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Fiscal Year 2018

Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship Program Data

FY 2018 DDRA Applicants 2

FY 2018 DDRA Selected Fellows 3

FY 2018 Data by Type of Institution 3

FY 2018 Data by World Area and Gender 3

FY 1964-2018 Number of DDRA Fellowships Awarded by World Area 4

FY 2018 DDRA Funding by State 5

FY 2018 DDRA Funding by World Area 8








FY 2018 DDRA Program Fellows 12

Fellows Researching Africa 12

Fellows Researching Central/Eastern Europe and Eurasia 15

Fellows Researching East Asia 16

Fellows Researching Near East 17

Fellows Researching South Asia 19

Fellows Researching Southeast Asia 19

Fellows Researching in the Western Hemisphere 20

FY 2018 DDRA Applicants

|World Area |Number of Applicants by World Area |Total Requested Funding by World Area|Average Requested Funding by World Area|

|Africa |52 |$1,984,854 |$38,170 |

|Central/Eastern Europe and Eurasia |21 |$718,566 |$34,217 |

|East Asia |29 |$1,252,750 |$43,198 |

|Near East |20 |$903,777 |$45,189 |

|South Asia |21 |$886,090 |$42,195 |

|Southeast Asia |16 |$580,086 |$36,255 |

|Western Hemisphere |64 |$2,357,010 |$36,828 |

|Grand Total |223 |$8,683,133 |$38,938 |

FY 2018 DDRA Selected Fellows

FY 2018 Data by Type of Institution

|Institutional Type |Number of Institutions |Number of Fellows |Funding |

|Public Institutions |27 |66 |$2,477,882 |

|Private not-for-profit Institutions |14 |34 |$1,267,101 |

|Total |41 |100 |$3,744,983 |

FY 2018 Data by World Area and Gender

|World Area |Number of Applicants by World Area |Total Funding by World |Average Funding by World |Number of Females by World Area |Number of Males by World Area|

| | |Area |Area | | |

|Central/Eastern Europe and Eurasia |5 |$167,117 |$33,423 | | |

| | | | |4 |1 |

|East Asia |10 |$436,693 |$43,669 |4 |6 |

|Near East |12 |$513,205 |$42,767 |8 |4 |

|South Asia |7 |$293,677 |$41,954 |4 |3 |

|Southeast Asia |3 |$97,864 |$32,621 |1 |2 |

|Western Hemisphere |35 |$1,265,718 |$36,163 |27 |8 |

|Grand Total |100 |

|Africa |877 |

|Western Hemisphere |1088 |

|Central/Eastern Europe and Eurasia |922 |

|East Asia |855 |

|Near East |626 |

|South Asia |599 |

|Southeast Asia |581 |

|Western Europe |93 |

|Multi-Country* |186 |

|TOTALS |5827 |

*Note: Multi-country designation is obsolete. Now, principal country of research is designated.

