Jenny Andersson and Eglė Rindzevičiūtė, eds.,

2015- 2016International and Global History1. Historicizing the FieldAkira Iriye, Global and Transnational History: The Past, Present, and Future (Palgrave, 2013).Hunt, Lynn. Writing History in the Global Era (W.W. Norton, 2015).Guldi, Jo and David Armitage, The History Manifesto (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014).Henning Trüper, Dipesh Chakrabarty and Sanjay Subrahmanyam, eds., Historical Teleologies in the Modern World (Bloomsbury, 2015).Trouillot, Michel-Rolph, Global Transformations: Anthropology and the Modern World (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003).Jenny Andersson and Egl? Rindzevi?iūt?, eds., The Struggle for the Long-Term in Transnational Science and Politics (Routledge, 2015).2. 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