Research Paper

Research Paper

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|You will be researching a topic of your own choosing related to the study of Modern World History.  The purpose of this |

|assignment is to allow you the chance to explore in greater depth a topic of interest and to learn how to write a historical |

|research paper.  Our course covers world history since the start of the Renaissance.  Any specific person, event, or theme |

|included in the course would be an appropriate research topic.  You might want to consult the list of terms provided on the |

|first day of class for appropriate topic ideas.  |

|Contents |

|1 Due Dates |

|2 Assignment Descriptions: |

|2.1         Précis |

|2.2         Working Bibliography |

|2.3          Annotated Bibliography |

|2.4          Rough Draft |

|2.5          Final Draft |

|2.6          Presentation |

|3 Grading |

|4 Plagiarism |

|  |

|Due Dates |

|  |

|1)      Précis, |

|2)      Working Bibliography, |

|3)      Annotated Bibliography, |

|4)      Rough Draft, |

|5)      Final Draft, |

|6)      Presentation, |

|  |

|Assignment Descriptions: |

|  |

|        Précis |

|You will submit a written description of your proposed research topic for approval.  It should include a description of the |

|topic you wish to research, such as a specific person, event, or theme.  Make sure the topic is not too broad (i.e. “I will be |

|writing about the Renaissance”) or too narrow (i.e. “My paper will analyze weapons used at the Battle of Trafalgar”).  Your |

|précis should also include an explanation of why this topic is relevant to the course.  The length of the description should not|

|exceed one typed-page and should be double-spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font, with 1” margins on all sides.  Include your |

|name in the upper left-hand corner. |

|  |

|Criteria |

|Points Possible |

|Points Earned |

| |

|Identifies and describes proposed topic of research, such as a specific person, event, or theme. |

|  |

|8 |

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|Explains why this topic is relevant to Modern World History. |

|  |

|8 |

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|Proper grammar, spelling, and formatting. |

|  |

|4 |

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|  |

|Total Points |

|  |

|20 |

| |

|  |

|        Working Bibliography |

|Your working bibliography is an alphabetical list of at least 5 sources you plan to use for your research paper. You may want to|

|include more.  NO sources from the Internet will be accepted.  All sources must be properly cited to receive credit for the |

|assignment (see attached citation guide).  If you are having difficulty finding sources please see me in advance of the deadline|

|for assistance.  The school media center and public library would be good places to start. |

|  |

|Criteria |

|Points Possible |

|Points Earned |

| |

|Includes at least 5 relevant sources.  No sources from the Internet will be accepted. |

|  |

|10 |

| |

|Proper grammar, spelling, and formatting.  This includes proper citation based on guidelines provided by teacher. |

|  |

|10 |

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|  |

|Total Points |

|  |

|20 |

| |

|  |

|         Annotated Bibliography |

|An annotated bibliography is an alphabetical list of at least 8 sources (properly cited) with a description of how you plan to |

|use each source in your research paper (see the attached sample annotated bibliography).  The description should include a brief|

|summary of the information included in the source and how it relates to your research topic.  |

|  |

|Criteria |

|Points Possible |

|Points Earned |

| |

|Includes a list of at least 8 relevant sources. |

|16 |

|  |

| |

|Each source is accompanied by a brief summary and a description of how it relates to your research topic. |

|32 |

|  |

| |

|Proper grammar, spelling, and formatting.  This includes proper citation based on guidelines provided by teacher. |

|12 |

|  |

| |

|  |

|Total Points |

|  |

|60 |

| |

|  |

|         Rough Draft |

|The rough draft should be a complete version of your final paper with all elements included.  It is an opportunity for you to |

|share your work with the teacher and receive feedback before the final copy is due.  It must have a title page, five pages of |

|text, and a bibliography.  Papers must have at least 5 pages of text but no more than 7 (not including the title page and |

|bibliography).  All pages should be numbered in the bottom right corner.  The format should be size 12 font, Times New Roman, |

|double-spaced, and with 1” margins on all sides. |

|  |

|            Specific elements of Rough Draft: |

|•        The front page should include the title located in the center of the page.  At the bottom center of the page, you |

|should include in size 12 font your name, the date, the course title, and your teacher’s name.  The front page should not |

|include a page number. |

|•        The introduction at the start of the paper should identify the topic you will discuss.  It should identify the time |

|period you are dealing with and explain any pertinent background information.  Your thesis should explain the main argument of |

|your paper.  For example, “Queen Elizabeth I of England used a variety of propaganda tools throughout her reign that |

