United State History and Government II

United States History and Government II

Homework Sheet

Spring 2011

Mr. Symons

HW (A): Read pages 436-439, 442-444

1. Why was the Bessemer Process a critical factor in the industrialization of the United States?

2. How did steel help to shape New York City?

3. Describe three ways electricity changed America.

4. How did the railroads affect how we tell time?

5. How did the railroads affect urban America?

6. Was industrialization beneficial to the average American in the late 19th century? Defend your answer.


HW (B): Read pages 447-455

1. Explain the difference between vertical and horizontal integration.

2. How did Standard Oil gain control of ninety percent of the oil refining industry?

3. Why was the Sherman Anti-Trust Act both significant and insignificant?

4. Describe how each of the following aided in the empowerment of the working class in America: (a) Knights of Labor, (b) AFL, (c) ARU, (d) IWW.

5. Describe the significance of each event for the American labor movement:

(a) Great Strike of 1877, (b) Haymarket Affair, (c) Homestead Strike, (d) Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.


HW (C): Read pages 468-475

1. What was the Americanization movement? Do you believe it was successful? Explain.

2. In your opinion, what were the three biggest problems for city dwellers in the late 19th century? Why?

3. How did reformers attempt to correct the ills of urbanization?

4. How did urbanization lead to the development of political machines?

5. Why were political machines seen as corrupt?


HW (D): Read pages 460-465

1. How were immigration patterns different before and after 1890?

2. Describe three reasons why people immigrated to the United States in the late 19th century.

3. What difficulties did immigrants face in gaining admission into the United States?

4. How did the U.S. government respond to the Nativist movement?

5. Which group of immigrants do you think faced the greatest challenges in the United States? Why?


HW (E): Read pages 425- 429

1. Why did American farmers want to keep more money in circulation?

2. Describe the goals and activities of the Grange and the Farmers’ Alliances.

3. What was the Populist Party’s platform? Which Populist reforms eventually became laws?

4. What caused the Panic of 1893?

5. Why was the metal question so important in the campaign of 1896?

6. Was the Populist Party a success or a failure? Explain.


HW (F): Read pages 548- 557

1. What were the three biggest motivations behind American imperialism?

2. Was the annexation of Hawaii in 1898 a wise decision? Explain.

3. Why did the United States support the rebellion in Cuba?

4. Was the Spanish-American War necessary? Defend your answer.

5. Why was the acquisition of the Philippines controversial?


HW (G): Read pages 512- 518

1. Compare and contrast the goals of the Progressives with the goals of the Populists.

2. Describe how each organization contributed to the Progressive Movement:

a) YMCA, (b) WCTU, (c) Salvation Army, (d) Anti-Saloon League.

3. Who were the muckrakers? Why were they a critical part of the Progressive Movement?

4. Why was Robert M. La Follette a hero to the common people?

5. How did the Supreme Court both aid and undermine the industrial working class during this period?

6. Why was the 17th Amendment a major victory for the Progressives?


HW (H): Read pages 523- 531

1. Theodore Roosevelt is referred to as the “first modern president.” Do you agree with this statement? Defend your answer.

2. Why was TR known as a “trustbuster?”

3. Why was Roosevelt’s role in the 1902 coal strike significant?

4. Explain how each of these laws was a victory for the Progressives: (a) Interstate Commerce Act, (b) Hepburn Act, (c) Meat Inspection Act, (d) Pure Food and Drug Act.

5. How did TR contribute to the early environmental movement?


HW (I): Read pages 538- 543

1. Explain how each of these laws was a victory for the Progressives: (a)Clayton Antitrust Act, (b) Federal Trade Commission Act, (c) Underwood Act.