FY 2018 DDRA Funding by State

|Institutions by State |City |Fellowship Amount |Number of Fellows |

|AZ | |$46,855 |2 |

|University of Arizona |Tucson |$46,855 |2 |

|CA | |$501,555 |12 |

|University of California, Berkeley | |$219,302 |5 |

| |Berkeley | | |

|University of California, Irvine |Irvine |$143,901 |3 |

|University of California, Los Angeles |Los Angeles |$93,813 |3 |

|University of California, Santa Cruz |Santa Cruz |$44,539 |1 |

|CT | |$48,372 |1 |

|Yale University |New Haven |$48,372 |1 |

|DC | |$107,056 |3 |

|Georgetown University |DC |$107,056 |3 |

|FL | |$99,904 |3 |

|University of Florida |Gainesville |$99,904 |3 |

|GA | |$114,888 |3 |

|Emory University |Atlanta |$114,888 |3 |

|IL | |$183,863 |6 |

|Northwestern University |Chicago |$20,645 |1 |

|University of Chicago |Evanston |$83,286 |3 |

|University of Illinois |Champaign |$79,932 |2 |

|IN | |$120,024 |3 |

|Indiana University |Bloomington |$72,740 |2 |

|University of Notre Dame |Notre Dame |$47,284 |1 |

|KS | |$23,736 |1 |

|University of Kansas |Lawrence |$23,736 |1 |

|KY | |$73,506 |2 |

|University of Kentucky |Lexington |$73,506 |2 |

|LA | |$80,531 |3 |

|Tulane University |New Orleans |$80,531 |3 |

|MA | |$236,351 |6 |

|Boston University |Boston |$76,277 |2 |

|Harvard University |Cambridge |$132,101 |3 |

|University of Massachusetts, Boston |Boston |$27,973 |1 |

|MD | |$27,285 |1 |

|University of Maryland Baltimore County |Baltimore |$27,285 |1 |

|MI | |$246,189 |8 |

|Michigan State University | |$179,139 |5 |

| |East Lansing | | |

|University of Michigan |Ann Arbor |$67,050 |3 |

|MS | |$24,579 |1 |

|The University of Southern Mississippi |Hattiesburg |$24,579 |1 |

|NC | |$147,574 |4 |

|Duke University |Durham |$43,996 |1 |

|University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |Chapel Hill |$103,578 |3 |

|NJ | |$64,942 |2 |

|Princeton University |Princeton |$64,942 |2 |

|NY | |$546,929 |13 |

|City University of New York |New York |$138,906 |3 |

|Columbia University |New York |$60,152 |2 |

|Cornell University |Ithaca |$241,157 |6 |

|New York University |New York |$106,714 |2 |

|OH | |$222,535 |5 |

|Ohio State University |Columbus |$222,535 |5 |

|OR | |$27,567 |1 |

|Oregon State University |Corvallis |$27,567 |1 |

|PA | |$123,526 |4 |

|Pennsylvania State University |University Park |$32,457 |1 |

|University of Pennsylvania |Philadelphia |$91,069 |3 |

|RI | |$39,700 |1 |

|Brown University |Providence |$39,700 |1 |

|TX | |$95,709 |2 |

|University of Texas, Austin |Austin |$95,709 |2 |

|VA | |$24,417 |1 |

|University of Virginia |Charlottesville |$24,417 |1 |

|WA | |$248,974 |4 |

|University of Washington |Seattle |$248,974 |4 |

|WI | |$268,416 |8 |

|University of Wisconsin |Madison |$246,186 |7 |

|University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee |Milwaukee |$22,230 |1 |

|Grand Total |41 |$3,744,983 |100 |

FY 2018 DDRA Funding by World Area


TOTAL: 29 FELLOWS $970,709

|Primary Country of Research |Language(s) of Research |Major Academic Discipline |Number of Fellows |

|Algeria |French |Anthropology |1 |

|Angola |Zulu |History |1 |

|Botswana |Zulu |History |1 |

|Cameroon |French |Anthropology |1 |

|Ethiopia |Amharic, Tigrigna |African and African American Studies, History, Anthropology, |3 |

|Ghana |Akan Twi, Ewe, Hausa |Music, Anthropology |3 |

|Kenya |Kiswahili, Swahili |Development Sociology, Political Science, African History |3 |

|Madagascar |Malagasy |Environmental Politics |1 |

|Malawi |Chichewa |Political Science |1 |

|Namibia |Afrikaans |History |1 |

|Niger |Hausa |Anthropology |1 |

|Nigeria |Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo |Comparative and International Education, Anthropology, History |3 |

|Rwanda |Kinyarwanda |Anthropology |1 |

|Senegal |French |Development Sociology, Ethnomusicology |2 |

|South Africa |Africaans; Isizulu; Hebrew, Tsivenda, Zulu; |Social Anthropology, History |6 |

| |Russian | | |

|Tanzania |Kiswahili, Swahili |Anthropology, Development Sociology, Political Science |5 |

|Uganda |Runyankore |Public Health and Development Economics |1 |

|Zimbabwe |Tsivenda |History |1 |


TOTAL: 7 FELLOWS; $322,477

|Primary Country of Research |Language(s) of Research |Major Academic Discipline |Number of Fellows |

