300087499-Currency Exchange Rates Download from the …

IRIS User Group Development


Currency Exchange Rates Download from the Bureau

IUG Ref-0561; SN-300087499

Current Location & Status

|File Location |Q:\Lmd\Development\300087499-Ccy Exchange Rates Download from Bureau-IUG\02 |

| |Specification\IUG-300087499-GUI Ccy Exchange Rates Download from Bureau-Functional.03.doc |

|Document Owner |Xchanging Global Insurance Systems |

|Status |Authorised by XGIS |

Authorised by

|Name |Authorising Role |Date |Signature |

|Alan Chisham |Development Project Manager |22/03/07 |Signed copy on file |

|Daryl Yeats |Project Manager |29/03/07 |See mail in folder |

|Mick Hobbs |Director |29/03/07 |See mail in folder |

|John Colwell |Financial Director |29/03/07 |See mail in folder |

|IRIS User Group |Client | | |

Prepared by: Barry Rolfe

Project Manager Daryl Yeats

Office: 34, Leadenhall Street, London EC3A 1AX

Issue Date: 29th March 2007

© Xchanging Global Insurance Systems Ltd. 2007

All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Xchanging Global Insurance Systems Limited (Xchanging).

This document contains information which is confidential and of value to Xchanging.  It may be used only for the agreed purpose for which it has been provided.  Written consent is required before any part is reproduced.

Trademark Information

Company, product, or brand names mentioned in this document, may be the trademarks of their owners.

Document Control

Revision History

|Version |Description/Reason for Change |Date |

|01 |1st Draft |04/08/06 |

|02 |2nd Draft |25/08/06 |

|03 |Migrated to Xpert format and development input into the design |16/03/07 |

| | | |

Circulation List

|Name |Business Area |For Review |For Sign-off |Agreement to proceed|

|Alan Chisham |Development |X |X |X |

|Daryl Yeats |IS |X |X | |

|Mick Hobbs |IS |X |X |X |

|John Colwell |IS |X |X |X |

|IRIS User Group |Client |X |X |X |

Document Purpose

This document is the Functional Specification for the implementation of a download of exchange rates from the London market bureau into IRIS in IRIS-ENH[1]. It has been compiled in accordance with the Xchanging XPERT package Implementation Methodology.

Contents Page

1 Introduction 5

1.1 Background to Requirement 5

1.2 Business Requirement 5

1.2.1 Requirements 5

1.3 Scope 6

1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 6

2 Summary of Functional Changes 7

2.1 Business and Functional Requirements Matrix 7

3 Detailed Functional Specifications 8

3.1 LPCROE Message File 8

3.2 New System Settings and Security 8

3.3 Process Flow Overview 9

3.4 Download Message (FS01) 10

3.4.1 Download From Different Sources (FS07) 10

3.5 Translate Message (FS02) 10

3.6 Upload Message to IRIS (FS03) 10

3.7 Cross reference the currencies to IRIS currencies (FS04) 10

3.8 Rates of Exchange update procedure (FS06) 11

3.9 Archive previous rates (FS05) 12

3.9.1 Archive Naming Convention (FS08) 12

3.9.2 Legacy File use 13

3.10 Screen Flow 14

3.10.1 Processing screen 14

3.10.2 Delete Confirmation window 14

3.10.3 Errors/Warnings window 14

3.10.4 Successful completion window 14

3.11 Validation 15

3.11.1 Processing screen 15

3.11.2 Error Messages 15

3.11.3 Warning Messages 15

4 Acceptance Criteria 16

4.1 Test Cases 16

5 Costs 19

6 Appendices 20

6.1 Appendix A – Message File Layout 20

6.2 Appendix B – Message File Example 21

6.3 Appendix C - Registration Document 27


1 Background to Requirement

This functional specification describes the proposed operation for processing the Xchanging Ins-Sure Services (XIS) currency/rates of exchange file that is currently available to member companies, in IRIS.

The requirement is for the rates of exchange on that file to be used to update the current rates of exchange held in the IRIS system. A facility will also be incorporated to archive the rates.

It should be noted that the separate currency/rates of exchange file that is available from XIS for Lloyds is NOT covered by this specification.

2 Business Requirement

Member companies need to register with XIS to take this file which is then available as an EDI message. The message is known as the LPCROE message but it is actually just a text file.

The data for the file is updated every Monday (except bank holidays) and the create message job run at XIS during the Tuesday night processing so that the message is available for download to registered customers on a Wednesday morning.

The message is available for downloading, whenever it is required, from the XIS business centre (XIS Data Hub).

Each file (message) created is available for 30 days from the day of creation, and is free of charge to retrieve from the business centre, although there is a traffic charge dependent on the number of transactions (a transaction equates to a line in the file).

