FY 2014 Summary Data: Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation ...

FY 2014 Summary Data

Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program

DDRA Applicant Data

|World Area |Number of Applicants by World Area |Total Requested Funding by World Area |Average Requested Funding by World Area |

|Africa |78 |$2,799,540 |$35,892 |

|Central/Eastern Europe and Eurasia |49 |$1,861,413 |$37,988 |

|East Asia |45 |$1,739,209 |$38,649 |

|Near East |37 |$1,544,702 |$41,749 |

|South Asia |53 |$2,232,157 |$42,116 |

|Southeast Asia |28 |$1,084,329 |$38,726 |

|Western Hemisphere |94 |$3,264,326 |$34,727 |

|Grand Total |384 |$14,525,676 |$37,827 |

|Institutional Type |Number of Institutions |Number of Fellows |Funding |

|Public Institutions |24 |55 |$1,963,783 |

|Private not-for-profit Institutions |13 |28 |$972,959 |

|TOTAL |37 |83 |$2,936,742 |


|Total Funds Requested |$14,525,676 |

|Total Program Funds Allocated |$2,936,742 |

Fellowship Data

|World Area |Number of Awards by World Area |

|Africa |809 |

|Western Hemisphere |989 |

|Central/Eastern Europe and Eurasia |908 |

|East Asia |833 |

|Near East |600 |

|South Asia |564 |

|Southeast Asia |561 |

|Western Europe |76 |

|Multi-Country* |186 |

|TOTALS |5,340 |

*Note: Multi-country designation is obsolete. Now, principal country of research is designated.

Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Awards by State

|State/Institution |City |Fellowship Amount |Number of Fellows |

|California | |$774,841 |21 |

|Stanford University |Stanford |$51,862 |2 |

|University of California, Berkeley |Berkeley |$285,670 |7 |

|University of California, Davis |Davis |$69,669 |2 |

|University of California, LA |Los Angeles |$327,818 |8 |

|University of California, San Diego |San Diego |$11,861 |1 |

|University of California, San Francisco |San Francisco |$27,961 |1 |

|Colorado | |$43,348 |2 |

|University of Colorado, Boulder |Boulder |$43,348 |2 |

|Connecticut | |$29,508 |1 |

|Wesleyan University |Middletown |$29,508 |1 |

|District of Columbia | |$123,295 |3 |

|George Washington University |DC |$41,442 |1 |

|Georgetown University |DC |$81,853 |2 |

|Florida | |$40,980 |1 |

|Florida International University |Miami |$40,980 |1 |

|Hawaii | |$41,793 |1 |

|University of Hawaii |Honolulu |$41,793 |1 |

|Illinois | |$210,080 |7 |

|Northwestern University |Evanston |$38,043 |2 |

|University of Chicago |Chicago |$147,924 |4 |

|University of Illinois |Champaign |$24,113 |1 |

|Kansas | |$30,144 |1 |

|University of Kansas |Lawrence |$30,144 |1 |

|Kentucky | |$33,984 |1 |

|University of Kentucky |Lexington |$33,984 |1 |

|Massachusetts | |$197,261 |5 |

|Boston University |Boston |$103,508 |3 |

|Harvard University |Cambridge |$93,753 |2 |

|Maryland | |$55,932 |2 |

|Johns Hopkins University |Baltimore |$55,932 |2 |

|Michigan | |$261,435 |8 |

|Michigan State University |East Lansing |$148,896 |4 |

|University of Michigan |Ann Arbor |$112,539 |4 |

|Missouri | |$23,718 |1 |

|Washington University |St. Louis |$23,718 |1 |

|North Carolina | |$89,099 |3 |

|Duke University |Durham |$89,099 |3 |

|New Jersey | |$28,030 |1 |

|Princeton University |Princeton |$28,030 |1 |

|New York | |$236,122 |5 |

|Columbia University |New York |$48,592 |1 |

|Cornell University |Ithaca |$187,530 |4 |

|Ohio | |$106,976 |3 |

|Ohio State University |Columbus |$106,976 |3 |

|Oregon | |$29,096 |1 |

|University of Oregon |Eugene |$29,096 |1 |

|Pennsylvania | |$67,347 |3 |

|Rutgers University |New Brunswick |$20,346 |1 |

|University of Pennsylvania |Philadelphia |$19,579 |1 |

|University of Pittsburgh |Pittsburgh |$27,422 |1 |

|Tennessee | |$59,883 |2 |

|Vanderbilt University |Nashville |$59,883 |2 |

|Texas | |$40,206 |1 |

|Rice University |Houston |$40,206 |1 |

|Virginia | |$26,322 |1 |

|University of Virginia |Charlottesville |$26,322 |1 |

|Washington | |$80,715 |2 |

|University of Washington |Seattle |$80,715 |2 |

|Wisconsin | |$306,628 |7 |

|University of Wisconsin |Madison |$306,628 |7 |

|Total |37 |$2,936,742 |83 |

FY 2014 World Areas - Fulbright Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program

|Language and Area Studies Specialization |Country(ies) |Additional |Language(s) of Research |Major Academic |Number of Fellows |Funds |

| |of Research |Research Sites | |Discipline | | |

|University of Chicago |Emma |Hite |Anthropology - Archaeology |Mongolia |Mongolian |Human-Animal Relationships of the Xiongnu Empire |

| | | | | | |at Baruun Mukhdagiin Am in Central Mongolia |

|Georgetown University |Michael |Polczynski |History, PhD |Ukraine; Poland |Polish and Latin |Antemurale Christianitatis Memalik i Mahurse. The|

| | | | | | |Bulwark of Christendom and the Well Protected |

| | | | | | |Domains of the early modern Polish Lithuanian and|

| | | | | | |Ottoman frontier |

|University of Washington |Walker |Frahm |Sociology |Romania; Moldova |Romanian |Brokers Beyond Borders |


|Institution of Higher Education |First Name |Last Name |Major Academic |Country(ies) of |Language(s) of Research |Topic |

| | | |Discipline |Research | | |

|Ohio State University |Heather |Fair |Environmental Science |China; Hong Kong |Mandarin Chinese |Glacier Stream Conceptual Model and |

| | | | | | |Physiological Mechanisms of Aquatic Insects |

|Princeton University |Megan |Steffen |Anthropology |People's Republic of |Chinese Mandarin |China on the Move. Mobility. Accidents. and |

| | | | |China | |Unpredictability in the PRC |

|University of Virginia |William |McGrath |Religious Studies |People's Republic of |Tibetan |On the Establishment of Orthodoxy in Tibetan |

| | | | |China (PRC) | |Medicine |

|University of California, Los |Tommy |Tran |Asian Languages and |South Korea; Japan |Korean |Mapping the Center of the Earth- |

|Angeles | | |Cultures | | |Globalization and Local Identity in Cheju |

| | | | | | |Island |

|University of California, Los |Amy |Gordanier |History |China |Chinese |Shows on the Road--Professional Networks and |

|Angeles | | | | | |Opera Performance in Qing China |

|Stanford University |Andrew |Elmore |History |People's Republic of |Mandarin Chinese |Recreating Masculinities in Modern China |

| | | | |China; Hong Kong; | | |

| | | | |Taiwan | | |

|University of Illinois |Agnes |Sohn |Anthropology |South Korea |Korean |Global business hub or back-to-the-land - |

| | | | | | |Re-making development on Cheju Island |

|University of Kansas |Katrina |Connell |Linguistics |China |Mandarin Chinese |The role of tone in second language Chinese |

| | | | | | |word recognition |

|Michigan State University |Helen |Kaibara |History |Japan |Japanese |Creating a Japanese American 'Model Minority'|

| | | | | | |in the Context of International Diplomacy |

|University of Hawaii |Alexander |Krieg |Psychology |Japan |Japanese |Self-Construal Selective Attention and |

| | | | | | |East-West Differences in Social Anxiety |

|University of California, Berkeley|Elise |Youn |Geography (Development |South Korea |Korean |Questioning Development - New Life Movements |

