Department of Art History

Department of Art History

Financial Aid Application for Students Currently Enrolled in the Graduate School

The Department has a limited number of fellowships and assistantships, which are awarded primarily on the basis of academic achievement, promise, and timely progress toward your degree. Students with excellent records are encouraged to apply. Your complete application is due by Feb 1st to ensure full consideration. Applications should be submitted to the Box folder which has been assigned to you.

A complete application includes:

• This form

• A separate sheet (no more than 2 pages) with the following information:

▪ Give a brief statement of your plans for continuing graduate study, identifying your vocational and degree(s) goals.

▪ Describe your progress to date, academic plans for next year, and any special projects or research connected with your program.

▪ Describe your preferences for PA or TA positions and any relevant skills, experience or knowledge areas.

▪ If you will be a Ph.D. student by next fall, indicate the date you took or expect to take prelims, list any coursework or other requirements remaining, and describe your dissertation topic and research progress to date.

• Brief curriculum vitae (no more than 2 pp.)

• A concise note of support (that highlights strengths and recent accomplishments) from your major advisor. (This may be sent separately; e-mail is fine.)

• Please be sure to upload ALL materials as a single PDF.

I wish to be considered for [check off your preferred assignment(s)]. This is just advisory, but we will try to accommodate you.

____Dissertator Fellowship

____Pre-Dissertator Fellowship (occasional)

____Chazen Museum PA (2 positions pending approval)

|__ |___ Teaching Assistantship |

| |___ Visual Resources Project Assistantship |

| |___ Individual Faculty Project Assistantship |

| |(state whose if known) |

Name (surname, first name, middle initial) Area of Study - Major Professor Current GPA

Present Address Telephone Number

Do you have any outstanding incompletes at this point in time? Yes___ No___

If yes, please list the course(s) for which you received any incomplete(s), the semester in which you originally took each class, and the course instructor:____________________________________________________________________________________________

Period for which you wish the appointment:

___Academic Year 2020/21 ___Fall Semester 20___ ____Spring Semester 20___

It is our expectation that graduate students actively seek fellowships, grants and financial support outside the department and the university. Priority will be given to candidates who show commitment to such applications and are making satisfactory progress to the degree, as well as to those who have received five years or less of department funding. Please list other appointments, employment or fellowships for which you are applying for the period indicated above, as well as the date by which you expect to learn of your success:

State the number of years of Department Support you have already received:____

List your previous and current support for graduate study at UW-Madison, identifying the year and type of support:

In conformance with Section 86.9 of Title 45, Code of Federal Regulations, which implements Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, you are hereby notified that the University of Wisconsin- Madison does not discriminate on the basis of sex or race with regard to either admissions, financial aid or employment in the education programs or activities which it operates. Inquiries concerning this policy may be directed to your department or employing unit or to the campus Equity and Diversity Resource Center, 179A Bascom Hall.


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