Files older than 30 days are available from an archive, at an additional charge.

For details of registration and/or charges then Arthur Peake or Neil Pilcher at XIS should be contacted in the first instance.

Appendix A (on page 20) contains the input file layout.

Appendix B (on page 21) contains a downloaded example file (message contents)

Appendix C (on page 27) contains an example registration document

1 Requirements

1) Download Message

a) The exchange rate message will be downloaded from the FTP site onto the AS400.

2) Translate Message

a) The message will be validated and translated into an intermediate file.

3) Upload Message to IRIS

a) There will be a job on the IRIS scheduler that will process the message into the IRIS currency files, if the message is valid.

4) Cross reference the currencies to IRIS currencies

a) The currencies will be cross-referenced to an IRIS file, so the currency codes use IRIS values.

5) Archive Existing Rates

a) The existing exchange rate will be archived and held as a historical member in the currency file. Depending upon on a system setting, the archiving can be done before, or after the current exchanges are overwritten.

6) Update Currency File With New Rates

a) The new exchange rate will become the current exchange rate in IRIS.

7) Download From Different Sources

a) The upload onto IRIS will be independent of the processing that downloads the message. This means that whether the message is downloaded using FTP, or some other method in future, the upload of the exchange rates to IRIS will not change.

8) Company Specific Exchange Rate Member Names

a) Companies will be able to specify the naming convention for deriving the historical exchange rate name.

3 Scope

The scope of the enhancement will be to provide the capability to

1. Download the message

2. Translate the message

3. Upload the message

4. Manage a currency code cross reference file

5. A process procedure which will update the rates of exchange

6. Archive existing rates of exchange to a file that follows a predefined naming convention

4 Assumptions and Limitations

It should be noted that the separate currency/rates of exchange file that is available for Lloyds is NOT covered within this specification.

This enhancement will not include any change to a currency code description for the Exchange Rates file (ICCYREP) where it is different to the description contained on the message file (e.g. if the message has a description for USD of “US Dollars” and in the IRIS data base the description is set to “Dollars” then the import will NOT update the IRIS currency description with that contained in the message).

Summary of Functional Changes

01) Download Message

a) The exchange rate message will be downloaded from the FTP site onto the AS400.

02) Translate Message

a) The message will be validated and translated into an intermediate file.

03) Upload Message to IRIS

a) There will be a job on the IRIS scheduler that will process the message into the IRIS currency files, if the message is valid.

04) Cross reference the currencies to IRIS currencies

a) The currencies will be cross-referenced to an IRIS file, so the currency codes use IRIS names.

05) Archive Existing Rates

a) The existing exchange rate will be archived and held as a historical member in the currency file. Depending upon on a system setting, the archiving can be done before, or after the current exchanges are overwritten.

06) Update Currency File With New Rates

a) The new exchange rate will become the current exchange rate in IRIS.

07) Download From Different Sources

a) The upload onto IRIS will be independent of the processing that downloads the message. This means that whether the message is downloaded using FTP, or some other method in future, the upload of the exchange rates to IRIS will not change.

08) Company Specific Exchange Rate Member Names

a) Companies will be able to specify the naming convention for deriving the historical exchange rate name.

1 Business and Functional Requirements Matrix

| |BR01 |

|Currency Code Description |30 chars |

|Country Description |50 chars |

|Exchange Rate |15 chars |

|Filler |2 chars |

The exchange rate is a 15 character integer but has the format of an implied decimal point after the 7th character (inferring 8 decimal places)

The rate on the file is to a base currency of GBP and the rate should be used as a divisor to a currency amount to obtain the GBP equivalent (i.e. you divide an amount by the rate to give the exchange rate).

2 New System Settings and Security

There will be one new System settings to control the archiving of the current rates of exchange.

Access to the application to download the message and then process the contents (update the rates of exchange) will be restricted by a new permission setting in the IRIS System Administration function. This will be a check box either granting a user access (ticked) to this functionality or not (unticked).

3 Process Flow Overview


4 Download Message (FS01)

The exchange rate message will be downloaded from the FTP site onto the iSeries.

The FTP server will download the exchange rate file onto the iSeries, validate it and process it into IRIS.

1) Bureau Workflow Manager

a) This will need to be configured to pick up exchange rate messages only if the messages come from a different FTP site than the other bureau messages.

2) FTP Upload

a) The FTP upload will operate as now, whereby the message will be loaded into the iSeries library dedicated to receiving intermediate messages.

1 Download From Different Sources (FS07)

The upload into IRIS will be independent of the processing that downloads the message. This means that whether the message is downloaded using FTP, or some other method in future, the upload of the exchange rates to IRIS will not change.

5 Translate Message (FS02)

The message will be processed similarly to other bureau messages and an intermediate file will be created from the data received.

