Europe During WWII Map Assignment - History and Social Studies

Name Date Period

WWII Map Assignment

Part I: Europe During WWII

Use the map on page 781 to locate the following information. Please follow all directions.

1. Using the number code below or using labels, label in BLUE PEN the following countries:

|Portugal |Albania |Czechoslovakia |Luxembourg |

|Spain |Greece |Lithuania |Denmark |

|France |Yugoslavia |Latvia |Germany |

|Belgium |Hungary |Estonia |Germany |

|Netherlands |Romania |Norway | |

|Great Britain |Bulgaria |Sweden | |

|Ireland |Turkey |Finland | |

|Switzerland |Poland |Union of Soviet | |

|Italy |Austria |Socialist Republics (USSR, Soviet | |

| | |Union) | |

2. Draw and label Rhineland and Sudetenland in BLUE PEN. (Not marked clearly in your book—we will identify together in class.)

3. Label in BLUE PEN the following bodies of water, and lightly color all of these BLUE:

a. Atlantic Ocean c. North Sea d. Mediterranean Sea e. Black Sea

b. Baltic Sea

4. Locate and label the following cities. Mark their location with a *.

Paris Warsaw Rome Leningrad

Normandy Stalingrad London Moscow


5. Color all the MAJOR AXIS powers as of 1941 in PURPLE

Color all the MAJOR ALLIED powers as of 1941 in GREEN

Color all of the NEUTRAL countries in YELLOW

**BE CAREFUL… AXIS POWERS ARE NOT ALL COUNTRIES CONTROLLED BY AXIS (look at the purple countries on page 781. Was France, for example, an Axis power?)

6. Shade in ORANGE the additional countries below that were overrun by Germany by the end of 1940.

Poland Denmark Netherlands Norway Belgium

France Czechoslovakia

7. Shade in GREY these additional countries occupied by the Axis powers by 1945.

Finland Romania Lithuania Hungary Estonia

Latvia Bulgaria Albania Greece Yugoslavia

Western Soviet Union



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