|Bosnia and Herzegovina |Bosnian, Turkish |Political Science, History |2 |

|Hungary |Hungarian |Central Eurasian Studies, Hungarian Studies |1 |

|Croatia |Turkish |History |1 |

|Kazakhstan |Russian |Anthropology |1 |

|Kyrgyzstan |Russian |Sociology |1 |

|Russia |Russian |History |2 |


TOTAL: 10 FELLOWS, $508,923

|Primary Country of Research |Language(s) of Research |Major Academic Discipline |Number of Fellows |

|China |Mandarin, Tibetan |Geography, Health, Religious Studies, History |4 |

|Hong Kong |Mandarin |Geography, Health |2 |

|Japan |Japanese |East Asian Languages and Literature, History, Japanese Literature, Japanese |4 |

| | |Linguistics | |

|South Korea |Korean |Asian Languages and Cultures - Korean History |1 |

|Taiwan |Mandarin |Education (Comparative or International) |1 |


TOTAL: 12 Fellows, $1,091,512

|Primary Country of Research |Language(s) of Research |Major Academic Discipline |Number of Fellows |

|Israel |Hebrew |Political Science |1 |

|Jordan |Arabic |Ethnomusicology, Interdisciplinary Near and Middle East Studies |2 |

|Morocco |Arabic, Moroccan Arabic |Education, Anthropology |2 |

|Oman |Arabic |History |1 |

|Tunisia |Arabic |Sociology |1 |

|Turkey |Modern Turkish, Turkish |Arabic and Islamic Studies, Anthropology, History |4 |

|United Arab Emirates |Arabic |Linguistic Anthropology |1 |


TOTAL: 7 Fellows, $293,677

|Primary Country of Research |Language(s) of Research |Major Academic Discipline |Number of Fellows |

|India |Bengali, Hindi, Odia |South and Southeast Asian Studies, History, Religion, Anthropology |4 |

|Nepal |Nepali, Tibetan |Anthropology, Geography, Religious Studies |3 |


TOTAL: 3 Fellows, $97,864

|Primary Country of Research |Language(s) of Research |Major Academic Discipline |Number of Fellows |

|Indonesia |Indonesian |Educational Linguistics, Anthropology |2 |

|Thailand |Thai |Educational Policy Studies |1 |


TOTAL: 35 FELLOWS, $1,265,748

|Primary Country of Research |Language(s) of Research |Major Academic Discipline |Number of Fellows |

|Argentina |Spanish |Latin American and Iberian Cultures, Sociology |2 |

|Bolivia |Spanish |History |1 |

|Brazil |Portuguese, Spanish |Anthropology, Architecture, History, Sociology, Spanish &Portuguese |11 |

| | |Linguistics, Political Science | |

|Chile |Spanish |Geography, Latin American and Iberian Cultures |2 |

|Colombia |Spanish |Geography |1 |

|Costa Rica |Spanish |Geography |1 |

|Ecuador |Kichwa, Spanish |Anthropology, Botany, Development Sociology, Geography |4 |

|El Salvador |Spanish |Public Policy |1 |

|Guatemala |Spanish |Geography, Political Science, Public Policy |3 |

|Mexico |Spanish |Anthropology, Political Science, History, Education |7 |

|Paraguay |Spanish |Latin American and Iberian Cultures |1 |

|Peru |Quechua, Spanish |Linguistics, Anthropological Archaeology, Art History and Latin American |6 |

| | |Studies , History of Art, Visual Studies, Political Science, Sociocultural | |

| | |Anthropology | |

FY 2018 DDRA Program Fellows

Fellows Researching Africa

|Institution of Higher Education |Fellow Name |Major Academic Discipline |Country(ies) of |Language(s) of |Topic |

| | | |Research |Research | |

|University of California, Irvine |Anna Kamanzi |Anthropology |Rwanda |Kinyarwanda |Negotiating Indigenous Identity in Post-Genocide Rwanda |

|University of Wisconsin |Diana Famakinwa |Comparative and International |Nigeria |Yoruba |Africa's secret weapon - A case study of diaspora engagement in |