The intermediate currency file will be similar to the Exchange Rates file (ICCYREP), but will contain the bureau descriptions, rates and some extra fields (message name, date, whether processed etc).

6 Upload Message to IRIS (FS03)

The upload of the exchange rates onto IRIS from the intermediate currency file will be independent of the method used to populate the intermediate file. If, in future, FTP is not used, then this will not require a change to the upload into IRIS.

7 Cross reference the currencies to IRIS currencies (FS04)

There will need to be a cross reference file which will contain the currency code as used by the message file, received from XIS, and the equivalent currency code as defined in IRIS. The existing Bureau Currency Code Xref (UTXCREP) file will be used for this.

The field values will be

|System ID |XCSYC2 |contains the value “RE” (to denote the message usage) |

|Currency Code |XCCUXF |contains the message currency code |

|Currency Desc |XCCUNM |contains the message currency code description |

|Original Currency |XCOGCU |contains the IRIS currency code |

The maintenance of this file is already incorporated into the standard Reference Files application and access to it governed by the normal System Administration permission setting.

Entries on this table will only be required if the message currency code does not match the equivalent code in IRIS.

8 Rates of Exchange update procedure (FS06)

Once the message has been downloaded, translated and uploaded to an intermediate file, the following processing steps will be undertaken (assuming no errors occurred when mapping the data to the intermediate file).

1) The intermediate file is to be validated against the cross reference file and any entries on the intermediate file that do not have an entry on the cross reference file will be reported.

2) The archive System setting will be checked and if specifies that the current rates should be archived BEFORE they are updated then the current rates of exchange will be copied. The files, Currency Table (ICCUREP), Exchange Rates (ICCYREP) and Exchange Rate Types (ICXXREP) will be updated as appropriate.

3) The intermediate file entry currency code will be used as an index (currency code = XCCUXF) on the cross reference file (UTXCREP) and the currency code from that file (XCOGCU) then used to access the appropriate currency entry for the current rates in the Exchange Rates file (ICCYREP).

a) The data area ZZBSRZA0 holds the base currency code and will be compared against the base currency used by the downloaded rates (GBP in the case of the LPCROE file)

i) If the base currency code matches the base rate of the LPCROE file (GBP) then the rates are already to the same base rate.

ii) If they are not the same then the system will identify the current rate in the downloaded rates that does match that of the base currency. This will be used to convert the rates in the downloaded file to the same base currency as defined in the IRIS system.

iii) e.g. if the IRIS base currency is USD and the downloaded rates which have a base currency of GBP gives the rates for USD as 1.93 and for EUR as 1.54 then the system will recalculate these rates to a base currency of USD as follows

□ USD = 1.93 / 1.93 = 1.00

□ EUR = 1.54 / 1.93 = 0.79792746 (exchange rates in IRIS can store them to 8 d.p.)

□ GBP = 1.00 / 1.93 = 0.51813472

b) Additionally the data area ZZECRZA0 will be checked (this indicates whether the rates held in IRIS are held as multipliers or divisors). The rates in the LPCROE message are held as divisors (i.e. you divide an amount by the rate to convert it into the base currency) and so should be treated as having a value of ‘D’.

i) if the value in the data area matches that of the LPCROE message (i.e. “D”) then the rate can be used as it is.

ii) If the value in the data area does not match that of the LPCROE message (i.e. does not match ‘D’) then the reciprocal of the rate needs to be calculated.

iii) e.g. if the IRIS database is set up such that rates should be stored as multipliers (i.e. the data area is set to ‘M’) and the rates in the message file are USD as 1.93 and for EUR as 1.54 then the equivalent multiplicative rates would be as follows…

□ USD = 1 / 1.93 = 0.51813472

□ EUR = 1 / 1.54 = 0.64935065

□ GBP = 1 / 1.00 = 1.00000000

4) The new rate of exchange will be compared to the old rate of exchange. If the variation (+/-) between the rates is a greater percentage than that contained in the data area ZZXVRZA0 then a warning record will be written for that exchange rate.

5) Rates of exchange on the message file that contain all “nines” will be ignored from the processing cycle as these indicate that the currency code is no longer used.

6) This continues until the end of the intermediate file.

7) When all the input records have been processed the then a warning message will be generated for any and all currencies not updated on the exchange rate file (i.e. those currencies in the IRIS system that had no equivalent currency entry in the currency message file).

8) The archive System setting will be checked and if it specifies that the current rates should be archived AFTER the current rates have been updated then the current rates of exchange will be copied. The files, Currency Table (ICCUREP), Exchange Rates (ICCYREP) and Exchange Rate Types (ICXXREP) will be updated as appropriate.

