
Read pages 9-16 in the International Business: Canada and Global Trade textbook and create a timeline that outlines the IMPORTANT dates and activities that occurred in Canada’s trading history.

To be included:

- Appropriate title for timeline

- All the key dates in Canada’s trading history, including a brief description of the event

- At least 5 graphics- these graphics should represent 5 different events in Canada’s trading history and should be followed by a CAPTION of what this graphic is representing

- Colour and neatness are important

This is due on Monday September 9th in class.


|Timeline : Evolution of Global Trade |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Title |The timeline has a creative |The timeline has an |The timeline has a title |The title is missing or |

| |title that accurately |effective title that |that is easy to locate. |difficult to locate. |

| |describes the material and |accurately describes the | | |

| |is easy to locate. |material and is easy to | | |

| | |locate. | | |

|Dates |An accurate, complete date |An accurate, complete date |An accurate date has been |Dates are inaccurate and/or |

| |has been included for each |has been included for almost|included for almost every |missing for several events. |

| |event. |every event. |event. | |

|Fonts and Colors |The use of font styles and |The use of font styles and |The use of font styles and |The use of font styles and |

| |colors is consistent and |colors is consistent and |colors is consistent , but |colors is not consistent OR |

| |shows a logical pattern. It |shows a logical pattern for |is not used effectively to |detracts from the |

| |helps organize the material.|the most part. It helps |organize. |organization. |

| | |organize the material | | |

| | |somewhat. | | |

|Readability |The overall appearance of |The overall appearance of |The timeline is relatively |The timeline is difficult to|

| |the timeline is pleasing and|the timeline is somewhat |readable. |read. |

| |easy to read. |pleasing and easy to read. | | |

|Content/Facts |Facts were accurate for all |Facts were accurate for |Facts were accurate for most|Facts were often inaccurate |

| |events reported on the |almost all events reported |(~75%) of the events |for events reported on the |

| |timeline. |on the timeline. |reported on the timeline. |timeline. |

|Time Use |Classroom time was used to |Classroom time was used to |Classroom time was used to |Student did not use |

| |work on the project. |work on the project the |work on the project the |classroom time to work on |

| |Conversations were not |majority of the time. |majority of the time, but |the project and/or was |

| |disruptive and focused on |Conversations were not |conversations often were |highly disruptive. |

| |the work. |disruptive and focused on |disruptive or did not focus | |

| | |the work. |on the work. | |


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