| | | |Studies) | | |in Post-Democratization South Korea |

|Johns Hopkins University |Amanda |Kerrigan |China Studies |China |Mandarin |Medical Chaos and Institutional Change in |

| | | | | | |China's Health Care System |

|Harvard University |Christopher |Foster |East Asian Languages |People's Republic of |Mandarin Chinese |Cang Jie Created Writing - A Model for Text |

| | | |and Civilizations |China | |Production in Early China |

| | | |(Chinese History) | | | |

|Duke University |Cindy |Cheng |Political Science |China |Mandarin |The Politics of Food Security |

Near East

|Institution of |First Name |Last Name |Major Academic Discipline |Country(ies) of Research |Language(s) of |Topic |

|Higher Education | | | | |Research | |

|Georgetown |Laura |Goffman |History |Oman; India; Tanzania; United|Arabic |Education Militarization and the Formation of National Identity in|

|University | | | |Kingdom | |Twentieth-Century Oman |

|Harvard University |Arthur David |Owen |Arabic and Islamic Studies |Mauritania; Morocco; Spain |Arabic |Forms and Sources of Obligation - Ibn Hazm's Practical Science and|

| | | | | | |the History of Legal Syllogistic |


|Institution of Higher |First Name |Last Name |Major Academic Discipline|Country(ies) of |Language(s) of |Topic |

|Education | | | |Research |Research | |

|University of Pennsylvania|Miranda |Weinberg |Anthropology and |Nepal |Nepali |Schooling Languages - Learning to Speak as Educated |

| | | |Education | | |Indigenous Citizens in Nepal |

|Cornell University |Kasia |Paprocki |Development Sociology |Bangladesh; India |Bengali |Big Shrimp Rising Waters - Development Dispossession and |

| | | | | | |Resistance in Bangladesh |

|University of California, |Camille |Frazier |Anthropology |India |Kannada |Agricultural Crises and Sustainable Futures in Bangalore |

|Los Angeles | | | | | |India |

|University of California, |Jeffrey |Roy |Ethnomusicology |India |Hindi |Music in Liminal Spaces--Gendered Performance in India's |

|Los Angeles | | | | | |LGBTQ and Hijra Communities |

|University of Colorado, |Galen |Murton |Geography |Nepal; China |Tibetan |Himalayan Highways - Co-producing Identities, Markets, and |

|Boulder | | | |(Tibet) | |Geopolitics in Highland Nepal |

|Columbia University |Yogendra |Trivedi |Religion |India |Hindi |In Song and Stone - Performance and Community Formation in |

| | | | | | |the Early Swaminarayan Sampraday |

|University of California, |Lisa |Brooks |History of Science |India |Hindi |A Sensory History of Touch in Ayurvedic Medicine |

|Berkeley | | | | | | |

|University of California, |Rebecca |Whittington |South and Southeast Asian|India |Bangla |Tug-of-ear. The play of dialect in Bengali and Tamil modern |

|Berkeley | | |Studies | | |literature |

|Duke University |Hunter |Bandy |Religious Studies |India; Germany; |Persian |'Religion in the Empirical Age' Natural Speculation in the |

| | | | |United Kingdom | |Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Islamicate Deccan |


|Institution of Higher Education |First Name |Last Name |Major Academic Discipline |Country(ies) of |Language(s) of |Topic |

| | | | |Research |Research | |

|University of Wisconsin |Brett |Reilly |History |France |Vietnamese |The State of Vietnam |

|University of Wisconsin |David |Chambers |Geography |Thailand |Thai |The creation of 'good' space among |

| | | | | | |Thailand's Hmong |

|Wesleyan University |Maho |Ishiguro |Ethnomusicology |Indonesia |Indonesian |Saman Dance in Diaspora Presence of Female |

| | | | | | |Saman Dance as Expressions of Piety |

| | | | | | |Cultural Identity and Popular Culture |

|University of California, Berkeley|Sophia |Warshall |South and Southeast Asian |Indonesia |Indonesian |Translating the Buddha - Indonesian |

