga. More specifically, the student membership is discounted to $85 a month. Lava Yoga is different from other products in the same category because most health and wellness places do not offer just yoga. For example, at Planet Fitness, which offers yoga classes, a student would have to pay for a full membership. At Lava Yoga, the company primarily focuses on hot yoga.What is the purpose of the service?Lava was created with the hope to make changes in people’s lives, not only their physical health, but their mental health as well. In addition, the owners want Lava Yoga to be a place where anybody can come and do hot yoga, even if people are not experts. Gartner stated that whenever she went to other places to do hot yoga, she felt judged. This is why they were inspired to create Lava Yoga.Who and what made the service? Two sisters, Beth Gartner and Leigh Granada, opened Lava in 2013 in Topeka, Kansas, and expanded to Lawrence in 2017. Lava is different from its competitors because it specializes in hot yoga. Lava is located off Wakarusa Drive in Lawrence, and has a variety of teachers who specialize in the hot yoga practice as well.4. Target Audience (Demographics and Psychographics): The target audience will focus on college aged women, aged 18-23. These women fall under the category of Generation Z. According to Gen Z Insights, to members of Gen Z, health is happiness. This does not mean jogging a couple of times a week and ordering just healthy foods. This means that their wellness is part of a larger piece of the puzzle. According to Strategic Business Insights, Gen Z members are somewhat anxious and more conscientious. In addition, according to Stephen Ilardi from KU, anxiety among college students has doubled over the past 10 years. Gen Z’s mental health is just as important as their physical health. Health Club Management found that Gen Z members know much more about healthy lifestyles from a young age than previous generations. Gen Z members have a strong presence on social media, and are looking to engaging online content to guide them. Members of Gen Z tend to follow popular trends on social media like YouTube and Instagram. According to Ad Age, Gen Z members have a desire for authenticity, which informs the members buying habits more than other generations. If a company can provide them with an authentic experience, they will participate. Forbes stated that Gen Z are spending a lot more money on items that will improve their health and wellness, like gym memberships and yoga. Harvard Health Publishing found that yoga can improve mental health issues, like anxiety. However, According to US News, too often, students feel uncomfortable or excluded by inaccessible poses, vague instructions or elitist attitudes. As beginners to yoga, people need to feel empowered and engaged by yoga teachings, not isolated or overwhelmed by new ideas. In order to market to Gen Z college students, yoga studios, like Lava, should start to make these students feel more included and make sure they are showing that anybody can do yoga, not just the people who know how to do it. In regard to the life of a college-aged Generation Z woman in Lawrence, according to Claritas, this audience follows the “Striving Selfies.” These are people who are younger and single who show signs of greater potential. They are among the most tech savvy segments with some college credits under their belt. More often than not, they are renters who have not yet been able to purchase their first home. According to VALS, Gen Z members are “Experiencers” who explore many life choices as they develop their identity. They gravitate towards new products and services because they want to stand out as individuals. They are also “Strivers” who are more likely to be cautious with their money. The Center for Generational Kinetics states that Gen Z members are earning money earlier than most might have expected. 70 percent of Gen Z members are currently earning their own spending money. However, according to Emotive Brand, Gen Z members are spending more time thinking about saving money than spending. Gen Z college students are spending more on brands who make sure they are spending their money wisely. 5. Product BenefitsLava Yoga offers 8 different classes. 7 of them are heated practices.Benefit: Participants have a variety of classes to choose from.Lava offers two weeks of unlimited yoga practices for students for only $20.Benefit: It is affordable for college students.Lava specializes in a heated practice.Benefits: Hot yoga allows participants to experience a deeper stretch.Lava offers at least two classes every day, morning and afternoon sessions for 60 minutes. Benefit: Participants are able to fit yoga into their hectic daily schedules. Lava has 14 class instructorsBenefit: The variety of teachers allows yogis to have a diverse experience and hear different perspectives during the practice. Lava switches up their practice routines every few months to keep things fresh and challenging.Benefit: Muscle tone and flexibility are improved.Lava flow classes are a HIIT training (high intensity interval training).Benefit: HITT allows participants to burn more calories within the hour. Yoga can help decrease stress, according to Harvard Health PublishingBenefit: Students can benefit from yoga and use yoga to decrease stress during their time at college. 6. Direct Competitors and Brand Images According to the owners, Lava has many competitors in a small area. Their top competitors include OmTree Shala, the Yoga Center of Lawrence and Be Moved Studio. OmTree Shala is located on Massachusetts Street in Lawrence. OmTree has 20 team members on staff. Much like Lava, OmTree also offers discounted prices for college students, teachers and seniors. The trial deal is a $30 for 30-day unlimited pass. Like Lava, OmTree also has a student monthly rate after the trial is over. However, OmTree’s student rate is significantly higher at $110 a month, as opposed to $85 at Lava. Due to the price, members of the target audience would rather choose Lava. However, the location of OmTree is much closer to campus than Lava. This could be a deciding factor for members of the target audience on which studio to choose. OmTree offers classes and workshops such as hot sun flow yoga, restorative yoga and kids’ yoga. OmTree also offers teacher training for individuals looking to become a yoga teacher. There are many similarities between Lava and OmTree, but members of the target audience will focus on price as an important deciding factor. Another competitor of Lava is the Yoga Center of Lawrence. This studio is located on Massachusetts street as well. Like OmTree, the Yoga Center of Lawrence has an advantage by being close to campus. Working on convenience, this could be a push for students to try that studio over lava. However, this studio does not have a student