FOUNDATIONS AND ETHICS IN COUNSELINGCOUN 501Summer 2019SyllabusCourse and InstructorCourse Number: COUN 501Course Title:Foundations and Ethics in CounselingCourse Time:Mon, Tues, Weds 4:30-9:30pCourse Location:Education Room 221Semester: Summer 2019 Credits:3 creditsInstructor: Regina R. Moro, PhD, LPC, ACADC, NCCOffice Education Building Office Hours: By appointment (available via Zoom)Course Information, Objectives, and Accreditation Course Catalog DescriptionProvides an introduction to professional, ethical, legal, theoretical, cultural, social, and practice aspects of counseling. Students examine theories and responsibilities of counselors; professional organizations and associations; and professional preparation standards. Ethical decision-making models are introduced and explored within a counseling context. Historical, cultural and social contexts along with emerging professional issues and directions are included. PREREQ: Admission to the Master of Arts in Counseling program.Student Learning OutcomesUpon completion of the course, the student will be able to:Articulate the history and philosophy of the counseling profession, professional roles and functions of counselors, and credentialing information about the profession and specialty areas. (CACREP F.1.a.; F.1.b.; F.1.f.; F.1.g.)Apply advocacy skills on behalf of the profession regarding preparation standards, credentialing, and roles of counselors. (CACREP F.1.d.; F.5.k.; 5.A.2.k.; 5.G.2.f.)Describe the procedures for ethical decision making, including the reporting to third parties as required by law, and apply a decision making model to an ethical dilemma. (CACREP F.1.i.; F.7.d.)Demonstrate the skills of self-evaluation necessary for competent practice as a counselor, including self-care strategies to prevent professional impairment. (CACREP F.1.k.; F.1.l.)CACREP ACCREDITATION2009 CACREP StandardsMethod for Addressing Standard1.a.a. history and philosophy of the counseling professionReading; In-class Discussion1.b.b. professional roles, functions, and?relationships with other human service providers, including strategies for interagency/interorganization collaboration and communications?Reading; In-class Discussion1.c.c. counselors’ roles and responsibilities as?members of an interdisciplinary emergency?management response team during a local,?regional, or national crisis, disaster or other trauma-causing event;In-class Discussion1.d.d. self-care strategies appropriate to the counselor roleSelf-care evaluation and plan1.e.e. counseling supervision models, practices, and processesIn-class Discussion1.f.f. professional organizations, including membership benefits, activities, services to members, and current issuesProfessional Association Presentation1.g.g. professional credentialing, including certification, licensure, and accreditation practices and standards, and the effects of public policy on these issuesReading; In-class Discussion; Advocacy Letter1.h.h. the role and process of the professional counselor advocating on behalf of the professionIn-class Discussion; Advocacy Letter1.i.i. advocacy processes needed to address institutional and social barriers that impede access, equity, and success for clientsAdvocacy Letter1.j.j. ethical standards of professional organizations and credentialing bodies, and applications of ethical and legal considerations in professional counselingReading; Ethical Case Studies5.b.b. counselor characteristics and behaviors that influence helping processesReading; Self-evaluation procedures5.f.f. a general framework for understanding and practicing consultationProfessional Issue Group Project2016 CACREP StandardsMethod for Addressing StandardF.1.a.a. history and philosophy of the counseling profession and its specialty areasArticulating Profession AssignmentF.1.b.b. the multiple professional roles and functions of counselors across specialty areas, and their relationships with human service and integrated behavioral health care systems, including interagency and interorganizational collaboration and consultationLecture; Group Presentation F.1.d.d. the role and process of the professional counselor advocating on behalf of the professionAdvocacy LetterF.1.f.f. professional counseling organizations, including membership benefits, activities, services to members, and current issuesAssociation PresentationF.1.g.g. professional counseling credentialing, including certification, licensure, and accreditation practices and standards, and the effects of public policy on these issuesArticulating Profession AssignmentF.1.h.h. current labor market information relevant to opportunities for practice within the counseling professionLecture (Profession Overview)F.1.i.i. ethical standards of professional counseling organizations and credentialing bodies, and applications of ethical and legal considerations in professional counselingEthical Model and Case StudiesF.1.j.j. technology’s impact on the counseling professionLecture (HIPAA)F.1.k.k. strategies for personal and professional self-evaluation and implications for practiceSelf-Care assignmentF.1.l.l. self-care strategies appropriate to the counselor roleSelf-Care assignment F.5.k.k. strategies to promote client understanding of and access to a variety of community-based resourcesLectureF.7.d.d. procedures for identifying trauma and abuse and for reporting abuseEthical Model and Case Studies5.A.2.k.k. Professional organizations, preparation standards, and credentials relevant to the practice of addiction counselingProfessional Association Presentation5.G.2.f.f. competencies to advocate for school counseling rolesAdvocacy LetterMethods of InstructionLecture, small group work and presentations, guest lecturesRequired Text/ReadingsAmerican Counseling Association. (2014). Code of ethics. Retrieved from: School Counselors Association. (2016). ASCA ethical standards for school counselors. Retrieved from , H., & Davis, T. E. (2016). Practitioner’s guide to ethical decision making. Retrieved from Board of Alcohol/Drug Counselor Certification. (2019). Code of ethics. Retrieved from , D. M., & Gladding, S. T. (2011). A vision for the future of counseling: The 20/20 principles for unifying and strengthening the profession. Journal of Counseling & Development, 89, 367-372.Kaplan, D. M., Tarvydas, V. M., & Gladding, S. T. (2014). 