9 Archive previous rates (FS05)

The System setting to control the archiving of the “current” member name of the Exchange Rates file (ICCYREP) will follow normal processes and can have the following settings :-

a) the current rates will be copied to a member after update (so the new rates are archived as they are processed)

b) the current rates will be copied to a member before update

c) there will be no copy of the current rates performed

The default value of the System setting will be a) (i.e. the current rates will be copied to a member after update essentially archiving the new rates as they are processed).

1 Archive Naming Convention (FS08)

The list of the available historic exchange rates is held in the Exchange Rate Members file (ICXXREP).

The fields on this file are as follows (those that can be populated by the user or via rules defined in the system are indicated as being User Populated)

|Field |Description |Type |Notes |

|IAXXID |Exchange Rate Definition ID |9 Numeric (0 d.p.) |System generated |

|IAXXTY |Exchange Rate Type |10 Char |User Populated |

|IAMBNM |Member Name |10 Char |User Populated (N.B. if |

| | | |populated then it must be |

| | | |unique) |

|IAMBDS |Exchange Rate Description |50 Char |User Populated |

|IAEHDF |Effective From Date |Date (7 Numeric 0 d.p.) |User Populated |

|IAEHDT |Effective To Date |Date (7 Numeric 0 d.p.) |User Populated |

|IAXRRF |Member Reference Code |10 Char |Blank |

|IARCFD |Record Delete Flag |1 char |Blank |

It will be necessary for the values in this file to be automatically populated by this process.

To allow the user to be able to define the values for the user populated fields of the archive, the facility will exist in Business Customisation to create a rule that contains an expression to construct the values for the user populated fields from values derived from the message.

Examples of the kind of rules that can be defined are as follows

|Expression Rule |Returned value |

|Format(Now,”YYYY”) & Format(Now,”MM”) & Format(Now,”DD”) |20061031 |

|Format(Now,”MMM”) & Format(Now, “YY”) |OCT06 |

|Format(Now,”YYYY”) & Format(Now,”MM”) & Format(Now,”WW”) & Format(Now,”DD”) |2006104431 |

|Format(Now,”MMM”) & “-“ & Format(Now, “YY”) |OCT-06 |

The components available will be

YY 2 character year (e.g. 06)

YYYY 4 character year (e.g. 2006)

MM 2 character month (e.g. 09)

MMM 3 character month (e.g. SEP)

WW 2 character week number within year

DD 2 character day that the member was created

It will be possible to derive the values to be used in the archive name from the

a) input message filename

b) message download date.

c) Current date

Any of, or a combination of, these components, will be able to be utilised providing the total length of the resultant name does not exceed the length of the respective ‘user populated’ field.

2 Legacy File use

The legacy Exchange Rate file (ICCUREP) will be maintained in addition to the above and the “CURRENT” (ICCUREP) member will contain the updated rates. This will enable the green screen functions that use historic rates to continue.

It is only populated for those exchange rates where a member name has been specified. If the member name is left blank then no records are created on the legacy exchange rate file (ICCUREP).

10 Screen Flow

On choosing the application from the main IRIS menu (Front-end), a screen will be displayed that shows the exchange rate messages that are available for processing.

Pressing the Process button will begin the update cycle of the rates.

Pressing the Delete button will issue a confirmation window, replying yes to this will remove the exchange rate message (and uploaded files) from the system, replying no will abandon the operation.

Errors or warnings will be displayed in a separate window if any occur.

A confirmation message window is to be displayed on successful conclusion of the update process.

1 Processing screen

This will contain a grid format of entries that shows the exchange rate messages that are available for processing.

The “processed” indicator will control this display and by default only those that have not yet been processed will be displayed.

The selection of multiple entries will be allowed for the delete action but the selection of only one entry will be allowed for the process option.

A Process button, or a right click option, will be available to start the process cycle and a Delete button, or a right click option, will be available to remove the unwanted files.

2 Delete Confirmation window

This will provide the user with the ability to continue with the delete process or to abandon.

3 Errors/Warnings window

This will provide the user with a list of all errors or warnings found in the update processing.