discount like Lava. The price is broken down to how many classes you would want to attend, not monthly. One day pass is $16.50 for 60-minute weekly classes. You can then purchase a 5-class pass for $74 all the way up to a 30-class pass for $330. Depending on the student’s desire to do yoga regularly this could be a downside. It is more appealing for students to choose Lava over the Yoga Center of Lawrence due to the unlimited yoga they will receive with a student discount. Lastly, another studio that is a competitor to Lava is Be Moved Studio. This studio is located on 7th Street, close to downtown Lawrence. According to the website, classes range from beginners to intermediate as well as modifications that will support all levels. There are many different classes that students could take such as mindfulness or a workout. It offers hot yoga, restorative classes, self-care classes and meditation, among others. This studio offers Yoga Dance classes, which sets it apart from Lava. The classes at this studio have a drop-in rate of $15/class. It also offers $65 for five classes, $100 for 10 classes, and $160 for 20. Much like the Yoga Center of Lawrence, this studio does not offer student discounts or monthly membership subscriptions. Again, it is more appealing for students to choose Lava over Be Moved Studio due to the unlimited yoga they will receive with a student discount. The prices at Lava are much cheaper for unlimited monthly yoga, as compared to a drop-in fee.7. Indirect Competitors and Brand Images An example of an indirect competitor is local gyms. Gyms such as Planet Fitness, Lifetime, Crunch Fitness and Genesis offer yoga classes as part of the gym’s monthly fee. For this reason, members of the target audience may find that monthly memberships at a gym would be getting them more for their money. Gym memberships typically cost on average $58 per month, according to Money Crashers. For this monthly fee, students would be able to work out with high-grade equipment, take advantage of the amenities such as indoor tanning or a pool, and enjoy complimentary wellness classes, such as yoga. Compared to just a yoga studio, members of the target audience would be attracted to this deal because of the amount of benefits they would get from joining a gym instead. Another indirect competitor could be DIY yoga. There are many YouTube channels in which an instructor records him or herself giving a class. All the student would then need would be a yoga mat or towel and a space to practice. There are many cons to this method, such as not practicing proper form or experiencing the correct environment. However, this method is free. This would be appealing for college students because they would be able to practice yoga at no cost. Lastly, an indirect competitor to Lava would be yoga classes offered through the Student Recreation Center (Rec) on campus at KU. Students are able to purchase a KU Fit Pass for an entire semester for $50. The Rec also offers half semester passes for $25 or single drop-in class passes for $3 per class. With this KU Fit Pass, students can enjoy yoga classes taught by certified yoga teachers for a very affordable price. By purchasing the pass, there are also other wellness classes students can enjoy such as body pump, cycling, Zumba, kickboxing, etc. This could be appealing to students who are interested in yoga, but also don’t want to spend excess money on that alone. This pass would be useful for all around fitness and members of the target audience could get the most for their money with this one pass. This is a much more convenient location for students, since the Rec is located directly on campus and students can walk or take a bus. 8. Product and Brand image Current Brand ImageLava Yoga is known best for being a hot yoga studio. The clients stated that they struggle with college students giving into the biases that hot yoga is too challenging for them to do, or that many people are not sure what hot yoga is. As mentioned above, hot yoga allows participants to experience a deeper stretch as opposed to yoga postures in a regular-temperature room. Members of the target audience have a recognition of the value of of yoga but often are intimidated by the unknown aspects associated with hot yoga. They have an interest in joining a yoga studio however, they do not know all of the health benefits of hot yoga that Lava offers. Those health benefits come in the form of physical improvements, such as, strength, balance, core, weight loss and more. As well as in the form of mental enhancements, such as stress relief, calmness and more. These are educational opportunities for Lava as it continues to enhance its brand and position in the fitness market. ? ??????b. Desired Brand ImageLava’s goal as a heated studio is to erase the biases of hot yoga not being for everyone. The affordable price for Lava makes it more tangible for college students in the Lawrence area to have a place to decompress and destress. Lava specializes in hot yoga, which has several physical and mental health benefits that pertain to college-aged women. This includes strength, balance and core improvements and is a natural anxiety relief to improve stress levels. Hot yoga allows participants to experience a deeper stretch versus normal temperature yoga. ? ?????????c. Brand Image ChallengeMembers of the target audience are not aware of the health benefits that hot yoga offers and how it can improve their lives. Therefore, they might choose another fitness facility or yoga studio due to the lack of knowledge. 9. Strategic Message: College women, aged 18-23, should visit the Lava Yoga website to learn more about how Lava can improve their physical and mental health, and be a way to decompress at an affordable cost.10. Supporting Evidence: Lava Yoga offers 8 different classes. 7 of them are heated practices.Lava offers two weeks of unlimited yoga practices for students for only $20.Lava specializes in a heated practice.Lava offers at least two classes every day, morning and afternoon sessions for 60 minutes. Lava has 14 class instructorsLava switches up their practice routines every few months to keep things fresh and challenging.Lava flow classes are a HIIT training (high intensity interval training).Yoga can help decrease stress, according to Harvard Health Publishing11. 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Walker, Tom, et al. “Consumer Trends: How Will Gen Z Affect the Fitness Industry?” HCM: One of the World's Leading Magazines for Senior Professionals in the Fitness and Physical Activity Sector, 20 Apr. 2019, “Warm Flow Yoga Classes.” Lava Yoga Offers a Studio Dedicated to Yoga with an Emphasis on Hot Yoga Located in Topeka Ks 785-783-8282 - Lava Yoga, . “Yoga ? 5Rhythms ? Meditation.” Be Moved Studio - Lawrence, Kansas, . ................

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