EDN 595: Introduction to Gifted Education

EDN 552: Introduction to Gifted Education

History & Foundations

History & Foundations

NAGC Resources Page: History/Timeline link

New Horizons “Education for the Gifted Learner”: Hearne & Maurer article (brief history of policy and background)

Gifted Education from .ucf.edu

Hoagie’s Gifted Page/History of Gifted Education

(Hoagie’s list of history resources:


Wikipedia’s Gifted Education Page:

Ellen  Summers: A Brief History of the Education of the Gifted Child 

View as HTML

A Brief History of the Education of the Gifted Child. By Ellen Summers. From the earliest periods of recorded history, recognition has been granted to those ...


American Gifted Education at the Millennium: 150 Years of Experience. . By: Sayler, Michael F.. Understanding Our Gifted, v12 n1 p11-15 Fall 1999. (EJ603385)

Giftedness: History and Federal Definition (Article One of Five Articles). . By: Garrity, Karen; And Others. Educational Comment, v1 n2-6 Jan-Mar 1979. 1979 50 pp. (ED181701)

Gifted Education in Rural Schools: A National Assessment. . By: Colangelo, Nicholas; Assouline, Susan G.; New, Jennifer K.. 1999 77 pp. (ED430766)

Full Text from ERIC 

Terman/Stanford Study Links

Classics in History of Psychology/Terman Bio:

Carolina Population Center:

Stanford News/Terman Bio-info:

From Human Intelligence Page/Terman Bio:


Gretchen Kreuter: “Vanishing Genius”:

Marland Report/First Regulations

Post-Gazette story/IQ factor persists:

Marland Report 20 Years Later: The Marland Report: Twenty Years Later.

|Abstract:, This report examines federal involvement in gifted education in the 20 years since the Marland report on needs|

|of gifted and talented students. ... |

|eric.ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=EJ441228 |

Wikipedia’s Spin:

NAGC’s FAQ: Marland Report Definition of Giftedness:

RIAGE’s Definition Page:

Marland & Beyond/Funding Programs/Status of our Gifted Students:

National Excellence: Status of Gifted Services (’93):

Javits Program

Javits Homepage:

Defining Giftedness?

Duke Gifted Newsletter/Consistent Definition of Giftedness:

Impact of vulnerabilities & strengths (Cases to consider):


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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