4 Successful completion window

This will provide confirmation that the current rates of exchange have been updated without any errors/warnings. The actual message will contain the name of the file processed and the archive file created (if the archive control System setting is set to archive the rates)

11 Validation

1 Processing screen

Only a single entry from the results grid can be selected if the Process button pressed (or right click option chosen)

2 Error Messages

1. Rate of exchange encountered for xxx that does not have an IRIS currency code equivalent

a. Where xxx is the intermediate file currency code

2. Processing interrupted, last completed step was n dddddddddddddd

a. Where n is the status control System setting value

ddddddddd is the description of the value

3 Warning Messages

1. Updating rate of exchange of nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnn for xxx is outside tolerance of zzz% of current rate

a. Where nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnn is the rate of exchange from the intermediate file

b. Where xxx is the IRIS currency code (IAOGCU) from the Exchange Rates file (ICCYREP)

c. Where zzz is the value of the data area ZZXVRZA0

2. Current rate of exchange for xxx has not been updated

a. Where xxx is the IRIS currency code (IAOGCU) from the Exchange Rates file (ICCYREP)

Acceptance Criteria

1) It is possible to download the LPCROE file from an FTP site

2) The exchange rates defined in the LPCROE file are used to update the current exchange rates in IRIS

3) Exchange rates are archived (so that an historical record of previous sets of exchange rates is maintained)

1 Test Cases

|No. |Test |Expected Result |

|1 |Download | |

|1.1 |From the Bureau Workflow manager run the “Poll for |The downloaded LPCROE file should be present in the specified |

| |new Messages” job against a website that contains an|download location |

| |LPCROE message file. | |

|1.2 |From the Bureau Workflow manager run the “Upload new|The downloaded LPCROE file should be uploaded to the specified |

| |messages to RDBMS” job. |location on the iSeries |

|1.3 |From the Bureau Workflow manager run the “Translate |The data in the LPCROE message file should be mapped into the |

| |messages” job. |exchange rate intermediate file. |

|1.4 |From the Bureau Workflow manager run the “Poll, |The LPCROE message file should be downloaded to the specified |

| |upload and translate” job against a website that |location on the PC/network, uploaded to the specified location |

| |contains a new LPCROE message file. |on the iSeries and mapped into the exchange rate intermediate |

| | |file all as part of the single process. |

| | | |

|2 |Cross Reference File | |

|2.1 |Using the Reference Files application, add and edit|Entries added and amended correctly |

| |the Bureau Currency Code Xref file (UTXCREP) to | |

| |create appropriate entries that can be used to | |

| |process the message data | |

| | | |

|3 |Update Rates | |

|3.1 |From the IRIS main menu, select the Exchange Rate |Window displayed listing all available messages (no previously |

| |download application |deleted entries displayed). The exchange rate files downloaded |

| | |in test script 1 above should be listed. |

|3.2 |Highlight an entry or multiple entries and Press the|Confirmation window displayed. |

| |“Delete” button. | |

|3.2.1 |Reply Yes to this and the file(s) will be deleted. |List screen redisplayed with the deleted entry “greyed out”. |

|3.2.2 |Reply No to this and the list screen redisplayed as |Previous list screen redisplayed. |

| |before. | |

|3.3 |Highlight more than one entry and select the |Error displayed advising only one entry allowed to be selected. |

| |“Process” button. | |

|3.3 |From using the “Process” button, check that a |Error message window is displayed with the appropriate error |

| |missing Bureau Currency Code X-ref file (UTXCREP) |message populated |

| |entry produces an error message | |

|3.4 |Check that a rate of exchange being used is outside |Warning message window is displayed with tolerance warning |

| |the tolerance contained in the data area ZZXVRZA0 |message populated |

|3.5 |Process the intermediate file and check that the |Correct rates of exchange values written to the output file |

| |input file rates of exchange have been copied to the|(check the rates to ensure that they are all correct – on both |

| |Exchange Rates file (ICCYREP) |ICCYREP and on the legacy rates file ICCUREP) |

|3.6 |Process the intermediate file and ensure that there |Warning message window is displayed with the not updated warning|

| |is an existing rate of exchange that does not have a|message populated |

| |matching entry on the intermediate file | |

|3.7 |Using a database that does not have GBP as the base |Correct rates of exchange values written to the output file |

| |currency, run the process operation and check that | |

| |the correct rates of exchange have been calculated | |

| |and copied to the Exchange Rates file (ICCYREP), | |

| |this with the data area ZZECRZA0 having a value of | |

| |“D” and also a value of “M” | |

|3.8 |Check that intermediate file entries that contain |Rate of exchange values unchanged |

| |all “nines” in the rate of exchange field are | |

| |ignored and the output file rate is unchanged | |

|3.9 |When the processing of the intermediate file has |Window displayed with fields populated as appropriate |

| |completed without errors or warnings, a confirmation| |

| |window is displayed | |

|3.9.1 |When the confirmation window is closed the original |List entry indicator field set as processed |

| |list screen is redisplayed with the “processed” | |

| |indicator set for the file just processed | |

| | | |

|4 |Archive | |

|4.1 |With the archive system setting set to not archive |The intermediate file will be processed and there will be no |

| |the rates, run the process operation. |archive set of exchange rates will be produced (i.e. only the |

| | |current rates on the exchange rate file (ICCYREP) and the legacy|

| | |exchange rate file (ICCUREP) will have been updated. |

|4.2 |Start the Business Customisation application and set|Rule not able to be saved |

