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Name ____________________________________________ Date ___________________________Social Studies: Explorers Unit 5 Study Guide Directions: Review and complete the following tasks to help you review for the Unit 5 Explorers test. VOCABULARY: Know the following vocabulary words: An EXPLORER is a person who travels looking for new lands and discoveries. A ROUTE is a course you take to get somewhere. European explorers wanted to find the first water ROUTE (same word) to Asia. A COLONY is a place ruled by another country. (Louisiana was a COLONY of France and Spain.) EXPLORERS: Know facts about the following European figures and be able to answer historical questions. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the missing facts. Use your background knowledge from class discussions and videos, SS journal notes, and “My world” textbook pages 125C-125F, National Geographic Louisiana” textbook pages 54-63, and the “Colonial Louisiana” worksheet in your binder to help. Columbus – (1492) An Italian sailor who sailed from SPAIN in 1492 with three ships – the Nina, Pinta, Santa MariaWas looking for a new route to ASIA/INDIA. The first European to discover THE AMERICAS (OR NEW WORLD); called the native people “Indians” because he thought he had landed in INDIA. (He actually landed in the Caribbean, on one of the islands in the Bahamas.) De Soto – (1541) A SPANISH explorer who came to the New World in search of goldFound no goldFirst European to discover the MISSISSIPPI RIVER3. La Salle – (1682) A French explorer who claimed LOUISIANA for FRANCEThe Louisiana territory stretched from the Rocky Mountains (West) to the Appalachian Mountains (East). The Gulf of Mexico was to the south; the Great Lakes were to the North. Parts of the LA territory extended into Canada. Named Louisiana in honor of KING LOUIS XIV Bienville – Started several small settlements in LA with his brother, IBERVILLEChoose the location for NEW ORLEANS and founded the city in the year 1718Named it after the DUKE OF ORLEANSNew Orleans turns 300 years old this year, in 2018! How did Louisiana get its name?LA SALLE named it after King Louis XIV (and his wife Ana) when he claimed LA for FRANCE. How did New Orleans get its name?BIENVILLE named it after the Duke of Orleans when he founded the city in 1718. Sample questions: 1. Why did France want to control the land around the Mississippi River? France wanted to control the land around the Mississippi River because it would give them access to trade opportunities they didn’t have before. The Mississippi River was a major resource for trade and travel in the New World. The size of the territory gave France more power and control in North America. 2. Describe two reasons why Bienville chose the site for the City of New Orleans: The site chosen for New Orleans had many advantages. Because it sits where distance between the river and Lake Pontchartrain is shortest, Louisiana Native Americans had long used the area as a center for storing and trading goods carried between the two waterways. The narrow strip of land also helped to move troops, and the river's curve slowed ships approaching from downriver and exposed them to gunfire.FLAGSKnow the following facts about these flags. Be able to answer historical questions. Spanish Flag of Leone and CastileFrench Fleur de Lis flag1400s-1500s 1600s-1700sUsed by: COLUMBUS AND DE SOTOUsed by: LA SALLE AND BIENVILLE (2 Explorers)(2 Explorers) Sample question: 1) Which explorers used the French fleur-de-lis flag in the Louisiana colony in the 1600 and 1700s? a) Columbus and De Sotob) Columbus and La Sallec) La Salle and Bienville (ANSWER) d) Bienville and Columbus MAPSBe able to compare and contrast maps from past and present Map of the Louisiana territory, 1600s Map of Louisiana today Sample question: Please compare and contrast the above maps. What is one similarity and one difference? (Many possible answers): One similarity is that both maps show Louisiana and part of the Mississippi River. One difference is one map (Louisiana today) shows state borders, while the other map (from the 1600s) does not. ART HISTORYSample question: Which European explorer is shown in the image on the left? What event is happening in this painting? The explorer shown in this image is La Salle. In this painting, La Salle and his men are sailing down the Mississippi River, on their way to claim it for France. Be able to describe the historical events shown in works of art. TIMELINESBe able to use a timeline to answer historical questions. Louisiana history timeline (1500s-1700s)1541 1681 16821718De Soto La Salle begins trip La Salle reaches Gulf of Mexico Bienville founds Discovers the down the and claims Louisiana the City Mississippi River Mississippi River for France of New Orleans Sample Questions: 1) When was the City of New Orleans founded? a) 1541b) 1681c) 1718 (ANSWER) d) 1682 2) What event happened about 100 years AFTER De Soto discovered the Mississippi River? a) Columbus sailed to the Caribbean islandsb) La Salle began his voyage down the Mississippi River (ANSWER) c) Bienville founded the City of New Orleansd) Hunter-gatherers built mounds at Poverty Point ................

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