| | |Education | | |Nigerian higher education |

|Princeton University |Elizabeth Durham |Anthropology |Cameroon |French |The Post-Asylum Good Life |

|University of Arizona |Brittany Franck |Anthropology |Ethiopia |Tigrigna |Women's Reproductive Injuries in Tigray Ethiopia. Laboring and |

| | | | | |Living with Debility |

|City University of New York |Lynne Stillings |Ethnomusicology |Senegal |French |Performing Empowerment - Children's Rights and Musical |

| | | | | |Participation in Senegal |

|University of Florida |Elizabeth Carey |Anthropology |Ghana |Ewe |Precarious Property on Ghana's Eroding Coast |

|University of Florida |Megan Cogburn |Anthropology |Tanzania |Swahili |Pushing Institutional Deliveries- An Ethnography of Childbirth |

| | | | | |Care in Rural Tanzania |

|University of Florida |Cady Gonzalez |Anthropology |Ethiopia |Amharic |Hospitality in International Development The case of coffee and |

| | | | | |sanitation in urban Ethiopia |

|Cornell University |Aubryn Sidle |Development Sociology |Kenya; Tanzania |Kiswahili |Soft Skills Hard Outcomes-'Emplacing' Soft Skills in Girls' |

| | | | | |Education Practice in East Africa |

|Cornell University |Janet Smith |Development Sociology |Senegal |French |Islamic Banking and Finance Practices in Senegal |

|Cornell University |Ewan Robinson |Development Sociology |Tanzania |Swahili |Preparing the Ground - Land Investments and National Development |

| | | | | |in Tanzania’s Agricultural Growth Corridor |

|Harvard University |Amsale Alemu |African and African American |Ethiopia |Amharic |Contested Collaborations. Ethiopian and Black American |

| | |Studies, History | | |Transnational Activism from the Turn of the Twentieth Century to |

| | | | | |the Aftermath of the Ethiopian Revolution |

|Harvard University |Renugan Raidoo |Social Anthropology |South Africa |Africaans; Isizulu; |Gated communities and the evolution of spatial segregation in |

| | | | | |post-apartheid South Africa |

|Boston University |Emily Williamson |Anthropology |Ghana; Nigeria |Hausa |Zirga-Zirga - Negotiating Belonging in Nima-Accra |

|University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee|Allison Kotowicz |Anthropology |Tanzania |Swahili |Maasai identity and the trinity of conservation development and |

| | | | | |tourism in the twenty first century |

|University of Michigan |Katherine Browne |Environmental Politics |Madagascar |Malagasy |Global Climate Governance at the Frontier of Vulnerability |

|University of Michigan |Joshua Greenberg |Public Health and Development |Uganda |Runyankore |Governance-Citizenship-Accountability--People-Centered |

| | |Economics | | |Development in the Ugandan Health Sector |

|University of North Carolina, |Ampson Hagan |Anthropology |Niger; Algeria |French |Migrants and Healthcare Worthiness in the Sahara of Niger and |

|Chapel Hill | | | | |Algeria |

|Northwestern University |Andrea Rosengarten |History |Namibia; South Africa; |Afrikaans |A Subversive Ethnogenesis - Racial Mobility and Nama Intellectual|

| | | |Germany | |History in Colonial Namibia. |

|University of Illinois |William Keniston |History |South Africa; Botswana;|Zulu |Explosive Thinking - Apartheid Resistance and Repression |

| | | |Angola; England | | |

|Michigan State University |Dawson McCall |African History |Kenya |Swahili |Run Pray Read at St Patrick's High School |

|Michigan State University |Akil Cornelius |History |South Africa; Zimbabwe |Tsivenda |The Venda Armory Warfare Gender and Technology in South Africa |

|Michigan State University |John Smith |Music |Ghana |Akan Twi |Saving the Songwood - Global Consumption. Sustainability and |

| | | | | |Value of Ghanaian Gyil |

|Michigan State University |Robin Crigler |History |South Africa |Zulu |A Social and Cultural History of South African Humor |

