Reasons for Establishment of British Colonialism

Reasons for Establishment of British Colonialism

1. Trade

- vast amount of trade wit hChina

- Spices and Tea

- Opium trade

- Trading base needed between British India and China.

- Napoleonic Wars and the lease of Batavia.

2. Need for a New base

- Competition among European powers.

- Batavia returned to the Dutch in 1814.

- Dutch control of two main trade routes – Sunda Straits and Straits of Melaka.

- High tariffs imposed on British goods

- New base needed that could bypass the trade routes which ran through Asia.

Reaction to the Euroepan presence

1. Less xenophobic and vilent

- Britain seen as stabilizing area

- Mass migratin of Chinese miners – Ghee Hin and Hai Sans

- Piracy

- Succession disputes among Malay Sultans and Chifs.

2 General Malay Conciliation t othe British

- British tried not to interfere with internal affairs of Malay State

- Appoint British Residents

- Little opposition from Malay States

- There was no history of serious conflicts between Malay Sultans and British.

- Abdullah, Perak Sultganate invited British to sign the Pangkor Engagement.

- Perak

2. Chinese Request for Trade Protection

- 18743, 248 Chiense merchants including all the leading merchants in the Straits Settlements, petitioned to the British to protect their trade.

- Only Johor and the N Malay States excluded.

Responses to the Imposition of Colonial Rule

1. No significant protest to the establishment of British rule

- except for initial period.

- No real resistance

- Mutually beneficial between Sultans and british.

- British – commercial interests; Sultans to strengthen their positions.

- British enforce law and order in Malay states allowed for trade to flourish

- Economic and social benefits.

2. Chinese Cooperation

- concerned athat their livelihoods would suffer.

- Perak – Chinese willing to cooperate

- Larut War.

- Pangkor Treaty – disarm completely.

3. Revolts against the British

0- Sungei Ujong (district in Negri Sembilan)

1- Overtax Chiense miners by Sultans

2- British asked them to stop the unfair treatment

3- Skirmishes broke out

4- Small British force brought in to bring the area under control.


Establishment of British Colonial Rule




1909 – N Malay States


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