| |the member name with an invalid combination or | |

| |values of components | |

|4.2.1 |Start the Business Customisation application and set|Rule able to be saved |

| |the member name with an invalid combination or | |

| |values of components | |

|4.3 |With the archive system setting set to archive the |A copy of the current exchange rates (prior to them being |

| |current rates PRIOR to them being updated, run the |updated) will be created on the exchange rate file (ICCYREP) and|

| |process operation. |in a new file member (if a member name was specified) on the |

| | |legacy exchange rate file (ICCUREP). |

| | |The details on the exchange rate member file (ICXXREP) should be|

| | |populated as per the business customisation settings defined. |

|4.4 |With the archive system setting set to archive the |A copy of the current exchange rates (after they had been |

| |current exchange rates AFTER they have been updated,|updated) will be created on the exchange rate file (ICCYREP) and|

| |run the process operation. |also in a new file member (if a member name was specified) on |

| | |the legacy exchange rate file (ICCUREP). |

| | |The details on the exchange rate member file (ICXXREP) should be|

| | |populated as per the business customisation settings defined. |

| | | |


Based on the Business Requirements set out in this document and on the Technical Specification our price for delivering the enhancement will be £55,005. This estimate is valid for 90 days

Any arrangement that is agreed as a result of this proposal is subject to the Constitution of the IRIS User Group.

The estimate includes the following:-

Further detailed software design


Unit testing

Peer testing

Database upgrade

Documentation upgrade

Help Text upgrade

Project management

Delivery and load instructions

Incorporation into System test

This enhancement will form part of the standard IRIS package and will be covered by the existing maintenance agreement.

If you wish to proceed with the specification, you should provide authorisation in written form, for example by email.


1 Appendix A – Message File Layout

File Layout. LPCROE

The record format for the file to be extracted is as follows :-

|Fields |Type |Length |

|Curr-Code |Char |3 |

|Curr-Name |Char |30 |

|Cntry-Name |Char |50 |

|Rate-Exch |Char |15* |

|Filler |Char |2 |

|Total Length | |100 |

* with leading and trailing zeros included

2 Appendix B – Message File Example

|ADP |ANDORRAN PESETA |ANDORRA |000024851400000 |




|ALL |ALBANIAN LEK |ALBANIA |000017859300000 |

|AMD |ARMENIAN DRAM |ARMENIA |000077218700000 |


|AOA |ANGOLAN KWANZA |ANGOLA |000014865400000 |

|AOK |ANGOLAN KWANZA |ANGOLA |000006008200000 |

|AON |ANGOLAN NEW KAWANZA |ANGOLA |944040000000000 |


|ARA |AUSTRAL |ARGENTINA |001805185000000 |

|ARP |PESO ARGENTINO |ARGENTINA |999999999999999 |

|ARS |ARGENTINE PESO |ARGENTINA |000000570400000 |

|ARY |ARGENTINE PESO |ARGENTINA |009999900000000 |



|AWG |ARUBAN GUILDER |ARUBA |000000331100000 |


|BAD |DINAR |BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA |000000100000000 |



