Assess headss.htm HEADSS for Adolescents (HEADSS) …

HEADSS for Adolescents (HEADSS)




This is an interview instrument for finding out about issues in adolescents' lives. It was developed by Cohen and colleagues (Cohen et al., 1991)


Eric Cohen, Richard G. MacKenzie, and Gary L. Yates


Publisher: Elsevier



q Who lives with the young person? Where? q Do they have their own room? q What are relationships like at home? q What do parents and relatives do for a living? q Ever institutionalized? Incarcerated? q Recent moves? Running away? q New people in home environment? Education and employment

q School/grade performance--any recent changes? Any dramatic past changes? q Favorite subjects--worst subjects? (include grades) q Any years repeated/classes failed

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q Suspension, termination, dropping out? q Future education/employment plans? q Any current or past employment? q Relations with teachers, employers--school, work attendance?


q On own, with peers (what do you do for fun?, where? when?) q With family? q Sports--regular exercise? q Church attendance, clubs, projects? q Hobbies--other activities? q Reading for fun--what? q TV--how much weekly--favorite shows? q Favorite music? q Does young person have car, use seat belts? q History of arrests--acting out--crime?


q Use by peers? Use by young person? (include tobacco, alcohol) q Use by family members? (include tobacco, alcohol) q Amounts, frequency, patterns of use/abuse, and car use while intoxicated? q Source--how paid for?


q Orientation? q Degree and types of sexual experience and acts? q Number of partners? q Masturbation? (normalize) q History of pregnancy/abortion? q Sexually transmitted diseases--knowledge and prevention? Contraception?

Frequency of use? q Comfort with sexual activity, enjoyment/pleasure obtained? History of

sexual/physical abuse?


q Sleep disorders (usually induction problems, also early/frequent waking or greatly increased sleep and complaints of increasing fatigue)

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q Appetite/eating behavior changes q Feelings of 'boredom' q Emotional outbursts and highly impulsive behavior q History of withdrawal/isolation q Hopeless/helpless feelings q History of past suicide attempts, depression, psychological counseling q History of suicide attempts in family or peers q History of recurrent serious 'accidents' q Psychosomatic symptomology q Suicidal ideation (including significant current and past losses) q Decreased affect on interview, avoidance of eye contact--depression posturing q Preoccupation with death (clothing, media, music, art).


q Goldenring, J, Cohen, E (1988) Getting into adolescents heads. Contemporary Pediatrics, July: 75-80.

q Cohen, E, MacKenzie, R.G., Yates, G.L. (1991). HEADSS, a psychosocial risk assessment instrument: Implications for designing effective intervention programs for runaway youth. Journal of Adolescent Health 12 (7): 539-544.

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