|de-emphasized her femininity in order to win the support of the English people” or “Hitler used the economic depression |

|following WWII in Germany to his advantage during the 1930s in order to gain public support.” |

|•        The text of your paper should be aligned to the left and organized into paragraphs.  Any quotes longer than four lines |

|should be indented and single-spaced on a separate line.  Whenever possible, material should be paraphrased.  Only relevant and |

|necessary quotes should be included in the paper.  All quotes or paraphrased material should be cited within your paper using |

|footnotes (see citation guide) and in the bibliography. |

|•        The conclusion of your paper should summarize your main argument.  The conclusion should also include some new |

|information.  You might suggest other areas of inquiry that could build upon your ideas or a recent event that relates to your |

|topic. |

|•        The last page of your paper should be your bibliography.  Bibliography should be typed at the top of the page, aligned |

|in the center, and underlined.  All bibliographic entries should be aligned to the left, alphabetized, and single-spaced. |

|  |

|Criteria |

|Points Possible |

|Points Earned |

| |

|Introduction identifies a specific topic of inquiry.  The thesis statement identifies the argument you will be supporting within|

|your paper.  The introduction explains the time period you are discussing and any relevant background information. |

|10 |

|  |

| |

|The paper incorporates specific details and examples to support your thesis.  Information from sources is utilized to strengthen|

|your arguments.  Paper is organized in a logical manner. |

|25 |

|  |

| |

|Conclusion summarizes your main argument and includes new information. |

|5 |

|  |

| |

|Proper grammar, spelling, and formatting.  This includes formatting of the title page, text, and bibliography. |

|10 |

|  |

| |

|  |

|Total Points |

|  |

|50 |

| |

|  |

|         Final Draft |

|Your final paper should be edited to reflect comments made by the teacher on your rough draft.  It would be possible for a |

|student to earn an A on a rough draft and a lesser grade on the final if the same paper was submitted.  The rough draft should |

|be edited and improved. |

|Criteria |

|Points Possible |

|Points Earned |

| |

|Introduction identifies a specific topic of inquiry in the thesis statement.  It should explain the time period you are |

|discussing and any relevant background information. |

|10 |

|  |

| |

|The paper incorporates specific details and examples to support your thesis.  Information from sources is utilized to strengthen|

|your arguments.  Paper is organized in a logical manner. |

|25 |

|  |

| |

|Conclusion summarizes your main argument and includes new information. |

|5 |

|  |

| |

|Proper grammar, spelling, and formatting.  This includes formatting of the title page, text, and bibliography. |

|10 |

|  |

| |

|  |

|  |

|  |

| |

|  |

|Total Points |

|  |

|50 |

| |

|  |

|         Presentation |

|You should prepare a 4-7 minute presentation explaining the findings of your research paper.  Explain the topic of your paper |

|and thesis.  Identify the main ideas included in your paper.  Create a visual to share with the class that relates to your |

|presentation.  You may use notes but should not read the presentation.  It is important to maintain eye contact and speak |

|clearly. |

|  |

|Criteria |

|Points Possible |

|Points Earned |

| |

|Presentation is between 4 and 7 minutes long. |

|2 |

|  |

| |

|Visual is neat and related to the topic of the presentation.  It is free of spelling or grammatical errors. |

|5 |

|  |

| |

|Presentation shows evidence of preparation.  You maintain eye contact, speak clearly, and talk slowly. |

|3 |

|  |

| |

|Explains the topic of paper and thesis.  It identifies the main ideas included in your research paper. |

|15 |

|  |

| |

|  |

|Total Points |

|  |

|25 |

| |

|  |

|  |

|Grading |

|During the first half of the course, you will earn 100 points towards your research paper grade (précis, bibliography, and |

|annotated bibliography).  These points will be entered as a single grade in the tests category for Quarter #3.  During the |

|second half of the course, you will earn 125 points towards your research paper grade (rough draft, final draft, and |

|presentations).  These points will be entered as a single grade in the tests category for Quarter #4.  Remember, tests are worth|

|60% of your grade (see syllabus).  It will be very important that you complete coursework on time and to the best of your |

|ability.  If you are struggling or have questions, please see me in advance of deadlines. |

|  |

|Plagiarism |

|If you attempt to pass off someone else’s work as your own, it is considered plagiarism.  This includes copying ideas or words |

|from another source and using them in your paper without proper citation.  Direct quotes and paraphrased material must be |

|cited.  All assignments will be carefully read over to ensure that each paper is an example of original work.  Any paper that is|

|plagiarized in part or full will receive a zero. |


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