|Michigan State University |Russell Stevenson |History |Nigeria |Igbo |The University of the Village-Indigenous Higher Education and |

| | | | | |University Life in Post-Independence Nigeria |

|University of California, Berkeley|Hilary Lynd |History |South Africa; Russia |Russian |The Soviet Union is for South Africans a Big Crystal Ball - The |

| | | | | |National Question and the Cold War's End |

|Georgetown University |Sara Fischer |Political Science |Malawi |Chichewa |Governing Health- Local Health Sector Workers as Political Actors|

| | | | | |in Malawi |

|Georgetown University |Andrew Marshall |Political Science |Kenya; Tanzania |Kiswahili |Language Policy and the Nation in East Africa |

Fellows Researching Central/Eastern Europe and Eurasia

|Institution of Higher Education |Fellow Name |Major Academic Discipline |Country(ies) of |Language(s) of |Topic |

| | | |Research |Research | |

|University of Washington |Brendan McElmeel |History |Russian Federation |Russian |Comrades in Love--Intimacy and Socialist Morality in the USSR. |

| | | | | |Nineteen-fifties to the Nineteen-seventies. |

|Ohio State University |Barbara Roth |Political Science |Bosnia and Herzegovina |Bosnian |Settlement Social Norms and Conflict Migration in Bosnia |

|University of Chicago |Moira O'Shea |Sociology |Kyrgyzstan |Russian |Amidst Aitmatov Manas and Lenin - The use of history and culture |

| | | | | |in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan |

|Boston University |Laura Tourtellotte |Anthropology |Kazakhstan |Russian |Whom to Help Pro-natalism and Gender Politics in Crisis Social |

| | | | | |Services in Almaty Kazakhstan |

|Indiana University |Jessica Storey-Nagy |Central Eurasian Studies, |Hungary |Hungarian |Sovereign Voices- Decoding the Discursive Processes of National |

| | |Hungarian Studies | | |Identity Building in Modern-Day Hungary |

Fellows Researching East Asia

|Institution of Higher Education |Fellow Name |Major Academic Discipline |Country(ies) of |Language(s) of |Topic |

| | | |Research |Research | |

|University of Wisconsin |Bailey Albrecht |History |Japan |Japanese |Ecologies of Production in Postwar Japan |

|Ohio State University |Katherine Fitzgerald |Religious Studies |China |Tibetan |No Pure Lands - The Contemporary Buddhism of Tibetan Lay Women |

|Ohio State University |John Bundschuh |Japanese Linguistics |Japan |Japanese |Tense Aspect and Modality in the Creation of Narrative Structure |

| | | | | |in Japanese Kundokugo Buddhist Texts |

|University of Chicago |Stephanie Painter |History |China |Mandarin Chinese |Unorthodox Masculinities and Weakening Patriarchy in the Qing |

| | | | | |Dynasty Courts |

|University of California, Los |James Hillmer |Asian Languages and Cultures - |South Korea |Korean |Development of Prisons and Penology in South Korea's First |

|Angeles | |Korean History | | |Republic |

|University of North Carolina, |Willa Dong |Health Behavior |China; Hong Kong |Mandarin Chinese |Understanding aspirational strain to reduce the high burden of |

|Chapel Hill | | | | |depression among transgender women in China |

|University of Kentucky |Leif Johnson |Geography |China; Hong Kong |Mandarin |Building quality - Intersections of suzhi and urban citizenship |

| | | | | |in the Shanghai construction industry |

|Indiana University |Eric Layman |Education (Comparative or |Taiwan |Mandarin |Autonomy and Indigeneity in Taiwan's Aboriginal Education Policy |

| | |International) | | | |

|University of California, Berkeley|Ezra Toback |Japanese Literature |Japan |Japanese |Picture Word and World in Late-Meiji Japanese Literature and |

| | | | | |Photography |

|Yale University |Jeffrey Niedermaier |East Asian Languages and |Japan |Japanese |The Poetics of Elsewhere - The Wakan Roeishu and the Teaching of |

