Digital Photography – Eleanor Roosevelt High School

Digital Photography – Eleanor Roosevelt High School

With digital cameras and Photoshop, the class will explore the basics of photography and camera controls as well as photo manipulation. The emphasis will be on seeing and the principals and elements of Visual Art - texture, rhythm, contrast, balance, and composition.

Since the invention of the Camera Obscura by Leonardo DaVinci in the Middle Renaissance the black box has gone under many incarnations, the latest being digital.

Digital photography is transforming the way both professional and amateur photographers look at the world. The basic digital image is instantaneous; but with the photographers imagination the possibilities are endless. This is creativity at its best!

In this class we will explore the various ways of seeing the world and how to personalize it.

The class will be divided into two arts the first being how to see and use the camera and the second being an introduction to Photoshop or photo manipulation.

Among the areas that will be covered are the following:

• The Camera

• Choosing a Digital Camera

• History of Digital Photography

• Using the Digital Camera

• F-Stops & Shutter Speeds

• Files & Memory

• Light, White Balance & Flash

• Depth of Field

• Exposure Control

• Digital Image


Every student must have access to their own digital camera – the camera is due by the second week of class. The students are also required to have their own CD’s to back up their pictures on. I also recommend that each student get a flash drive. Not only will it come in handy for this class; but for your work in your other classes as well.


Each week you will have a shooting assignment that will be due the first day of class for the following week.

There will be a final project at the end of the semester consisting of a PowerPoint presentation of your work.


Photo Assignments 50%

Written Assignments 10%

Class Participation 20%

Final Project 20%

There will be several opportunities for extra credit.

You will be expected to follow all classroom rules and regulations.

I have read the course outline and requirements and plan to fulfill the requirements to the best of my ability.

____________________________________ ___________

student’s signature date

_____________________________________ ___________

parent’s signature date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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