Where can I find Time for Timothy episodes to view

Where can I find Time for Timothy episodes to view?

You may view episodes by ordering a DVD of three episodes from the IndyFaith Store. You also may view individual shows at the Indiana Historical Society, or order dubs of them.

The Church Federation of Greater Indianapolis Store

At this time, the Church Federation of Greater Indianapolis offers one DVD of three half-hour episodes of Time for Timothy for sale to the public at $12.00 per copy, including shipping and handling inside the U.S.A. The three stories are described below. Note that you may request a discussion guide to use with your children following the viewing. You may order from the IndyFaith Store on this website's home page, or by mailing the order blank that follows the show descriptions.

“The One Eyed Ghost”

Timothy’s bike has been stolen. While he and Ezra walk, it starts to rain. Hesitantly, they find cover in a cave that is said to be the home of a one-eyed ghost. After discovering the ghost is a one-eyed owl, they hear a noise. It’s the robbers, who hide their loot and leave. The boys come from their hiding places to find bags of money. Before turning it in, Timothy is tempted to keep some.


The importance of heeding warnings comes home to Timothy, as he ignores tornado warnings on TV, and takes Kathleen to see Alvey’s amateur radio rig. They’re caught in the storm, but arrive safely at Alvey’s, while Rev. Matthew consoles Aunt Matilda, who is worried about them. The dam breaks, and the whole valley is flooded. After clinging to a log in rushing water, they and others receive Red Cross assistance, then find refuge in a synagogue, welcomed by rabbi Levi and volunteer hospital staff.

“The Land of the Gimme Goons”

Timothy and Kathleen complain that Aunt Agatha doesn’t give them fun toys. In Tim’s dream, he meets a magic rabbit who grants his wish to be in a land of gifts and toys. There, Tim and Kathleen find trees full of gifts. But each tree is guarded by a strange creature who wants to become a citizen, and giving is against the queen’s rules. Tim wants to become a citizen, plants a tree, and grabs his gifts – all but a doll. Kathleen asks for it, but Tim can’t give. The doll tells Kathleen that the citizens can say only one word, “Gimme,” and must serve the greedy queen. Tim and Kathleen run to escape. Tim gives Kathleen the doll, thus, breaking the spell. Back home, they plan a gift of helping Aunt Agatha.

Please send me _____ copies of your DVD of three episodes from the Time for Timothy TV series at $12.00 per DVD.

Enclosed is my check for ___________.

Please print clearly: Name: ______________________________________________________________

Street Address: ______________________________________________________________

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Please mail this order to: The Church Federation of Greater Indianapolis

1100 W. 42nd Street, Suite 345

Indianapolis, IN 46205


Indiana Historical Society

You also may view Time for Timothy episodes at no cost at the Indiana Historical Society’s library. Ask for Paul Brockman, who has filed the 151 episodes that are on individual DVDs. They must be viewed at the museum, but for a nominal fee, you may ask that a show be dubbed for you to take home or give to your church. The Indiana Historical Society is located at 450 W. Ohio St. in Indianapolis. The phone number for its library is (317) 232-1879. Please call ahead to be sure that Mr. Brockman will be available to help you.


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