How can we support the Curriculum Mapping Process

Fine arts department

week #: Dates: Class: Perf. Dance TeachER: Crow

Unit Title __________________________ Essential ___________



Unit Title: Dance History

Lesson Titles: University/College Dance Programs – History Lesson


Dance Programs/University

See attached list of university dance program

Arizona State Standards:

Dance Standards: 2AD-P7; PO 3; 2AD-D2.

Writing Standard: Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital resources, using advanced searches effectively; asses the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.

Reading Standard:

1. Attendance:

• TTW take attendance and review objective

2. Bellwork:

TSW walk to the media center for research. We will be using computers and other multi – media for research.


• The students will, in pairs, research a dance program that they draw from a hat.

• They will write a 2 page typed (double spaced) paper about their chosen dance program/university.

• The information they research should include:

o Tuition Costs

o Graduation Requirements

o Programs offered

o Location of the school

o Performance Opportunities

o Audition Dates

• Along with the paper the students will need to create a Brochure (Microsoft Publisher) that represents their University Dance Program.

• They need to include, in the brochure, pictures and fun facts that they found in their research.


1. Have the students get into their pairs (we established these yesterday).

2. Each pair needs to draw a university out of the hat.

3. On a paper have the students write the University next to their name.

4. Pass out the rubric and have the students write the University name on the given line.

5. Tell them they have 2 days to complete the paper and Brochure.

a. The library will have the internet and books to use.

6. They will present their University and Brochure in class.

7. They have all of the class period to work.


I will assess the students based on the attached rubric


The students will:

- Be able to analyze and describe the different dance programs and the logistics that accompany the university they are researching.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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