2. Why was it significant that the Federal Income Tax was graduated?

3. How did the Federal Reserve Act increase Americans’ faith in the banking system?

4. Why was Woodrow Wilson a disappointment to civil rights leaders?

5. Who accomplished more for the Progressive Movement, Wilson or Roosevelt? Explain.


HW (J): Read pages 519- 522, 540- 541

1. Describe the job opportunities available to women by the late 19th century.

2. How did the development of women’s colleges change the role of women?

3. Why did women employ a three-part strategy to gain the right to vote?

4. How did suffragists win the right to vote on the state level?

5. Why did women earn the right to vote in 1920?


HW (K): Read pages 562- 563, 565- 571

1. Why did the U.S. issue the Open Door Notes in 1899?

2. How did the U.S. respond to the Boxer Rebellion?

3. Describe three difficulties the United States experienced in the construction of the Panama Canal.

4. Why did TR issue a corollary to the Monroe Doctrine? What was its significance?

5. Compare and contrast Dollar Diplomacy and Missionary Diplomacy.

6. Was it wrong for the United States to become involved in the affairs of Colombia, Nicaragua and Mexico in the early 20th century? Defend your answer.


HW (L): Read pages 578- 586

1. Why did the United States favor the Allies over the Central Powers during World War One?

2. How was American neutrality tested between 1915 and 1917?

3. Why did Germany escalate its u-boat attacks in 1917?

4. Why didn’t the United States declare war on Germany after the sinking of the Lusitania?

5. Why did the United States finally declare war on Germany?


HW (M): Read pages 587- 589, 594- 601

1. How did the Selective Service Act help America mobilize for war?

2. How did the war expand opportunities for African-Americans and women?

3. Explain how each of the following aided in the war effort: (a) War Industries Board, (b) National War Labor Board, (c) Food Administration, (d) Committee on Public Information.

4. How did the government raise money for the war effort?

5. Why was World War One a difficult period for some immigrants?

6. How did the government limit freedoms during the war?


HW (N): Read pages 604- 609

1. Compare and contrast the Fourteen Points to the Treaty of Versailles.

2. Why did the Allies reject the Fourteen Points?

3. Why were many Americans opposed to the Treaty of Versailles?

4. Why were some senators concerned about the League of Nations?

5. Could Wilson have avoided the fight over the treaty? Explain.


HW (O): Read pages 670- 677

1. How did the economic boom of World War One lead to financial problems in the 1920s?

2. Why was purchasing on credit more dangerous than Americans realized in the 1920s?

3. Why was the gap between the rich and poor widening in the 1920s?

4. What was the danger of “buying on margin?”

5. Why did the stock market collapse on October 29, 1929?

6. How did the stock market crash lead to a nationwide economic breakdown?


HW (P): Read pages 678- 683, 687- 689

1. Compare and contrast the impact of the Great Depression on urban and rural areas.

2. What were the causes and results of the Dust Bowl?

3. How did the Dust Bowl affect the entire country?

4. What were the psychological effects of the Great Depression?

5. Why was Herbert Hoover criticized for his response to the Depression?

6. What was the Bonus Army incident? How did it help Franklin Delano Roosevelt get elected?


HW (Q): Read pages 698- 700, 721- 725

1. Why did FDR attempt to “pack” the Supreme Court in 1937?

2. What were the two most significant objections to the New Deal?

3. Why did the New Deal come to an end?

4. Describe the New Deal’s long-term impact on (a) the economy, (b) society,

(c) the environment.

5. In your opinion, how high does FDR rank on the list of presidents? Defend your answer.


HW (R): Read pages 740- 741, 756- 763

1. Why were many Americans “isolationist” in the 1930s?

2. To what extent were the Neutrality Acts a response to the causes of World War One?

3. Why was it becoming increasingly difficult for America to stay out of the war in Europe?

4. Describe how each threatened American neutrality: (a) “cash-and-carry,” (b) Lend-Lease Act, (c) Atlantic Charter, (c) The Greer.

