Student Council - Blackrock College

centertop00STUDENT COUNCILWednesday 2nd, 2014Attendance: Mr. Alan MacGinty, Mr. Brian Herlihy, Ms. Sinead Nolan, Conn McCarrick, Roghan McMahon, Ronan Holohan, Matthew Morrissey, Richard Fahey, Bill Madigan, Hugh O’ Leary, Art Lynch, Rian Doris, Brian O’ Doherty, Joshua Kieran Glennon, Stephen Rooney.Apologies: Darragh Larkin, Marcus ? Faodhláin, Patrick Patterson,Order Of Business:Opened with a prayer.Rock Run:The Rock Run was very successful. There was a great turnout and this has hopefully provided a solid foundation to make the run an annual event. Ecumenical Service for Thanksgiving for SportsRoghan McMahon (5th Year) represented Blackrock at the service in St. Anne’s Church. Blackrock were the only Catholic School represented. The choir from King’s Hospital performed, while former 5000m World Champion Eamonn Coghlan spoke to the congregation. It was an excellent service and we thank Roghan for representing the school at the event. Cup Campaigns: We congratulate the SCT and JCT on completing the 25th Double in the history of Blackrock. Both teams had excellent campaigns which are a great source of pride to the school. We thank the Cheerleaders for their great work and effort that went into this season’s campaigns. The excellent behaviour of all students throughout the campaign was also noted. While the behaviour of past pupils was much better than in previous years, there were still some minor incidents of bad behaviour. ISPCC Blue Shield Award:The school is to apply for the ISPCC Blue Shield at the beginning of the third term and it is hoped that it will be received by the end of the school year. 2nd Year Report: Exams went well for students and there were no issues with the timetable. The new regulations regarding phones were applied to all year groups and are in line with guidelines issued by the Department of Education. Oisin Ryan and Stephen Ryan are taking place in the Leinster Debating Semi-Finals tomorrow and the hurling team also has a semi-final today against Lucan. Athletics and cricket are now up and running. The cast for the Junior Musical Connemara has now been decided, and the show will take place in May. The House Soccer Leagues and Sports Day are being organised and there will be house meetings soon to pick teams and individuals to take part both events.3rd Year Report:Easter exam results are coming in and most students felt that the exams went well. The JCT had a fantastic victory in the final of the Cup against Belvedere. We congratulate captain Andrew Murphy and his squad on this fantastic achievement. The J 2nds are playing their final today against Belvedere, while the 3rds are also looking forward to their final. The rowers had a fantastic victory on the Liffey recently, and we congratulate all involved. Athletics is also up and running and the question of having a Gaelic Team after Easter was also raised and will be addressed. 4th Year Report:We congratulate Brian Masterson on becoming Under 18 400m Indoor Champion. This is a fantastic achievement and one that should be a great source of pride to all students. The Colts and the House are now looking forward to their respective finals and we wish all teams the best of luck. The accounting classes are going on a trip to KPMG, and Stephen Alger has reached the finals of the National Enterprise Awards. The show with Mount Anville will take place soon and the cast for the Junior Musical has now been chosen. A number of 4th Years are also on the Car Raffle Committee to help with ticket sales. 5th Year Report:French Orals are beginning this week and reconciliation services are also taking place. There was an Irish Quiz and Puc Fada as part of Seachtain na Gaeilge. There was excellent representation at the Wesley MUN and preparations are now under way for the St. Andrew’s MUN which will take place over the Easter break. We congratulate Mark Bolger on finishing 3rd in the Leinster Sailing Regatta, a fantastic achievement! Hugo Kean is representing the Ireland U18s Schools Team in the European Championships in Poland. We wish the House 2nds and 3rds the very best of luck in their upcoming finals. Athletics registration and cricket trials will also take place this week. Finally congratulations to all 5th Years on the Senior Table Tennis Team, who won the All Ireland Schools Championships for the fourth year in a row, while the Junior team finished runners up. It was agreed that it is incredible to see Blackrock setting this standard at a national level. The Senior Team will now represent Ireland in the World Championships in Clermont and we wish them the very best of luck!6th Year Report:It was noted that the movement of the Easter exams was greatly appreciated by all 6th Years. Leaving Cert oral exams are now taking place over the next few weeks, while music practicals will also take place. The deadlines for various coursework submission are also approaching. We congratulate Nick Timoney and the SCT for their hard fought victory over Clongowes in the RDS. Jack Power is also representing the Ireland U18s Schools Team in the European Championships. The Castle 3rds will play the House 3rds in their final this week, while the 4ths had a fantastic victory over St. Gerard’s 2nds. Five players took part in the match in aid of the Jack Kavanagh Trust, while Ted Collins recently represented Ireland in golf. Boarding School:Exam results are now in and are being analysed. The Boarders attended a performance of Stones in His Pockets in the Gaiety Theatre and this was enjoyed by all. A visit to the Skywalk ate Croke Park is also to take place. Tom Roache scored a try in the JCT Final in Tallaght Stadium. Trials for the Stanley Cup will take place soon, while 6 students took part in the Castle 4ths semi-final. Web Wise: A recent Web Wise meeting reviewed the launch day and it was agreed that it was a great success. Measures on how to tackle cyber-bullying in future years were also outlined. Any issues will be picked up again at the start of the next school year. The measures to tackle cyber-bullying in Blackrock are also being incorporated into the application for the Blue Shield award. Issues for the Year:The first round of the Inter-House Debating Competition is set to take place in 4th Year tomorrow. The debates will be chaired by Mr Sheil, Mr Byrne, Conn McCarick (6th Year) and Joshua Kieran Glennon (5th Year). Oisin Ryan and Stephen Ryan are preparing for their Leinster Semi-Finals tomorrow, while unfortunately Scott Donoghue missed out on a place in the National Finals by a single point. It was agreed by all that it was wonderful to see the Learning Centre so busy during exam time. There was a great atmosphere of work in the Centre and it was very well respected by students. The new iPads are being used and respected, while the newspapers are also being read. It was agreed by all that Blackrock’s policy of not going fully digital yet is a good one, and that the possible introduction of a ‘bring your own device’ policy in the future was a good idea. A meeting is to take place with Sodexo on April 10th regarding the Student IDs. The aim is to have the cards in circulation by September. Students will be able to use the cards in the canteen and the Learning Centre, as well as to make financial payments.AOB:Notices have gone up in each year group regarding the areas that are out of bounds. It was also noted that some students have been littering and Seaford Parade. We remind all students that the privacy of our neighbours must be respected at all times. The Senior Building will now also be out of bounds after 18:15. Department of Education Inspectors are to inspect the Business Department this Thursday and Friday. There will be a review of what items are sold in the vending machines. A meeting will be held with the Health and Safety committee regarding these contents, and pricing will also be reviewed. Next Meeting: Wednesday, 30th April ................

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