20/20: A vision for the future of counseling: The new consensus definition of counseling. Journal of Counseling & Development, 92, 366-372.Mascari, J. B., & Webber, J. (2013). CACREP accreditation: A solution to license portability and counselor identity problems. Journal of Counseling & Development, 91, 15-orek, R. L., Lewis, J. A., & Crethar, H. C. (2009). Promoting systemic change through the ACA advocacy competencies. Journal of Counseling & Development, 87, 260-268.Additional readings may be made available on Blackboard. Academic Requirements and EvaluationArticulating the Uniqueness of Professional Counseling assignment (20% final grade). As a professional counselor it is important that you are able to articulate who we are as a profession. This assignment will assess your competence with understanding the profession and the uniqueness within the mental health field. You must choose from one of the below prompts to write a response. Your response must be a minimum of 2 pages double-spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font, following APA format.a. Prompt 1: You are at a family gathering and your Aunt asks you about school. She says, “It is so great to hear about your time in graduate school. I keep telling all of my friends how excited I am that you are going to be a social worker!” b. Prompt 2: You are at an advocacy event at the state capital talking with law makers. Your state house representative says to you, “I get so confused with all of you, social workers, counselors, psychologists. Don’t you all do the same thing?!”c. Prompt 3: You were asked to attend and alumni event from your undergraduate institution for students exploring career fields. You are sitting on a panel, and a member of the audience says, “Can you explain what counseling is? I’m confused at what pathway I should take for graduate school.”In your paper, you must respond to the above chosen prompt, including information about what makes the profession of counseling unique from other mental health disciplines. Advocacy Letter (10%): Advocacy, in the context of this assignment, is really about influencing decisions within political and social systems. The focus of influence is around increasing mental health awareness to decrease stigma and discrimination, as well as promote greater access to care (e.g., jobs for counselors, credentialing for counselors). Submit a one-page letter advocating for policies and issues related to the counseling profession (may be related to specialty areas). The topic should be timely and relevant (i.e., address a current issue and be addressed to the correct person/organization). For example, students can write a letter to a local, state, or federal government representative to support legislation that promotes the counseling profession in some way. One recommended place to look for pending legislation is ACA’s website: Association Presentation (15%). You will be assigned a professional counseling association/organization that you will become the expert on. You will present this information to the class in a discussion setting (no powerpoint or handouts required). Information to be presented includes: association name, brief history, mission, website information, journal, conference, membership information and resources. See the attached handout which will lead your presentation efforts, and must be submitted prior to your presentation. Your grade for this assignment will be based upon your completion of the guide (attached), your ability to present this information in a large group setting, your ability to answer questions competently, and your ability to self-evaluate your presentation after you present. Ethical Decision Making Model and Case Studies (25%). Students will identify and describe an ethical decision-making model for which they will ascribe and practice (approximately 2-3 pages, APA formatting). Students will then illustrate their use of this model by applying it to two ethical dilemmas, which will be handed out in class during the second week. Students can apply the model using a table outlining the specific steps (corresponding to a model) and examples of how they applied the steps. Student should identify the specific ethical codes in question (with reference to the ACA Ethical Code). Counseling Professional Issue Group Presentation (20%). Students will form groups (min 2 students, max 4 students) and will decide on a topic relevant to the counseling profession. Students will complete a 20-minute presentation to the class in the third week of the course. Group presentation topics must be approved by the instructor and presentations must include an in-depth overview of the topic, implications for profession, and information for participants to learn more if interested. Presentation will be graded on your