5. Why did the U.S. come into conflict with Japan prior to Pearl Harbor?


HW (S): Read pages 768- 774, 800- 801

1. How did the Second World War expand opportunities for women and minorities?

2. Why were many minority groups divided following America’s entry into World War Two?

3. Describe how each of the following contributed to the war effort (a) labor, (b) scientists, (c) the media.

4. How did FDR increase his control over the wartime economy?

5. What hardships did Americans have to endure at home during the war?

6. Was America’s treatment of Japanese-Americans in World War Two justified? Explain.


HW (T): Read pages 784- 792

1. Describe the significance of the (a) Bombing of Tokyo, (b) Battle of Coral Sea, (c) Battle of Midway, (d) Battle of Leyte Gulf, (e) Iwo Jima, (f) Okinawa.

2. Why are the battles at Iwo Jima and Okinawa linked to the bombing of Hiroshima?

3. Was the United States correct to use the atomic bomb on Japan? Defend your answer.

4. How did the end of the war bring changes to Japan?


HW (U): Read pages 822- 827

1. How did the Cold War lead to an attack on civil liberties at home?

2. In your opinion, did the HUAC abuse its authority? Explain.

3. Why did the Alger Hiss case inflame the anti-Communist mood in America?

4. Did Julius and Ethel Rosenberg deserve death? Defend your answer.

5. How did Joseph McCarthy become a powerful figure in American politics?

6. Why did McCarthy fall so quickly?


HW (V): Read pages 906- 913

1. Why is the case of Plessy v. Ferguson considered one of the low points in the history of the Supreme Court?

2. Trace the decisions that led the Supreme Court to ban school segregation.

3. Why was it difficult to enforce the Brown decision?

4. Was the crisis at Little Rock a victory or defeat for the civil rights movement?

5. Why was the Montgomery Bus Boycott an excellent example of the power of nonviolence?

6. Describe the significance of each in the civil rights movement: (a) Martin Luther King, Jr., (b) SCLC, (c) SNCC, (d) sit-ins.


HW (W): Read pages 923- 929

1. Describe the difference between de facto and de jure segregation.

2. Does de facto segregation still exist today? Defend your answer.

3. Describe the significance of: (a) Nation of Islam, (b) Black Power, (c) Black Panthers.

4. Why is 1968 considered a pivotal year in the civil rights movement?

5. What is the purpose of affirmative action? Why is it often criticized?


HW (X): Read pages 876-877, 885-889

1. What were the most important factors in Kennedy’s victory over Nixon in 1960?

2. Why were the American people fascinated with “Camelot?”

3. How well did Kennedy fulfill his promise of a New Frontier?

4. How well did Kennedy address the problems of American society?

5. In your opinion, how high does JFK rank on the list of presidents? Defend your answer.


HW (Y): Read pages 892-899

1. Why was the Economic Opportunities Act a significant start for the “War on Poverty?”

2. Why was the size of Johnson’s victory in 1964 important?

3. What were the three most important pieces of the Great Society? Explain.

4. Why were the decisions of the Warren Court controversial?

5. Was Lyndon Johnson a good president or a bad president? Defend your answer.


HW (Z): Read pages 936-941

1. Identify: (a) Ho Chi Minh, (b) Dien Bien Phu, (c) Ngo Dinh Diem, (d) Vietcong.

2. Why did the United States support France in its effort to keep its colony of Vietnam?

3. Should the United States have supported the regime of Ngo Dinh Diem? Defend your answer.

4. Describe the events that led to the collapse of Diem’s regime.

5. Why was the Gulf of Tonkin incident a pivotal moment in the Vietnam conflict?


HW (AA): Read pages 1008-1013

1. Why did the Nixon campaign decide to break into the Democratic Party’s headquarters?

2. How did the U.S. Senate become involved in the Watergate investigation?

3. How did the Supreme Court become involved in the Watergate investigation?

4. How did the scandal create a constitutional crisis?

5. How have American politics and government been affected by Watergate?


HW (BB): Read pages 1018- 1023, 1040-1044

1. What caused the economic crises of the Carter Administration?

2. Was President Carter’s foreign policy a success or a failure? Defend your answer.

3. What was “Reaganomics?” What were its short term and long term effects?

4. Why was Reagan able to win re-election by a landslide?

5. How did the Supreme Court change in the 1980s?


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