Biblical Worldview Lectures

Biblical Worldview – History – September 19, 2004

1. Christianity is rooted in _________ and without its historical roots there would be no Christian worldview. 1 Cor. 15:14. Christians adhere to a _______, rather than a __________ view of history.

2. The Bible is __________, describing ________ that actually occurred in history. This is reinforced by ______________ and the ____________ of transmitted Scripture. Acts 7. If the Bible is not _________ or if Jesus Christ is not “_____ with us”, Christianity crumbles. Matt. 1:23.

3. God gives _________ and _______ to His creation. We cannot ______ ourselves, but God can, and history tells us He ________ His Son as a perfect sacrifice for that special purpose.

4. God created history when He created _______. God has the ability to ________ the universe and bring _________ to a fitting close.

5. Christ is a ____________ figure and the Bible is a ______________ document that describes God’s communications with man and records ________ in the life of Christ, or the Christian faith is __________. Without history we have no __________.

6. Is the Bible a reliable historical document? The New Testament books were written by _______________. Even the Old Testament books have been verified by ____________. For example a copy of the book of Isaiah, found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, was more than _____ years older than the previous oldest manuscript of 980 A.D.

7. Did Jesus Christ come to earth and was He resurrected? If the Bible is _____________ accurate, He did. This is further validated by two extra-biblical historians:

a. the Jewish historian __________ in 93 A.D.

b. the Roman historian Cornelius _________ in 112 A.D.

8. Skeptics have raised questions about the historical accuracy of Scripture on whether miracles occurred as recorded in Scripture. Their arguments are:

a. miracles are not happening ________

b. the witnesses do not have __________

c. miracles are ______________ [________________]

d. God would have created a lawful universe that would adhere to _______.

9. Skeptics have raised questions about the historical accuracy of Scripture on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Scriptures tell us:

a. Luke relates the resurrection to historical ________ and ________, Luke 24:1-7

b. He was seen by ______ and over _____ witnesses, 1 Cor. 15:5-6

c. other witnesses include ________ apostles, Mary, and ____ disciples on the way to Emmaus, John 20:19-29; Luke 24:13-32

d. the resurrection ____________ the lives of the disciples.

10. The Christian’s view of God’s role in _________ can be described by these three convictions:

a. God ____________ in it

b. God ________ it in a straight line

c. God will bring it to the ___________ that He has planned, Rom. 8:28,31.

11. If God directs history, does man have free will? Yes, man may either _____ or ________ God. In choosing to do _____’s _____, man is acting on God’s ___________ of history in the proper manner.

12. History has an overarching _________. Acts 17:26-28. Thus the overall story of mankind has ________, and every moment that man lives is charged with _________.

13. Highlights of Secular Humanist History - ____________ _____________

a. strictly ______________ vantage point

b. no _______________ influence

c. history of man and the universe is the history of ______________ _________

d. “_______ __________ ____________” without design

e. upward direction of history from _____________ to ______________

f. _____________ _____________ (e.g. the computer) is the next step in historical evolution.

14. Highlights of Marxist/Leninist History - _____________ ________________

a. history is the result of the dialectic (________, ____________, ___________) at work through biological evolution, economics, and the social order

b. history began with __________ matter and _______________ generation

c. history is a progression of ___________ and ___________ evolution which will ultimately result in a society of ___________ man in a __________ paradise

d. man is given a minor role to play to nudge ________ along a little faster toward its _______________ world.

15. Highlights of Cosmic Humanist History - ______________ __________

a. evolution is constantly moving mankind toward ____-_____________

b. man and all reality are progressing toward a unified _______________

c. the “_______” recognize this enlightment

d. the “_______” (Christians and other proponents of dogmatic worldviews) act as a hindrance to _____________ forces

16. Highlights of Biblical Christian History - _____________ ______________

a. Jesus Christ is the “______ made _______”, Gen. 3:15; John 1:14; 1 Tim. 3:16

b. without its ___________ roots there would be no Christian worldview,

1 Cor. 15:14

c. the history in the Bible is _________ and describes ______ which actually occurred

d. the Written Word (_____________ _______) and the Living Word (______ _______) are the two cornerstones of the Christian worldview

e. if the Bible isn’t _________ or if Jesus Christ isn’t “____ with ___” [Matt. 1:23], Biblical Christianity crumbles.


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