As the contemporary world witnesses a critical shift in the culture of morality and humanism, many social, political, and psychological phenomena are being substantially reviewed and revalued these days.

The LGBTQ subject, one of the most controversial and highly debated matters of today, has drawn endless speculation and arguments over the past decade and thus brought about myriad of LGBTQ discussion and research topics.

Treating this phenomenon with the highest consideration and rationale is extremely important, and the emergence of these topics represents society's concern toward and attention to the LGBTQ culture.

So, let's take a look at the comprehensive and rich assortment of LGBTQ topics for the purpose of writing a paper, conducting research, engaging in a debate, or participating in a group discussion.

LGBTQ Research Topics

Homophobic hip-hop music and its influence on racism and attitudes towards the LGBTQ community.

How feminism and the LGBTQ community agree and disagree with each other, why the LGBTQ need feminism, and why feminists may struggle with the LGBTQ community.

The relationship between feminism and the LGBTQ rights movement in the 1960s and 1970s.

LGBTQ students are experiencing discrimination in schools. What are LGBTQ rights, and why are they important? Answer in terms of

job discrimination and violation of civil rights. The benefits of same sex adoption, the hurdles faced by LGBTQ

community, the evolution of nontraditional adoption. Raising awareness of LGBTQ bullying. LGBTQ students: bullying in Japanese schools. Depression among LGBTQ youth who social media. LGBTQ refugees in Canada.

Is the LGBTQ community forced upon our children? The effects of violence in the LGBTQ community. LGBTQ history. LGBTQ rights in Russia. How have the rights for LGBTQ changed over the past 50 years in the


LGBTQ Debate Topics

The negative effects of victimization of LGBTQ adolescents. Why businesses shouldn't discriminate against LGBTQ people. Non-discrimination policy for LGBTQ patients. How does poverty affect the LGBTQ community? The plight of the church when counseling the LGBTQ community. To what extent were the Stonewall riots of 1969 the most important

cause of change in American civil rights and the consequent LGBTQ movement? A phenomenological study of LGBTQ Ugandan immigrants in the USA and the implications of coming out. How to talk to early childhood kids about LGBTQ families/ partners in the classroom. Homophobia within the LGBTQ community. Every college should have an LGBTQ center. LGBTQ communities and urban change. Impact of social media on LGBTQ. How does bullying in high school impact LGBTQ students sense of belonging in a school setting? The discrimination and treatment of LGBTQ people in the workplace. Adoption rights for LGBTQ couples.

LGBTQ Argumentative Essay Topics

Progress of LGBTQ in mass media. Stonewall riot of 1969: LGBTQ civil rights. LGBTQ community from a sociological perspective. Being LGBTQ in the past vs. in today's society. Should gay marriages be legalized all over the world? How will the LGBTQ community be affected by conservative appointees to

the Supreme Court? LGBTQ and how the three branches of government affect it. Why is intersectionality so important when thinking about LGBTQ issues? How would you characterize the progress made by LGBTQ people since

the 1950s to promote equality for people of diverse sexual identities?

Discuss the impact of the AIDS crisis on the status of LGBTQ people in the U.S. and on the LGBTQ movement from the 1980s until present.

Police brutality and the LGBTQ community. Should the Universal Declaration of Human Rights explicitly include the

rights and protection of rights of LGBTQ people worldwide? How LGBTQ populations are being impacted by sexual violence in a

specific country. Marketing ideas to attract the LGBTQ community. Disparity in healthcare in the LGBTQ community.

LGBTQ Persuasive Essay Topics

Integration of the LGBTQ community into the US military. How does language empower and disempower the LGBTQ community? The rates of drug use/addiction in LGBTQ communities. What is/are the effect(s) of discrimination against the LGBTQ community? Injustice against LGBTQ youth in juvenile courts. How are LGBTQ families represented in advertising? LGBTQ community should be respected as other sectors in civil society. The impact LGBTQ parents have on their children. How does racial exclusion happen in the LGBTQ community? Raising awareness of LGBTQ bullying. The gender bias: how LGBTQ men and women are treated differently in

law, media, and social interactions. Domestic violence in the LGBTQQ community. Reducing suicide cases in the LGBTQ community. Domestic violence in the LGBTQ community.

LGBTQ Informative Speech Topics

Legal rights of transgender people. Historical and scientific perspectives on homosexuality. Bullying and harassment among the LGBTQ youth. Greater engagement among members of gay-straight alliances: individual

and structural contributors. LGBTQ teachers: the evolving legal protections. Sexual orientation and school discipline: new evidence from a population-

based sample. American culture norms and gender identity issues. Church and gay rights. Homosexuality in universities. Challenges faced by LGBTQ people. LGBTQ sexual health. Transgender roles.

LGBTQ: reproductive health and family planning. Gender identity in schools. Traditional culture and gay identities.


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