|BBD |BARBADOS DOLLAR |BARBADOS |000000369900000 |


|BEF |BELGIAN FRANC |BELGIUM |000004033990000 |

|BGL |BULGARIAN LEV |BULGARIA |000273650000000 |

|BGN |BULGARIAN LEV |BULGARIA |000000282900000 |

|BHD |BAHRAINI DINAR |BAHRAIN |000000069700000 |

|BIF |BURUNDI FRANC |BURUNDI |000181256000000 |

|BMD |BERMUDIAN DOLLAR |BERMUDA |000000185000000 |


|BOB |BOLIVIANO |BOLIVIA |000001478700000 |

|BOP |BOLIVIAN PESO |BOLIVIA |012458800000000 |



|BRC |BRAZILIAN CRUZADO |BRAZIL |043515000000000 |


|BRL |BRAZILIAN REAL |BRAZIL |000000400300000 |



|BSD |BAHAMIAN DOLLAR |BAHAMAS |000000185000000 |

|BTN |BHUTAN NGULTRUM |BHUTAN |000008515300000 |

|BUK |BURMESE KYAT |BURMA (MYANNMAR) |000000958900000 |

|BWP |BOTSWANA PULA |BOTSWANA |000001114200000 |



|BZD |BELIZE DOLLAR |BELIZE |000000365800000 |

|CAD |CANADIAN DOLLAR |CANADA |000000208600000 |


|CHF |SWISS FRANC |SWITZERLAND |000000226700000 |

|CLF |CHILEAN UNI' DE FORMENTO |CHILE |000000005320000 |

|CLP |CHILEAN PESO |CHILE |000099820200000 |



|COP |COLOMBIAN PESO |COLOMBIA |000477535000000 |

|CRC |COSTA RICAN COLON |COSTA RICA |000094973500000 |



|CUP |CUBAN PESO |CUBA |000000185000000 |

|CVE |CAPE VERDE ESCUDO |CAPE VERDE |000016220600000 |

|CYP |CYPRUS POUND |CYPRUS |000000083200000 |



|DEM |DEUTSCHE MARK |GERMANY |000000195583000 |

|DJF |DJIBOUTI FRANC |DJIBOUTI |000032311600000 |

|DKK |DANISH KRONE |DENMARK |000001082900000 |


|DZD |ALGERIAN DINAR |ALGERIA |000013517500000 |

|ECS |ECUADORIAN SUCRE |ECUADOR |003734500000000 |

|EEK |ESTONIAN KROON |ESTONIA |000002263200000 |

|EGP |EGYPTIAN POUND |EGYPT |000001064400000 |

|ERN |ERITREAN NAKFA |ERITREA |000000100000000 |

|ESN |SPANISH CEN PESETA |SPAIN |000000166400000 |

|ESP |SPANISH PESETA |SPAIN |000016638600000 |

|ETB |ETHIOPIAN BIRR |ETHIOPIA |000001616100000 |


|FIM |FINNISH MARKKA |FINLAND |000000594573000 |

|FJD |FIJI DOLLAR |FIJI |000000327000000 |


|FRF |FRENCH FRANC |FRANCE |000000655957000 |


|GEK |GEORGIAN COUPON |GEORGIA |000000100000000 |

|GEL |GEORGIAN LARI |GEORGIA |000000327800000 |

|GHC |GHANAAN CEDI |GHANA |001694190000000 |


|GMD |GAMBIAN DALASI |GAMBIA |000005178800000 |

|GNF |GUINEA FRANC |GUINEA |000926013000000 |



|GRD |GREEK DRACHMA |GREECE |000034075000000 |



|GYD |GUYANA DOLLAR |GUYANA |000035141500000 |

|HKD |HONG KONG DOLLAR |HONG KONG |000001432900000 |


|HRD |CROATIA DINAR |CROATIA |000880570000000 |

|HRK |CROATIA KUNA |CROATIA |000001046900000 |

|HTG |HAITIAN GOURDE |HAITI |000007222500000 |

|HUF |HUNGARIAN FORINT |HUNGARY |000040971700000 |


|IEP |IRISH POUND (PUNT) |IRELAND |000000078756400 |

|ILP |ISRAELI POUND |ISRAEL |007130400000000 |

|ILR |ISRAELI OLD SHEKEL |ISRAEL |000713040000000 |

|ILS |ISRAELI NEW SHEKEL |ISRAEL |000000820600000 |

|INR |INDIAN RUPEE |INDIA |000008515300000 |

|IQD |IRAQI DINAR |IRAQ |000273110000000 |

|IRR |IRANIAN RIAL |IRAN |001695110000000 |

|ISK |ICELANDIC KRONA |ICELAND |000014057500000 |

|ITK |ITALIAN CEN LIRA |ITALY |000001936300000 |

|ITL |ITALIAN LIRA |ITALY |000193627000000 |

|JMD |JAMAICAN DOLLAR |JAMAICA |000012182100000 |

|JOD |JORDANIAN DINAR |JORDAN |000000131000000 |

|JPX |JAPANESE CEN YEN |JAPAN |000000192300000 |

|JPY |JAPANESE YEN |JAPAN |000021235600000 |

|KES |KENYAN SHILLING |KENYA |000013658900000 |


|KHR |CAMBODIAN RIEL |CAMBODIA |000749068000000 |

|KMF |COMOROS FRANC |COMOROS |000071162500000 |



|KWD |KUWAITI DINAR |KUWAIT |000000053500000 |




|LBP |LEBANESE POUND |LEBANON |000277849000000 |

