Helpful Information

Helpful Information

Srta. Hart Room #B226 Appoquinimink High School

Dear Students, Guardians, and Parents,

Welcome to the wonderful world of español (Spanish!). I’m so pleased to see that you recognize the importance of learning another language. Language learning has many benefits: better understanding of your own language, better thinking skills, better chances of college entry and better experiences when you travel if you speak the language! Parents, please take a few minutes to review the syllabus outline attached. After reviewing it, please read through the rest of this form, fill in the blanks, sign in several spots (!!) and return it via your student.

¡Muchas gracias! Srta. Hart

Student information:

Last name: _________________________ First: ______________ Grade: _______

Birthday: _________________________ Age: _______

Student email: _________________________________

Would you like to receive email updates from me regarding important dates, projects, tests, assignments, etc? (Circle) Yes No

New to Appoquinimink School District? (Circle) Yes No

I acknowledge that I read, understand and agree to abide by the syllabus and class expectations. Student signature __________________________________

Students: I’d like to know a little about you! Please complete the following…

What are some things you really like or really like to do?



What are some things you don’t really like or really like to do?



Would you please tell me a little about…

… why you took this class and Spanish in general so I can plan better to meet your expectations.



… what you would like to be able to do by the end of the course. More specific is better (



… anything you would like to let me know. And please feel free to email me at any time if something comes up later!




Parents – this side is for you! Please sign one of the following for each item:

• I like to keep parents up to date with important class information regarding tests, projects, assignments, etc. I do this via email. Please select one of the following options.

__________________________ Yes, I would like to receive email updates about important class information.

__________________________ No, I would not like to receive email updates about important class information.

• Do you use the Home Access Center to view your child’s grades/attendance online? Please sign by the appropriate response: (If you are not familiar with this feature, please call the AHS main office.)

________________________ Yes, we use HAC. __________________________ No, we don’t.

• Is there any reason why your child may not be permitted to learn about the cultural traditions and holidays in Hispanic countries? This may include references to religious practices and music.



Parent information (Yes, I saw and read the Syllabus:

Parent 1 name: _________________________ email address: ___________________

Daytime phone number: ____________________ signature/date: ___________________

I prefer parent/teacher contact via: (Circle) Email Phone call

Parent 2 name: _________________________ email address: ___________________

Daytime phone number: ____________________ signature/date: ___________________

I prefer parent/teacher contact via: (Circle) Email Phone call

Student signature/date: __________________________________________________

Parents, The best way to reach me is by email. My email is Please go to , click on staff directory, find Hartranft and email me if you ever have any questions/concerns, or whatever you’d like me to know about your child – a funny story, a special talent, a phobia, special information about contacting either parent, anything. I look forward to hearing from you! Señorita Hart





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