Ccy Exchange Rates Download from Bureau

Currency Exchange Rates Download from Bureau

| |Requirements Document |

|Distribution : |XGIS |

| |IUG |

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|Reference : |Q:\Lmd\Development\300087499-Ccy Exchange Rates Download from Bureau-IUG\01 Business |

| |Requirements\IUG-300087499-Ccy Exchange Rates Download from Bureau-BusReq.02.doc |

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|Author : |Mark Thompson |

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|Applicability : |Product |IRIS-ENH |

| |Customers |IUG |

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|Global Insurance Solutions Ref |300087499 |

|SAP Network ID |P-IRGRP074 |

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|IUG Reference : |561 |

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|Version : |02 |

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|Revision Date : |30/01/06 |

|Authorised by: |_____________________ |Projects Manager |Date: | / / |

© Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. 2005

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions Limited (XGIS).

This document contains information which is confidential and of value to Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. It may be used only for the agreed purpose for which it has been provided. Written consent is required before any part is reproduced.

Note: This document is submitted to the IRIS User Group solely for informational purposes and shall not be deemed or construed to be a contract or agreement binding on Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. Only signed hard copies and electronic masters of documents will be controlled. Any other copy may not be current.

Trademark Information

Company, product, or brand names mentioned in this document, may be the trademarks of their owners.

Amendment History

|Reason |Date |New Reference |

|Version 1 |13/01/06 |Q:\Lmd\Development\300087499-Ccy Exchange Rates Download from Bureau\01 |

| | |Business Requirements\IUG-300074117-GUI Ccy Exchange Rates Download from |

| | |Bureau-BusReq.01.doc |

|Version 2: Changes following review |30/01/06 |Q:\Lmd\Development\300087499-Ccy Exchange Rates Download from Bureau-IUG\01 |

| | |Business Requirements\IUG-300087499-Ccy Exchange Rates Download from |

| | |Bureau-BusReq.02.doc |

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1. Amendment History 2

2. Business Requirements 4

3. Technical Requirements 5

3.1 Download Message 5

3.1.1 Message Translation 5

3.2 Loading onto IRIS 6

3.2.1 Creating IRIS Currency Member 6

4. Requirements Matrix 8

5. Costing 9

Business Requirements

IRIS will be enhanced to capture a Bureau currency exchange rate message and update the IRIS currency files. The old rate will be archived.

a) Download Message

The exchange rate message will be downloaded from the FTP site onto the AS400.

b) Translate Message

The message will be validated and translated into an intermediate file.

c) Upload Message to IRIS

There will be a job on the IRIS scheduler that will process the message into the IRIS currency files, if the message is valid.

d) Cross reference the currencies to IRIS currencies

The currencies will be cross-referenced to an IRIS file, so the currency codes use IRIS names.

e) Archive Existing Rates

The existing exchange rate will be archived and held as a historical member in the currency file. Depending upon on a system setting, the archiving can be done before, or after the current exchanges are overwritten.

f) Update Currency File With New Rates

The new exchange rate will become the current exchange rate in IRIS.

g) Download From Different Sources

The upload onto IRIS will be independent of the processing that downloads the message. This means that whether the message is downloaded using FTP, or some other method in future, the upload of the exchange rates to IRIS will not change.

h) Company Specific Exchange Rate Member Names

Companies will be able to specify the naming convention for deriving the historical exchange rate name.

Technical Requirements

1 Download Message

Currently all Bureau messages are downloaded using BureauMsgWFM.exe. This will need to be configured to pick up the new Currency Messages and the job scheduled using the IRIS Scheduler. The FTP server will then download the member onto the AS400. Then it will be validated and processed into IRIS.

1) BureauMsgWFM.exe

This will need to be configured to pick up bureau messages only if the messages come from a different FTP site, than the other messages.

2) FTP Upload

The FTP upload will not require any changes. The Message will be loaded into the AS400 library dedicated to receiving intermediate messages, the same as existing messages.

1 Message Translation

In summary the message will be processed similarly to other messages, up until the raw data is unblocked, then there will new programs to retrieve the exchange rate and load them onto IRIS.

3) Bureau FTP Message Identification (UTMDMIR0)

Will need some small changes to identify the message type.

4) Bureau FTP Message Translation – Control (UTMDMTC0)

This will unblock the currency messages, as for other messages (UTMDMTR1). It may be possible to validate (segment order etc) by amending the existing program (UTMDMTR2), but since the member will be so different it is probably worth calling a new program, that will do it.

5) Bureau FTP Message Translation & Mapping – Control (UTMDMZC0)

This will be largely unchanged, except maybe updating the tracking status, until the program maps buffer files to intermediary files. Here a call to a new program will be required to map the currency member to a new intermediate currency file.

6) Intermediate Currency File

This will be similar to ICCYREP, but the with the bureau descriptions and rates and some extra fields (message name, date etc). This is preferable to a multi-member file, as it allows for the GUI to work with this easily.

2 Loading onto IRIS

The upload of the exchange rates onto IRIS from the intermediate currency file is independent of the method used to populate the intermediate file. If in future FTP is not used, then this will not change the upload onto IRIS.

7) Starting the Load onto IRIS could use AS400 or GUI programs

i) AS400

The upload of exchange rates could depend upon when the actual LIRMA messages are loaded, so if the messages are held back, then so is the currency message. However, there will be a data area to determine how far the currency member is processed during the upload into the intermediate file. (ie the process could stop, or the exchange rates could be created in IRIS) This data area could also be used when the LIRMA transaction messages are loaded, so before the message is processed, the intermediate currency file is checked and if exchange rates need to be created, then they are.

There could be an option on the LIRMA menu to create currency members on IRIS, if the message is held back in the intermediate file

ii) GUI

If the currency message is held back in the intermediate file scheduler could be used to submit a job that checks the intermediate currency file and if there are any new exchange rates, then they will be created in IRIS.

This would involve fairly simple changes to:

• BureauMsgWFM.exe will be changed to list the new job and apply wizard step

• IRISBMSbmt.dll will be changed to identify new job and create XML for schedule database

• IRISScheduler.dll will need to be changed to recognise new job type

1 Creating IRIS Currency Member

The records in the intermediate currency file will be validated, and if the records are ok, then the existing current currency member in ICCUREP will be backed up into a new historical member and then the new records will become the new current member in ICCUREP. The programming for this can be AS400 or GUI.

8) Validation

The new records in the intermediate currency file will be validated (ie date, against new x-ref file) and a report produced. The programming for this can be AS400 or GUI.

9) Backing up Current Member

Whether or not the GUI does the validation or not a CL program will be needed here to override the correct currency member.

If the validation is correct, then the current member (ICCUREP) will be copied into a historical member, with a name that will be determined from a rule. (e.g. Jan06, or January2006 if the messages are monthly)

We could make use of ICCMIZR1 - COPY EXCHANGE RATES here.

Depending upon a system setting, the new member can be archived before, or after the current exchanges are overwritten.

10) Creating New Current Member

Using the new x-ref file the records from the intermediate currency file will be copied to the current member. Since the current member is the first member, this is trivial and CL is not needed. The programming for this can be AS400 or GUI.

FICCXR00 will need to be run to copy new member into ICCYREP and ICXXREP.

Requirements Matrix

| |Business Requirements |

|Technical Requirements | |a |

|Estimated Development |37 |days |

This quotation is valid for 90 days.

The estimate for the production of the full specification is an approximate figure only. The Specification will be produced on a fixed price basis based on this approximate figure.

The estimate for the development is also an approximate figure. The full specification will involve more detailed analysis and will provide a firm quotation for enhancement implementation that may vary from the figure given above.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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