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3672840-4572000VIDEO - Canada, a People’s History: Louis Riel (Part 1 - Resistance at Red River)Settlers dreamed of a new ______________on the Prairies; English, Protestant, and _____________.Eastern surveyors had been marking lots for future settlement, even though _____________ had no authority yet in the region. On Nov. 2nd 1869, Louis Riel sets out with ______________________ to seize the Hudson’s Bay ___________________ at Fort Garry.In the early days, Riel extends a hand to __________________. The provisional government he proposes will be composed equally of ______________________. In Ottawa, Prime Minister John A. Macdonald believes the “half-breeds” are ___________ and must be kept down by a _______________ until they are swamped by an influx of ___________.The Lieutenant Governor appointed by Canada does not have the authority to __________ the land, but crosses the border and reads his __________________ aloud (though no one is there to _____________).A growing number of Ontario settlers are ready to join an __________ on the Métis. There is rumour of a ____________________________.Riel arrests a number of the settlers proclaims the end of HBC control over all of ____________In Fort Garry, the prisoners are _______________ their Métis guards. The most violent of them is _____________________. Riel appoints a tribunal to try Scott for _______________________. Scott is convicted and sentenced to ___________.Some English settlers beg Riel to ________________, but he wants to make the government of Canada _____________ them.Word of the execution stirs passions in _____________. The provincial government puts a bounty out for Riel’s ______________.A delegation from Red River arrives in Ottawa with a list of _____________ for a new province called _____________. They want full provincial __________, responsible government, separate schools for ______________, and argue for 1.4 million acres of land for the _________.With the rights of the Métis assured by the Manitoba Act, Riel considers his mission __________ Ottawa will not grant Riel ____________ for his actions and sends a _________________ west.Riel escapes, but the volunteer Ontario soldiers set off on a _________________________. Riel is convinced he cannot give himself up and becomes an __________ in the United States.VIDEO - Canada, a People’s History: Louis Riel (Part 2 – The North West Rebellion)Impoverished Métis sold much of their land to speculators for a ______________ of its value.Plains Indians now depend on government ___________, which are continually _____________The possibility of an Indian _______________ terrifies the settlers and worries Macdonald.For the first time, English-speaking ____________ and the Métis voice their common grievances and agree they need a strong ______________.Louis Riel returns, but urges people to negotiate _______________ with the federal government. Riel believes the Métis are a _____________ people and becomes increasingly _____________Riel declares an independent ___________________ as a bargaining tactic to force Macdonald to __________________.A clash between police and Métis fighters leaves ____ police and _____civilian volunteers dead.Riel sees the victory as a sign from ________, but it loses the support of the ________________The next flashpoint of the rebellion comes at __________________. First Nation warriors demand food and murder _________ settlers.Militia units from Ontario and Quebec arrive in Winnipeg on _____________________.Métis military leader Gabriel Dumont’s plan is to go out and ___________ the enemy in order to get more __________.In Batoche (the Métis capitol), Riel sinks deeper into _______________ mania. He calls himself the ____________ of the New World.After ____ days of fierce fighting, the Métis are overwhelmed. Three days later, Riel voluntarily ___________________.Macdonald wants Riel hanged and charges him with the ancient British crime of ____________The trial is supposed to be in Manitoba, but half the jurors could be ___________. Instead it is moved to _____________.Riel impresses the jury as respectful, entertaining, and perfectly __________. It takes them barely an hour to reach a verdict – guilty, but with a recommendation for ____________.The judge _____________ their plea and John A. Macdonald faces a political crisis over Riel’s verdict. The PM even receives _______________________.The sheriff, a ___________-Canadian, refuses to deliver the execution order. An __________ speaking deputy leads Riel to the gallows.In Montreal, __________ people protest Riel’s execution. English crowds __________ his death. ................

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