| | |Literature | | |World Literature in Japan Past and Present |

Fellows Researching Near East

|Institution of Higher Education |Fellow Name |Major Academic Discipline |Country(ies) of |Language(s) of |Topic |

| | | |Research |Research | |

|University of Pennsylvania |Zachary Smith |Political Science |Israel; South Africa; |Hebrew |Colonial Accumulation- Institutions and Ideologies in Settler |

| | | |United Kingdom; France;| |Societies |

| | | |Algeria | | |

|University of Pennsylvania |Gareth Smail |Education |Morocco |Arabic |Ideologies of acquisition - learning to read in Morocco |

|University of Texas, Austin |Deina Rabie |Linguistic Anthropology |United Arab Emirates |Arabic |The English Channel-Language and Gendered Mobility among Emirati |

| | | | | |Women in the United Arab Emirates |

|University of Texas, Austin |Maro Youssef |Sociology |Tunisia |Arabic |Women Associations in Tunisia - Peaceful Coexistence Despite |

| | | | | |Ideological Differences |

|University of Washington |Eileen Calderon |Anthropology |Turkey |Turkish |National Pasts and Religious Futures |

|University of Washington |Gozde Ege |Interdisciplinary Near and |Jordan |Arabic |From Crisis to Ordinary Precarity- Palestinian Youth as New |

| | |Middle East Studies | | |Practitioners of Humanitarian Governance in Amman Jordan |

|Ohio State University |Nathan Young |Anthropology |Turkey |Turkish |Modernization's Other--Nostalgia for Village Life in Turkey |

|University of Notre Dame |Nicholas Roberts |History |Oman |Arabic |Forging the Sultanate-State Making in Oman and the Crucible of |

| | | | | |Global Modernity |

|Harvard University |Maryam Patton |History |Turkey; Italy; |Turkish |By the Declining Day - Time and Temporal Cultures of the Early |

| | | |Bosnia-Herzegovina; | |Modern Mediterranean |

| | | |Croatia; France | | |

|University of Kentucky |Miriam Dike |Anthropology |Morocco |Moroccan Arabic |Gendered Labor In- and Outside the Household for Middle-Class |

| | | | | |Moroccan Couples |

|University of California, Berkeley|Melissa Scott |Ethnomusicology |Jordan |Arabic |Sounding Place - Classical Arab Music Pedagogy and Humanitarian |

| | | | | |Sentiment in Jordan |

|Georgetown University |Dilyara Agisheva |Arabic and Islamic Studies |Turkey |Modern Turkish |Colonial encounter and the transformation of the legal system in |

| | | | | |Crimea in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries |

Fellows Researching South Asia

|Institution of Higher Education |Fellow Name |Major Academic Discipline |Country(ies) of |Language(s) of |Topic |

| | | |Research |Research | |

|University of Washington |Jessica Bachman |History |India |Bengali |Reading Soviet Books In Post-Colonial India |

|Cornell University |Karlie Fox-Knudtsen |Anthropology |India |Odia |Aluminum Gods. Mining and religiosity along Odisha's bauxite |

| | | | | |supply chain. |

|Cornell University |Austin Lord |Anthropology |Nepal |Nepali |Turbulent Futures - Aftermath and Anticipation in Post-Earthquake|

| | | | | |Nepal |

|Oregon State University |Alexander Smith |Geography |Nepal |Nepali |Change and Resilience in Nepal's Community Forests - New Insights|

| | | | | |through Coupling Analysis of Satellite Imagery and Forest User |

| | | | | |Perceptions |

|Columbia University |John Tackes |Religion |India |Hindi |New Age Sarvodaya - Self-help and -care in Contemporary North |

| | | | | |India |

|University of Virginia |Devin Zuckerman |Religious Studies |Nepal |Tibetan |Philosophy of Life in Indian and Tibetan Buddhist Metaphysics |

|University of California, Berkeley|Sohini Pillai |South and Southeast Asian |India |Hindi |Epic Devotion- Region and Religion in Retellings of the |