preparedness, professionalism, inclusion of at least 3 peer-reviewed sources for information, group evaluation, and ability to self-evaluation your contribution and performance during the presentation. Self-care evaluation and plan (10%). Counselor impairment is a major issue facing professionals. Using a self-care plan is an important tool to promote your own wellness and to provide the best care for your clients. You will be responsible for developing your own self-care plan, including how you plan to evaluate yourself professionally and personally, and steps you will take if impairment is present or very likely for developing. This assignment will be completed in class, following the lecture on self-care evaluation and strategies. Grading CriteriaGradePercentageA94-100A-90-93B+87-89B84-86B-80-83C+77-79C74-76C-70-73F<70Assignments not submitted when due or not in the assigned format will not earn full points. Those submitted more than three days past the due date will not be accepted. Plagiarism is sufficient grounds for failure for the course. Due to the summer schedule, missing more than 6 hours of course instruction will result in an automatic grade reduction (an earned A becomes a B). See current Boise State Graduate Catalog for academic regulations and appeal procedures.Disability and Academic Integrity StatementsEducational Access Statement:Students with disabilities needing accommodations to fully participate in this class should contact the Educational Access Center (EAC). All accommodations must be approved through the EAC prior to being implemented. To learn more about the accommodation process, visit the EAC’s website at Integrity Statement: Academic misconduct or dishonesty including cheating and plagiarism is unacceptable and appropriate penalties will be imposed (including but not limited to failure of this course).Diversity Statement:This is a safe, welcoming, and inclusive classroom environment for students of all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities/variances, ages, religion, economic classes, and ability statuses. As such, you will be encouraged and challenged to use language and basic counseling techniques that are respectful, inclusive, representative and culturally appropriate.Classroom Technology Policy:?Technology can be a valuable tool for learning and connection.? Technology use in the classroom, however, is often distracting and can be a deterrent to engaged learning.? An emerging body of literature provides mounting evidence for decreased learning outcomes when students use technology during class (e.g., notetaking, web-surfing, etc.).? Further, as counselors-in-training, you need to develop the capacity to be fully present, attuned, and curious.? Not using computers, tablets, and cellphones in the classrooms allows for the opportunity to develop such capacities.???For our part, as instructors, we will strive to create learning experiences that are meaningful and relevant so that the temptation to disengage through technology is minimal.? We will frequently integrate experiential learning exercises, small group discussions, and other such teaching strategies into lectures in order to enhance attention and promote deeper learning.? However, there will be times that we will teach through traditional lectures and/or other didactic approaches.? These are perfect opportunities for you to practice attentive listening skills!?Given the above rationale, we ask that students refrain from using laptops, tablets, and cellphones in class, except when explicitly requested by the instructor (e.g., for use on a project, learning exercise, etc.).???If you believe you need an exemption from this policy, please speak to the course instructor before the start of the course.?Course Calendar*Subject to change at instructor’s discretion*DateTopicReading(due on day listed)Assignments DuePast, Present and Future5/13Introductions, Class Expectations, Syllabus Review; Profession Overview; Preparation Standards and Accreditation5/14History of Profession; Professional Organizations; Professional Identity Kaplan and Gladding (2011)Kaplan et al. (2014)Mascari and Webber (2013)5/15Advocacy for Profession, Programs, Policies; Roles and Functions of Professional Counselors Across Settings & SpecialtiesToporek et al. (2009) Bobby (2013)Association Presentations (5/15)Ethics5/20Ethics:Preamble; Purpose; The Counseling Relationship; Confidentiality and Privacy ACA Code of Ethics (2014) p. 1-8Forester-Miller and Davis (2016)5/21Ethics:Professional Responsibility; Relationships with Other Professionals; Evaluation, Assessment and Interpretation; ACA Code of Ethics (2014) p. 8-125/22Ethics: Supervision, Training and Teaching; Research and Publication; Distance Counseling, Technology and Social Media; Resolving Ethical IssuesACA Code of Ethics (2014) p. 12-19ASCA (2016) OR IBADCC (2019) Code of EthicsEthics Paper and Case Studies (5/26) Self-care plan (5/24)Professional Issues5/27Memorial Day – No Class! Have Fun and Stay Safe5/28Professional IssuesGroup Presentations5/29Professional IssuesGroup PresentationsArticulating Counseling Paper (6/1)Advocacy Letter (6/1) Professional Association Presentation GuideName of AssociationAffiliation with Counseling ProfessionBrief HistoryMissionWebsite Information (Site address, Helpful?)Professional Journal Information (Journal title, How often published?, How many articles per issue?)Professional Conference (Do they have one?)Credentialing?Member ResourcesMembership CostHow to Join Association ................

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