| | | |Studies | | |reliquaries and the vimala usnisa dharani |

|University of California, Berkeley|Kevin |Li |History |Vietnam; France |Vietnamese |Crime Criminality and the State-A Social |

| | | | | | |History of Southern Vietnam |

|University of California, Berkeley|Trinh |Luu |Comparative Literature |Vietnam; France |Vietnamese |Law Literature and the State in |

| | | | | | |Postsocialist Vietnam |

|University of Washington |Joseph |Kinzer |Ethnomusicology |Malaysia |Malay |Transnational Islamic Narratives and Malay |

| | | | | | |Culture Bearers in Malaysian Traditional |

| | | | | | |Music Education |


|Institution of Higher Education |First Name |Last Name |Major Academic |Country(ies) of |Language(s) of |Topic |

| | | |Discipline |Research |Research | |

|Cornell University |Mariana |Giusti |Political Science |Peru; Bolivia |Spanish |Failure to Represent - Social Networks and |

| | | | | | |Party Building in the Andes |

|University of Kentucky |Nathaniel |Millington |Geography |Brazil |Portuguese |Fluvial Urbanism in a City of Floods |

|University of Chicago |Savannah |Esquivel |Art History |Mexico |Spanish |The Splendor of Ornament in Sixteenth-Century|

| | | | | | |Mexico |

|Vanderbilt University |Kara |Schultz |History |Argentina; Brazil; |Spanish |African Buenos Aires-Slavery-Smuggling-and |

| | | | |Portugal; Spain | |Culture in an Atlantic Port |

|Vanderbilt University |Scotti |Norman |Anthropology/ |Peru |Spanish |Understanding Cultural Transformation Through|

| | | |Archaeology | | |Revitalization - Taki Onqoy and Resistance in|

| | | | | | |the Early Colonial Period |

|University of Wisconsin |Jacob |Blanc |History |Brazil; Paraguay |Portuguese |Contested Development - Itaipu and the |

| | | | | | |Meanings of Land and Opposition in Military |

| | | | | | |Brazil |

|Florida International University |Micah |Oelze |History |Brazil |Portuguese |The Symphony of State - Sao Paulo's |

| | | | | | |Department of Culture |

|University of California, Los Angeles |Winter |Schneider |History |Haiti; France |Haitian Creole |Tracing History in Rural Haiti |

|University of California, Los Angeles |Julia |McHugh |Art History |Peru |Spanish |Dressing Andean Spaces. Textiles Painting and|

| | | | | | |Architecture in the Colonial Imagination |

|University of Pittsburgh |Trisha |Netsch Lopez |Anthropology |Ecuador |Spanish |Intercultural Communication and Authoritative|

| | | | | | |Knowledge in a Plurinational Health Care |

| | | | | | |Setting |

|University of Michigan |Allison |Caine |Anthropology |Peru |Quechua |Herders and Socioenvironmental |

| | | | | | |Transformations in the Cordillera Vilcanota |

| | | | | | |of Peru |

|University of Colorado, Boulder |Joel |Correia |Geography |Paraguay |Guarani |Contested Territories- Investigating the |

| | | | | | |Impact of the Inter-American Court of Human |

| | | | | | |Rights on Indigenous Land Claims in Paraguay |

|University of California, Davis |Mark |Dries |History |Peru |Spanish |The Mercurial Menace. Worker Health and |

| | | | | | |Indigenous Labor in the Mercury Mines of |

| | | | | | |Colonial Huancavelica Peru |

|Rice University |Caroline |Wolf |Art History |Argentina |Spanish |Elite Constructions- Nationalist Architecture|

| | | | | | |and Minority Immigrant Patronage in Modern |

| | | | | | |Argentina |

|Duke University |Christina |Davidson |History |Dominican Republic |Spanish |Converting Spanish Hispaniola - The |

| | | | | | |Transnational Genealogies and Racial Politics|

| | | | | | |of Protestantism in the Dominican Republic |



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