Don Bosco Technical College

Department of Mechanical Engineering


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of B.S.M.E. ? Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

By: LADIA, John Philip M.

LOPEZ, Louie A. MERCADO, Jose Louise P. TENDERO, Tristan Oliver B.

With the guidance of: Engr. Paul M. Catalan


Don Bosco Technical College

Department of Mechanical Engineering


This thesis research hereto entitled:


prepared and submitted by John Philip M. Ladia, Louie A. Lopez, Jose Louise P. Mercado, and Tristan Oliver B. Tendero in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval for ORAL EXAMINATION.

Engr. Paul M. Catalan Adviser

Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with the grade of PASSED on April 18, 2008

Dr. Manuel Biona, PhD Committee

Engr. Allan Ugsimar Committee


Don Bosco Technical College

Department of Mechanical Engineering

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The group would like to give their outmost gratitude to our Creator for giving us the opportunity to live, think and learn and being able to apply them into this study, for His continuous blessings and wisdom that he bestowed to us throughout the study Our deepest gratitude to our families for the love and care that they shared with us throughout the year, and with their continuous support and prayers throughout the study We would also like to extend our gratitude to our adviser, Engineer Paul M. Catalan for his unending guidance, support and patience throughout the study. We also acknowledge his family for letting use their land for tests and on-farm trial. To SANREM and the Don Bosco Center for Research and Training (CRT) and to their director, Dr. Manuel Biona, PhD, for their support and for sponsoring this study. Finally, we acknowledge the people of Lucban especially to Mr. Ariel Da?ez and Mr. Angelo Sovieto for their hospitality and cooperation.


Don Bosco Technical College

Department of Mechanical Engineering


The No-till system of farming is one of the farming techniques that, many scientists believe, should be adopted by large and small farm holders alike, in order to minimize the gradual damage caused by tilling. Likewise, their studies showed that the quality of life of farmers may be improved by using this method. Several countries have already adopted this method, while in the Philippines; it seemed that tilling was still most popular among farmers as evidenced by the interviews done in this study. The interview also showed that the farmers, in Baranggay Palola in Lucban Quezon, have no or very little knowledge about the no-till farming system.

This study aimed to develop and evaluate a first generation animal drawn no-till farming equipment for small farm holders in the Philippines. The study included the design, fabrication and testing of an animal-drawn equipment, a dibbler, and a residue roller. The data gathering and testing were done in Barangay Palola and the fabrication was done in the mechanical shops of Don Bosco Technical College.

Data gathering started with the baseline survey regarding the conventional method of farming. Design and fabrication then proceeded. Testing was done both in the laboratory and in the field. In the initial field tests, the equipment was pulled by one and sometimes two persons at an average speed of 0.5 m/s. The pulling force, depth and width, seed spacing and dispensing rate of fertilizer were measured in the tests. In the final field test, an animal was used to pull the equipment at a rate of 1 m/s. Observations were made regarding the function and ease of operation of the equipment while it was being pulled by the carabao. Comparison between labor requirements and projected annual costs were compared afterwards. Recommendations were also made regarding the design of the equipment and some future directives were also stated.


Don Bosco Technical College

Department of Mechanical Engineering

The study revealed that a significant reduction in labor requirements would be possible when the equipment would be used. Also, the study showed that it would be economically viable to use no-till farming system using the equipment with the assumption that productivity is the same for both conventional and conservative system. Regarding adaptability, this study showed that the equipment worked in both wet and dry soil and at a slope of 7 degrees.



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