Life in Space Project

Life in Space Project Name: ___________________


Mr. Fetter

For this project, students will create a powerpoint presentation about life in the International Space Station. Each team of students will be responsible for the creating slides and presenting information about the following topic areas:

Group 1: The International Space Station

• What countries worked on the space station

• Size of the station

• When was it completed

• How was it be built

Group 2: Food

• How has the food that astronauts eat changed over the last 50 years?

• What kinds of foods do astronauts eat in space today?

• What methods are used to prevent food from spoiling?

• Any other interesting facts

Web Resources

Eating in Space

Group 3: Space Suits

• What are the main parts of a space suit? How do they work?

• Do astronauts have to wear the space suits all the time? Why or why not?

• What are some safety measures that are built into space suits?

• Do you think space suits are comfortable? Why or why not?

Space Suits

The Space Suit (history)

Group 4: Extraterrestrial Experiments and schedule

• Describe some examples of experiments that are conducted on the ISS?

• What do scientists hope to learn about life in space?

• Describe the daily schedule of an astronaut. How much time is spent on scientific experiment? Exercising?

Web Resources

click ISS then weekly science

Group 5: Sanitation in Space

• How do astronauts shower and use the bathroom in space?

• Do they have to wash dishes or laundry?

• How do they keep their living quarters clean?

• What special sanitation issues do astronauts face that those of us on Earth don’t worry about?

Web Resources


Group 6: Sleep and Relaxation

• Do astronauts require more or less sleep than normal when they are in space?

• How many hours of sleep do astronauts usually get each night?

• Do astronauts sleep in a bed? If they do not, how do they sleep?

• How do astronauts relax in space?

Web Resources

Recreation and Sleeping


Part 1 – International Space Station ______ / 10

Part 2 – Food ______ / 10

Part 3 - Space Suits ______ / 10

Part 4 – Experiments and schedule ______ / 10

Part 5 – Sanitation in space ______ / 10

Part 6 – Sleep and relaxation ______/ 10

|Pictures | |Creativity/Neatness | |

|Visuals are outstanding, large variety of picture |4 |Highly creative, visual attracts and holds attention |4 |

|Visual is very good, design is neat and effective |3 |Creative, design catches audiences attention |3 |

|Visual is good, little variety |2 |Somewhat creative, little sign of personal touch |2 |

|Visual is poor, 1 or less pictures |1 |Quickly completed with minimal effort |1 |

|Mechanics | |Extra points | |

|superior spelling and grammar, thoroughly proofread and |4 |Word art |1 |

|revised | | | |

|good spelling and grammar ,a few mistakes some proofreading |3 |Custom animation |1 |

|and revisions evident | | | |

|average spelling and grammar, more than 5 mistakes |2 |Slide transitions |1 |

|- poor grammar and spelling, many mistakes |1 | | |

Oral Presentation ( 15 points)

|Excellent ( 3 points for each) |Good (2 points for each) |Needs work ( 1 point for each) |

|Spoke loud, clear, with feeling |Speech volume changes, little feeling |Speech is difficult to understand |

|Maintained excellent eye contact |Intermittent eye contact |Little or no eye contact |

|Presented all key ideas and thoroughly |Presented key ideas and provided some |Skipped over many important facts, little |

|explained topic in detail |details |explanation |

|Little or no reference to screen |Relied on papers or screen, read too much |Relied on screen, read presentation |

|Well prepared, organized, each person knows|Prepared, but gets off track |Lack of preparation, difficult to follow, |

|role | |group did not rehearse |

Total Score _______ / 90


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