Church History

Church History

Periods of Church History

1-325 AD Beginnings

325-600 Acceptance and Conquest

600-1500 Christian Society

1500-1650 Reform

1650-1789 Reason, Revival and Revolution

1789-1914 Cities and Empires

1914-present Ideology, Anxiety and Liberation

-Eerdman’s Church History

1-100 Apostolic Christianity

100-325 Ante-Nicene Christianity

311-600 Nicene and Post Nicene Christianity

590-1073 Mediaeval Christianity

1049-1517 Middle Ages

German Reformation Modern Christianity

Swiss Reformation Modern Christianity

-Church Historian Schaff

5 BC-590 AD Ancient Church

Spread of Christianity in the empire 30-100 AD

Struggle of Old Catholic Church for survival 100-313

Supremacy of Old Catholic Church 313-590

590-1517 Medieval Church

Rise of Empire and Latin speaking Christianity 590-800

Ebb and Flow in Church and State Relations 800-1054

Supremacy of the Papacy 1054-1305 Medieval Sunset 1305-1517

1517-present Modern Church

Reformation and Counter Reformation 1517-1648

Rationalism, Revivalism, Denominationalism 1648-1789

Revivalism, Missions, Modernism 1789-1914

Church and Society in Tension 1914-now

-Cairns in his Church History Book

70-170 Ephesus Rev. 2:1-7 Backslidden Church

170-312 Smyrna Rev. 2:8-11 Persecuted Church

313-606 Pergamos Rev. 2:12-17 Licentious Church

606-1517 Thyatira Rev. 2:18-20 Lax Church

1517-1750 Sardis Rev. 3:1-6 Dead Church

1750-1900 Philadelphia Rev. 3:7-13 Favored Church

1900-Rapture Laodicea Rev. 3:14-22 Lukewarm Church

-Clarence Larkin, 1918, “Dispensational Truth”

Our Four Week Study:

64-500 Week One

501-1100 Week Two

1173-1545 Week Three

1609-2003 Week Four


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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