| | |Studies | | |Mahabharata |

Fellows Researching Southeast Asia

|Institution of Higher Education |Fellow Name |Major Academic Discipline |Country(ies) of |Language(s) of |Topic |

| | | |Research |Research | |

|University of Pennsylvania |David Hanks |Educational Linguistics |Indonesia |Indonesian |Eat-Pray-Love-Speak -- The Commodification of Language Education |

| | | | | |for Tourism in Bali |

|University of Wisconsin |Choua Xiong |Educational Policy Studies |Thailand |Thai |Activating Hmongness in Thai Schools - Hmong Negotiation of |

| | | | | |Citizenship and Belonging in Northern Thailand |

|University of Chicago |Rafadi Hakim |Anthropology |Indonesia |Indonesian |Enregistering Democracy - Gender and Political Discourse in |

| | | | | |Eastern Indonesia |

Fellows Researching in the Western Hemisphere

|Institution of Higher Education |Fellow Name |Major Academic Discipline |Country(ies) of |Language(s) of |Topic |

| | | |Research |Research | |

|University of California, Irvine |Katherine Cosby |History |Brazil |Portuguese |Flowers Grew Out of the Asphalt |

|University of California, Irvine |Ann Wilkinson |Anthropology |Mexico |Spanish |Secure the Family - Gender Sexuality and the Transnational |

| | | | | |Pro-Family Movement in Mexico |

|University of Wisconsin |David Greenwood-Sanchez |Political Science |Peru; Mexico |Spanish |GMO Contestation in Mexico and Peru - Biodiversity and Global |

| | | | | |Agricultural Markets |

|University of Wisconsin |Kelsey Huisman |Botany |Ecuador |Spanish |Rapidly evolving Teagueia orchids within the Andean biodiversity |

| | | | | |hotspot |

|University of Wisconsin |Molly Minden |Political Science |Guatemala |Spanish |Legacies of Violence in Social Mobilization-- Resistance to Dams |

| | | | | |in Guatemala |

|University of Wisconsin |Isaac Leslie |Sociology |Argentina |Spanish |Alternative Agriculture as a Development Strategy - Certified |

| | | | | |Organic and Agroecological Food Systems in Argentina |

|Princeton University |Brandon Hunter |Anthropology |Mexico |Spanish |An Ethnographic Study of Organized Labor in Mexico's Tourism |

| | | | | |Industry |

|The University of Southern |Chris Hair |Geography |Ecuador |Spanish |A View from Above - Alternative Perspectives of Small-Scale |

|Mississippi | | | | |Indigenous Agriculture in Northern Ecuador |

|University of Maryland Baltimore |Laura Riddering |Geography |Guatemala |Spanish |Development's diverse labors- An institutional ethnography of |

|County | | | | |everyday labor practices in international development projects in|

| | | | | |Guatemala |

|University of Arizona |Sarah Renkert |Sociocultural Anthropology |Peru |Spanish |Communal Kitchens Food Aid and Community Organizing in Lima Peru |

|City University of New York |Samuel Novacich |Anthropology |Brazil |Portuguese |Color as a Social Force - Aesthetic Surfaces and Everyday Life in|

| | | | | |Rio de Janeiro Brazil |

|City University of New York |Chris Carlson |Sociology |Brazil |Portuguese |The Agrarian Basis of Uneven Development in Brazil |

|Pennsylvania State University |Megan Baumann |Geography |Colombia |Spanish |Remaking the Internal Frontier Through Irrigation |

| | | | | |Megaprojects--Water and Soil Governance in Colombia's Tolima |

| | | | | |Valley |

|Duke University |Elsa Costa |History |Spain; Mexico |Spanish |The Bourbon Ideology. the Eudaemonistic Idealin Late Habsburg and|

| | | | | |Bourbon Spain and its Atlantic Empire |

|New York University |Emma Young |History |Brazil |Portuguese |City of Water-Urban Political Ecology in Industrial Sao Paulo |

|New York University |Natalie Povilonis de Vilchez|Linguistics |Peru |Quechua |Beyond the monolith- Unmasking ideologically conditioned |