|LKR |SRI LANKA RUPEE |SRI LANKA |000019228800000 |

|LRD |LIBERIAN DOLLAR |LIBERIA |000009987600000 |

|LSL |LESOTHO LOTI |LESOTHO |000001319100000 |

|LSM |LESOTHO MALOTI |LESOTHO |000000568390000 |




|LVL |LATVIAN LATS |LATVIA |000000100700000 |

|LVR |LATVIAN RUBLE |LATVIA |000000100000000 |


|MAD |MOROCCAN DIRHAM |MOROCCO |000001604600000 |

|MAF |MALI FRANC |MALI |000095227000000 |





|MMK |MYANMAR KYAT |MYANMAR |000001187400000 |


|MOP |MACAU PATACA |MACAU |000001479600000 |


|MTL |MALTESE LIRA |MALTA |000000062100000 |

|MTP |MALTESE POUND |MALTA |000000100000000 |


|MVR |MALDIVE RUFIYAA |MALDIVES |000002367400000 |

|MWK |MALAWI KWACHA |MALAWI |000025706200000 |

|MXN |MEXICAN PESO |MEXICO |000002087700000 |

|MXP |MEXICAN PESO |MEXICO |000487343000000 |



|NAD |NAMIBIAN DOLLAR |NAMIBIA |000001319100000 |

|NGN |NIGERIAN NAIRA |NIGERIA |000023748200000 |




|NOK |NORWEGIAN KRONE |NORWAY |000001151400000 |

|NPR |NEPALESE RUPEE |NEPAL |000013624500000 |


|OMR |OMANI, RIAL |OMAN |000000071200000 |

|PAB |PANAMANIAN BALBOA |PANAMA |000000185000000 |

|PEH |PERUVIAN SOL |PERU |999999999999999 |

|PEI |PERUVIAN INTI |PERU |183000000000000 |

|PEN |PERUVIAN NUEVO SOL |PERU |000000602100000 |

|PES |PERUVIAN SOL |PERU |002076700000000 |

|PGK |PAPUAN KINA |PAPUA NEW GUINEA |000000552600000 |



|PKR |PAKISTANI RUPEE |PAKISTAN |000011136200000 |

|PLN |POLISH NEW ZLOTY |POLAND |000000589500000 |

|PLZ |POLISH ZLOTY |POLAND |000000607700000 |




|QAR |QATARI RIAL |QATAR |000000673300000 |

|ROL |ROMANIAN LEU |ROMANIA |005171200000000 |

|RON |ROMANIAN, NEW LEU |ROMANIA |000000517100000 |



|RWF |RWANDA FRANC |RWANDA |000102097000000 |

|SAR |SAUDI RIYAL |SAUDI ARABIA |000000693600000 |



|SDD |SUDANESE DINAR |SUDAN |000040236100000 |

|SDP |SUDANESE POUND |SUDAN |000016325000000 |

|SEK |SWEDISH KRONA |SWEDEN |000001334100000 |


|SHP |ST HELENA POUND |ST. HELENA |000000100000000 |

|SIT |SLOVENIAN TOLAR |SLOVENIA |000034664300000 |

|SKK |SLOVAK KORUNA |SLOVAKIA |000005559900000 |

|SLL |SIERRAN LEONE |SIERRA LEONE |000550485000000 |

|SOS |SOMALI SHILLING |SOMALIA |000247840000000 |

|SRD |SURINAM DOLLAR |SURINAM |000000507800000 |

|SRG |SURINAM GUILDER |SURINAM |000432542000000 |


|SUR |ROUBLE |USSR (CIS) |000000100800000 |




|THB |THAI BAHT |THAILAND |000007057000000 |

|TJR |TAJIK RUBLE |TAJIKISTAN |000000100000000 |


|TND |TUNISIAN DINAR |TUNISIA |000000244200000 |

|TOP |TONGAN PA'ANGA |TONGA |000000381400000 |

|TPE |TIMOR ESCUDO |TIMOR-LESTE |000029150800000 |

|TRK |TURKISH CEN LIRE |TURKEY |002938000000000 |

|TRL |TURKISH, OLD LIRA |TURKEY |293800000000000 |

|TRY |TURKISH, NEW LIRA |TURKEY |000000293800000 |




|UAH |UKRAINE HRYVNIA |UKRAINE |000000925200000 |




|USD |US DOLLAR |UNITED STATES |000000184300000 |

|UYP |URUGUAYAN PESO |URUGUAY |000539900000000 |

|UYU |URUGUAYO, PESO |URUGUAY |000004392700000 |



|VND |VIETNAMESE DONG |VIET NAM |002958540000000 |

|VUV |VANUATA VATU |VANUATA |000021087700000 |





|XOF |CFA FRANC (BCEAO) |BENIN |000094883000000 |

|XPF |CFP FRANC |FRENCH POLYNESIA |000017249400000 |



|YER |YEMENI RIAL |YEMEN |000036517500000 |


|ZMK |ZAMBIAN KWACHA |ZAMBIA |000648268000000 |

|ZRN |NEW ZAIRE |ZAIRE |022195250000000 |

|ZRZ |ZAIRE |ZAIRE |999999999999999 |

|ZWD |ZIMBABWE DOLLAR |ZIMBABWE |018716600000000 |


|Z03 |BOLIVIAN CENTARPESO |BOLIVIA |001245880000000 |

|Z04 |CHILEAN DOLAR |CHILE |000000126800000 |

3 Appendix C - Registration Document





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