The meeting was called to order at 1900 HRS by Commander Foote. The POW/MIA ceremony was conducted by Vice Commander Bruce Irving and Jack Youngs.

The following members and guests were in attendance:

Larre' Robertson

Pat Oatman

Bruce Irving

Jack Youngs

Susan Barnett

Floyd Beery

Robert Grimes

Merlin Campbell

Doug Foote

David Shively

Rick Lane

Mike Polk

David Freeman

Ivan Smith

Ike Mortensen

Arnold Burr

Tom Hughes

Dave Banker

Howard Wallace

Larry Dresser

Casey Sase

Ira Smith

Chuck Hawkins

Mike Foley Commander Post127 Guest

Christina Watson Adjutant Post 127 Guest

Charles Bradshaw Vice Commander Post 127 Guest

Janis Foote Unit 39 Auxiliary

The Commander advised that the minutes from the August meeting are posted on the website and copies are available at the meeting. A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes as posted. The vote was unanimous.

Service Officer Report

The Service Officer provided a report by e-mail, which was read to the assembled members. Documentation was provided to members present. Copies are available by request.

Chaplain's Report

The Chaplain reported that he has received pamphlets and other information for the upcoming Oratorical Contest. He will be going to Middleton High School and speaking at 2 classes, with the cooperation of Principal Williams and Ms. Padget. He has been given ½ hour on Friday September 28, 2012 to speak to students in government and history classes. Three weeks later he will return to the school and talk to other students. He intends to discuss flag etiquette with the students as well as the Oratorical Contest.

The Chaplain said that Richard Cowdery is doing fairly well and is getting around with a walker. Harold Ward is doing OK. Hospice and family check on him each day. Harold has a new phone number. Brad Spencer is getting better and is able to take care of his business, He is still having bad shoulder and hip problems. Janice Foote (who was present) is on the mend. Ike Mortensen said that Howard Smith has been falling down. He has had many surgeries and is at home. The Chaplain reported that Robert Dixon is having pulmonary problems. He also has had an ongoing arthritis problem for 10 years. Norm Appell is having difficulty getting around, even at home.

Adjutant's Report

The Adjutant advised that the Honor Guard has been performing many Veterans' funeral services and ceremonies. The Post is receiving pay for services tasked by the military and has been receiving donations from many other ceremonies. The Post needs more Honor Guard members. We have been asked recently, on 2 different occasions, to conduct Honor Guard ceremonies at 2 funerals occurring at the same time. This will probably happen more in the future, as we are becoming widely known in the area by other Posts and funeral directors, as well as the VA Cemetery. The military continues to task our team for funerals as well.

The Adjutant also advised that Gold scarves and braid are now for sale at Flag and Emblem. The Post has issued all the braids that we have. We need to order a few more to keep up., as they are provided by the Post. Since they are inexpensive (Approximately $8.00 each) the Adjutant will order 4-5 more.

Finance Officer Report

The Finance Officer reported that the Post currently has $2451.32 in the Syringa bank account and the bills are paid.

Baseball Committee Report

Jack Youngs read a narrative regarding his activities. He provided a copy.

New Business

Larre' Robertson received a letter from the Greenleaf Historical Society, commending the Post Honor Guard for a recent ceremony conducted in their community.

Membership Committee

The Commander reported that as of last Friday District 3 is at 68.2 % membership renewal. The Post had 35 paid members at that time. The goal is to have 100% renewal by the end of the calendar year. The Post goal is 100 % paid by 1 December 2012.

The Commander reported that the Post website is not operational as he does not have an internet connection, possibly for the next several days, due to technical problems. His provider is working on the problems.

The Commander reminded the membership that we have a ceremony scheduled to post the Colors at the Holiday Inn convention center at Vista and the freeway in Boise at 0830 HRS on 25 September.

Commander Foote advised that there are several upcoming events:

10/07/12 Parking lot party and car show Veteran's Home 1030 to 1400 Hrs

10/13/12 Foote Park Middleton Flag Ceremony 1330 HRS Post Booth at the park.

10/27/12 District 3 meeting El Korah Shrine Boise 0930-1300 Hrs

10/29/12 Post 39 meeting 1900 Hrs

11/10/12 Veteran's Day Parade Boise

11/11/12 Karcher Church of the Nazarene Post the Colors Veteran's Day celebration

12/17/12 Post 39 Christmas Dinner and meeting Trolley House Middleton

Dave Freeman demonstrated a white pistol belt with chrome buckle, as an addition to the Honor Guard uniform. The cost of the belt was $31 and the buckle was $27 additional. Discussion was held. Larre' Robertson suggested that a check of various websites may reveal better prices. A motion was made and seconded to find the best price and purchase the belts and buckles. The vote was unanimous in favor.

Dave Freeman also mentioned that we need to start a youth shooting program. Information has been received that National Headquarters has some air rifles to use for this purpose. They will loan them to a Post starting a shooting program. Dave will get further information and report to the membership at the next meeting.

Jack Youngs reported that Post 18 is having a pancake feed on 10/06/12 from 0700 to 1300 HRS. He also reported that Post 67 in Ontario would like some Honor Guard assistance with their Veterans' Day Parade. He reported that the Nampa Post had a chili cook off last Saturday. It was small. Jack spent 5 hours helping.

Jack also advised that Vic Diaz from Legion Baseball, is receiving his Eagle Scout award on 10/28/12 at 1830 Hrs at the LDS Stake Center on Old Highway 30. There will be a certificate presented to him. Post members need to be present to present it to him.

Jack said that the Middleton Homecoming football game is on 09/28/12 at 1900 HRS. Members are encouraged to attend.

Janis Foote spoke about forming a Post Auxiliary. She said we need 10 women to begin. She asked that members discuss this with their wives. She said the Auxiliary can do a lot of good for the Post, including access to Girls State. Anyone interested can contact Janis or Commander Foote.

There being no other business, the meeting was closed at 2017 Hrs.

Split the pot: $21 was won by Chuck Hawkins, who donated his share to the Post.

Respectfully submitted

David Freeman


The next meeting will be on October 29 at the Sunrise Cafe'.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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