| | | | | |variation for Quechua language maintenance |

|Tulane University |John White |Anthropology |Ecuador |Kichwa |Conceptualizing Crop Domestication and Diversification Among |

| | | | | |Amazonian Runa |

|Tulane University |Mira Kohl |History |Bolivia; Brazil |Spanish |A Railway to South American Unity - Bolivian and Brazilian State |

| | | | | |Building and Regionalism in Santa Cruz |

|Tulane University |Patricia Lagarde |Art History and Latin American |Peru |Spanish |Facing Pilgrimage-Tenon Head Sculptures at the Ceremonial Center |

| | |Studies | | |of Chavin de Huantar |

|Emory University |Hannah Abrahamson |History |Mexico |Spanish |Women of the Encomienda- Households and Dependents in Sixteenth |

| | | | | |and Seventeenth-Century Yucatan Mexico |

|Emory University |Marissa Nichols |History |Mexico |Spanish |Indigenous Nurses in the Countryside- Vaccination Programs in |

| | | | | |Oaxaca Mexico |

|Emory University |Shari Wejsa |History (Latin America) |Brazil; Portugal |Portuguese |Migrant Agency and Racial Identity-Angolan Refugees and |

| | | | | |Immigration Policies in Brazil |

|Ohio State University |Ashlee Dauphinais |Spanish &Portuguese Linguistics|Brazil |Portuguese |Linguistic Practices among Women with Turner Syndrome in Brazil |

|Cornell University |Karla Pena |Development Sociology |Ecuador |Spanish |Land Labor and Haciendas in Ecuador - Rural Mobilization and |

| | | | | |State Formation in the Twenty-first Century |

|Brown University |Thamyris Almeida |History |Brazil |Portuguese |The Politics of Culture and the Rise of Brazil's Television |

| | | | | |Industry |

|University of California, Los |Abigail Thornton |Education |México |Spanish |Learning for Social Action with Displaced Communities in Mexico |

|Angeles | | | | |Post-Deportation |

|University of California, Los |Clare Beer |Geography |Chile |Spanish |Nationalizing Nature through Chile's Route of Parks Project |

|Angeles | | | | | |

|University of Michigan |Jordan Osborn |Anthropological Archaeology |Peru |Spanish |The Development of Specialized Fishing Economies on the Peruvian |

| | | | | |Coast |

|University of North Carolina, |Claire Dunn |Political Science |Brazil |Brazilian Portuguese |Privileged Interests- Class-Based Variation in Government |

|Chapel Hill | | | | |Responsiveness in Brazilian States |

|Columbia University |Anayvelyse Allen-Mossman |Latin American and Iberian |Argentina; Chile; |Spanish |Building Argentina. Territory Landscape and Monumentality in the |

| | |Cultures |Paraguay | |Interior. |

|University of California, Santa |Gabrielle Greenlee |History of Art, Visual Studies |Peru |Spanish |Turn and Return in Colonial Indigenous Textiles- Shouldering |

|Cruz | | | | |Narratives of Time-Memories of Land- and Legacies of Place in |

| | | | | |Andean Women's Mantles Called Llikllas |

|University of Illinois |Cassandra Osei |History |Brazil |Brazilian Portuguese |Black Women's Activism and Organizing in Twentieth Century Brazil|

|University of Kansas |Taylor Tappan |Geography |Costa Rica |Spanish |Can Indigenous Communities Protect the Rainforest--Mapping the |

| | | | | |Long-term Landscape Signature of Subsistence Agriculture on |

| | | | | |Rainforest in Costa Rica's Alto Chirripo Territory |

|University of California, Berkeley|Giuseppina Forte |Architecture |Brazil; Belgium; Italy |Portuguese |City of Peripheries. Radical Politics-Urban Models-and |

| | | | | |Transnational Technologies of Poverty in Sao Paulo |

|University of Massachusetts, |Marcia Mundt |Public Policy |El Salvador; Guatemala |Spanish |Participate for Peace- The Impacts of Participatory Deliberative |

|Boston | | | | |Democracy on Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in Central America |


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