Pearl Harbor Station Historic Preservation Review

Pearl Harbor Station Historic Preservation Review

Programmatic Agreement Requirements

? PA Stipulation IV.A. Design Standards. For stations within the boundary of or directly adjacent to an eligible or listed historic property, the City shall comply with the Secretary of the Interior's (SOI) Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (36 CFR 68), and will make every reasonable effort to avoid adverse effects on historic properties. ? Pearl Harbor Station is adjacent to/or across the street from 2 proposed Historic Districts and 1 National Historic Landmark

? Stipulation XI. City Contractors and Contract Adherents to PA. Contractors responsible for work set forth in [the] PA shall have qualified staff that meet the SOI Qualification Standards, 48 Federal Regulation 44,738-39 (September 29, 1983) ? AECOM Station Design Project Manager

Section 106 - FEIS Findings

? Pearl Harbor NHL.


Effect (The SHPO did not provide the basis for these determinations.

Therefore, general effects to the resource are assumed.)

? Potential Little Makalapa Navy Housing Historic District. No Adverse Effect

? Potential Makalapa Navy Housing District. Adverse Effect - effects to setting and feeling

? Navy WWII Splinterproof Shelter. No Adverse Effect

Design/Mitigation Constraints

? Guideway alignment is fixed ? Station location is fixed ? US Navy security measures are required at the station (not

guideway) ? Section 4(f) of the Transportation Act precludes design

changes that would add adverse impacts to any NRHP eligible property

Section 106 Reminder - this is a consultation process to support Project Mitigation Commitments per the PA to mitigate adverse effects.

An adverse effect is found when an undertaking may alter any of the characteristics that

qualify a historic property for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places

[36 CFR 800.5(a)(1)].

Current Pearl Harbor Station Mitigation

FEIS mitigation measures: elimination of station touchdowns within the Pearl Harbor NHL (makai side of Kamehameha Highway)

PA mitigation measures include:

? Stipulation IV. Station Design following guidance of the Design Language Pattern Book

? Stipulation V.C. HABS/HAER/HALS documentation

? Stipulation VI. Completion of NRHP nominations and amendment to NHL, with emphasis on resources closest to the APE not previously documented, (plus CINPAC HQ Bldg NHL, Ossipoff's Aloha Chapel, SMART Clinic, and Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society)

? Stipulation VII. Development and Implementation of Educational Interpretive Program for stations

Early Maps of Pu'uloa Area (Pearl Harbor)

Map of trails and places mentioned by John Papa `` (adapted from Rockwood's map in `` 1959:96)

? Relevant to station naming and interpretative program

? Stories of note includes Guardian Sharks of Pu'uloa

Designated a National Historic Landmark in 1964. Statement of Significance: Pearl Harbor is a large, landlocked port which contributed to the rise of the United States as a major world power in the Pacific.

Some properties within the NHL also constitute a portion of the World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument, including the Arizona Memorial and Visitor Center (all are outside the HRTP Area of Potential Effect).

Makalapa Neighborhood

HRTP Mitigation:

? An addendum to the existing HABS.

? NR nomination forms to NPS before second design workshop

Source: Mason Architects, Inc., Belt Collins Hawaii, August 2003


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