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[Note: This template is provided to assist plan writers with developing plans that meet the NRCS CAP-Forest Management Plan (106) Criteria. Plan writers may chose to use other formats. Refer to the “Forest Management Plan Criteria and Checklist” () for a comprehensive list of all required elements of a Forest Management Plan (106). Text in brackets is provided as guidance for the plan writer, and should be deleted and replaced with the plan content.]Forest Management PlanLandowner and Site InformationLandowner Name:Landowner Phone:Landowner Address:Landowner Email:Alternate Phone:Property Location:[County, Township, Range, Section, etc.]Plan Date:Acres in Plan:Plan Writer InformationPlan Writer Name:Plan Writer Phone:Company Name:Plan Writer Address:Plan Writer Email:Alternate Phone:Plan AcceptanceLandowner’s Signature:Date:Plan Writer’s Signature:Date:NRCS Signature:Date:Table of Contents[Table of Contents is recommended but not required.]Location MapPlan MapSoils MapWetland Delineation Map (if applicable)Landowner Objectives StatementForest Management Plan DevelopmentProperty OverviewSummary Table of Scheduled PracticesManagement Unit 1Management Unit 2Management Unit 3[add additional management units as needed]Appendix A: Conservation Practice Job Sheets [include as many as needed]Appendix B: Resource Considerations Field Inventory Guide Sheet(s)Appendix C: Additional Soils Reports[add additional appendices as needed]Landowner Objectives[Add a statement of the landowner’s goals and objectives for the property. This could include timber production, recreation, wildlife habitat improvement, birdwatching, etc.]Forest Management Plan Development[Describe the forest/resource inventory methods used to develop the forest management plan, i.e., how data was collected.]Property OverviewHistory[Provide a history of the property. Alternatively, this could be included under “General Site Description.”]General Site Description[Provide an overview of the property as a whole. If there are there are management unit-level criteria, e.g., Natural and Cultural Features, Topography, Wildfire and Pest Risk, that apply to multiple management units, they can be included here, rather than repeated for each management unit section of the plan. If those are discussed here, it should be clear which management units the discussion applies to.]Summary Table of Scheduled Conservation Practices[Summary Table is recommended but not required.] DateLand UnitPracticeExtent[Month and year][Practice Name ( code)][feet, number, or acres (to the tenth of an acre)][Add additional rows as needed]============ Management Unit ## ============[Cover Type - Consider using MDNRE Cover Type Codes, e.g., A6 = Aspen, well-stocked pole timber.]Current ConditionsLand Unit Acres:[X.X]Average Tree Diameter:Basal Area:Stocking Level (trees per acre):Soil Type:Site Index (species):Species Composition[Add a discussion of tree species (and other species groups as appropriate), and their relative abundance by size class or use the table provided below (alternatively, this could be discussed in the “Stand Density” section). In addition to tree size class, consider including information about the age structure.] Large Sawtimber (15+” DBH)[list species, and include information about abundance]Small Sawtimber (11 – 14.9” DBH)Pole Timber (5 – 10.9” DBH)Sapling (1 – 4.9” DBH)Seedling(< 1.0” DBH)ShrubsHerbaceous VegetationStand Density[Add a discussion of stand density (BA or Trees per Acre), and the implications this has to the intended forest management.]Wood Products Potential[If forest products production is a objective of the landowner, include a discussion of the unit’s potential. Soil survey information, e.g., site index, volume potential, can be included.]Soil Type(s) and Condition[Include information about the soils. and can be used to generate custom soils reports. Alternatively, this information could be included in an appendix.] Topography[Include information about the slope, aspect, and other pertinent topographical features.]Natural and Cultural Features[Include information about any know natural or cultural features.]Roads and Trails[Include information about existing roads and trails here. If there are erosion concerns or other resource concerns, they should be identified, and addressed with appropriate conservation practices.]Forest Health[Include information about forest health, including wildlife and pest risk. Address these risks with conservation practices or other management activities.]Known Fish and Wildlife Species[Include a discussion of known fish and wildlife, particularly those of interest to the landowner and any threatened, endangered or special concern species. Management should be done so as not to adversely affect these species.]Fish and Wildlife Species Habitat Elements[Include information about the existing habitat elements. Management should protect the elements or improve upon them.]Noxious and Invasive Species[Include information about noxious or invasive species present. If such species are present, they should be addressed with Conservation Practices or other management activities.]Water Quality and Other Important Features[Include information about water quality and/or other important features.]Existing Conservation Practices[Include information about conservation practices already installed in the management unit.]Harvest History[Include information about the harvest history of the unit.]Resource Concerns[Include a list of standard NRCS resource concerns that do not meet quality criteria. Identify what resource assessment tools were used. Planned Conservation Practices (below) should be specified specifically to address these resource concerns.]Desired Future ConditionsBasal Area:Average Tree Diameter:Stocking Level (trees per acre):[Include a discussion of the species composition, wildlife and pollinator habitat elements, recreational value and aesthetics, as appropriate.]Planned Conservation Practices[Detail conservation practices scheduled to address current resource concerns here]Conservation Practice:NRCS Practice Code:Scheduled Installation:[month and year]Extent:[ac. (tenths), no., or ft.]Resource Concern(s) Addressed:[list NRCS Resource Concerns that will be addressed by this conservation practice (singly or in conjunction with other practices)][Important! Include all required specifications as detailed in the “Plans and Specifications” section of the Conservation Practice Standard. This information can be included here within the plan body or in a NRCS job sheet. If a job sheet is used, include a reference to it here. See Section IV of the Field Office Technical Guide for practice standards and job sheets. (access the through the map).] Additional Management Considerations[Include additional management considerations here. This could include:activities that aren’t specifically addressed by a conservation practice, e.g., deer blind plans.activities that the planner doesn’t have the technical skill to include, e.g., practices that require engineering design)activities that the planner suggests to the landowner for future consideration. If possible, include NRCS Practice Name and Code, amount to be applied, and extimated month and year.]Appendices[Include appendices as necessary to provide additional information on soils, forestry terminology, tax information, wildlife management considerations, Best Management Practices (note: the MDNR’s BMP Guide, “Sustainable Soil and Water Quality Practices on Forest Land,” can be found here: ), fire protection, harvesting, ecology, etc.] ................

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