AMY C HUDNALL - Department of History


History Department – Anne Belk Hall

Boone, NC 28608

h 828.297.1833 w 828.262.6025


MA, History, Appalachian State University, (Boone with honors), 2001

BA, History, Appalachian State University (Boone with honors), 1998

BA, German Studies, Appalachian State University (Boone with honors), 1998


2015-present: Advisor Department of History

2015-present: Senior Lecturer Department of History and Global Studies

2001-2015: Lecturer, History Dept., Global Studies, Women's Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, Appalachian State University

2006-2013: Coordinator of Peace Studies for Center for Judaic, Holocaust & Peace Studies, Appalachian State University

2006-2008: Editor, International e-Journal of Human Dignity & Humiliation Studies, U Peace, San Jose, Costa Rica

2006-2008: Managing Editor, Journal of Rural Mental Health, ISU-Idaho State University

2004-2007: Research Assistant Professor, Institute of Rural Health, Idaho State University

2004-2007: H-Genocide Book Review Editor, H-Net (Humanities & Social Sciences Online Network)

2002-2003: Managing Editor, NWSA Journal, Appalachian State University

2000-present: Editor (self-employed) including content & copy editing for misc. articles, books, & book chapters across multiple fields

1999-2003: Book Review Editor, NWSA Journal, Appalachian State University



Worlds Together Worlds Apart Study Guides, Parts I and II, 2nd ed. Norton Press. (2010). With Neva Specht.

Worlds Together Worlds Apart Study Guides, Parts I and II. Norton Press. (2008). With Neva Specht.


Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline: Analysis of Options for Decision Making, with Anne Kirkwood, Beth Hudnall Stamm, Susan Blampied. Meridian, Idaho and Pocatello Idaho: Idaho State University. (2010).

Articles & Book Chapters:

“Genocide and Trauma” in Gilbert Reyes & Ford Elhai’s (eds.) Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. (2008).

“Humiliation and Trauma” in Gilbert Reyes & Ford Elhai’s (eds.) Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. (2008).

“Grotius & International Law.” War Crimes and Trials: A Historical Encyclopedia, from 1850 to the Present, E Pugliese & L Hufford (eds). ABC-CLIO. (In press [June 2007])

“Protection of Prisoners of War” War Crimes and Trials: A Historical Encyclopedia, from 1850 to the Present, E Pugliese & L Hufford (eds). ABC-CLIO. (In press [June 2007])

“Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, 1949” War Crimes & Trials: A Historical Encyclopedia, from 1850 to the Present, E Pugliese & L Hufford (eds). ABC-CLIO. (In press [June 2007])

“Convention Between the United States of America & other Powers, Relating to Prisoners of War, 1929” War Crimes and Trials: A Historical Encyclopedia, from 1850 to the Present, E Pugliese & L Hufford (eds). ABC-CLIO. (June 2007)

“International Committee for the Red Cross and Red Crescent” War Crimes & Trials: A Historical Encyclopedia, from 1850 to the Present, E Pugliese & L Hufford (eds). ABC-CLIO. (June 2007)

“Humiliation and Domination under American Eyes: German Pows in the Continental United States, 1942-1945.” Social Alternatives 25(1)(2006): 33-39. Refereed.

"Effective Intercultural Collaboration on Psychosocial Support Programs" with Nancy Peddle, BH. Stamm, & HE Stamm in G. Reyes & G.A. Jacobs’ (eds.) The Handbook of International Disaster Psychology, vol. 1 (pp. 113-126). Westport, CT: Praeger. (2006)

“Crisis and Gender: Addressing the Psychosocial Needs of Women in International Disasters" with E.G. Lindner in G. Reyes & G.A. Jacobs’ (eds.) The Handbook of International Disaster Psychology, vol. 4 (pp. 1-18). Westport, CT: Praeger. (2006)

“Telecommuting to Support Workers in Disasters,” with B.H. Stamm in L Barbanel & RJ Sternberg’s (eds.) Psychological Interventions in Times of Crisis (pp. 99-118). New York: Springer Pub. Co. (2005).

"Anarchy & Recovery," with B.H. Stamm. American Psychology Association Division 18 Newsletter 30(2)(2005): 14, 18.

“The Complexities of Working with Terror,” with BH. Stamm & C. Higson-Smith in D Knafo’s (ed.) Living with Terror, Working with Trauma: A Clinician’s Handbook. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson. (2004).

“Psychohistory Applied to Military Leadership.” Clio’s Psyche 11(2)(2004): 72-73.

“The Necessity of Cultural Relativism and Universalism for Effective Implementation of the United Nation’s CEDAW.” Proceedings from 8th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women: Women’s Worlds 2002. (refereed).

“Considering Cultural Trauma as a Backdrop for the Treatment of Trauma and PTSD” with BH Stamm, HE Stamm, & C. Higson-Smith. Journal of Trauma and Loss 9(1)(2004): 89-111.

“Feminists Protest War with Iraq: A Photo Essay.” NWSA Journal, 15(2)(2003): 99-110.

“Modeling Feminist Mentoring: Introduction.” NWSA Journal, 15(2)(2003): 220.

“A Home for Men and Women: Response to Peter Petschauer’s ‘Home’ Symposium, Home, Sweet Home Building & Destabilizing the Home Sphere” in Clio’s Psyche: Understanding the “Why” of Culture, Current Events, History and Society, 8.4 (March 2002).

“Book Review of Women and Human Development by Martha C. Nussbaum and Globalizing Concern for Women’s Human Rights by Diana Zoelle.” NWSA Journal, 13:3(2001), 225-228).


Keynote Speaker for Annual AISEC-ASU Gala, December 4, 2015.

Panel Speaker for “Women and War.” ASU Theatre and Dance, The Trojan Women.

“Learning from the Immediate, Long-term, and Multi-Generational Effects of Genocide on Perpetrators.” Amy Hudnall and Amanda Moore. Biannual Conference of the International Association of Genocide Scholars Conference. June 2013 (Siena, Italy).

“An Analysis of Training, Policy, Operations, Finance and Economic Aspects of Suicide and Suicide Prevention Hotlines in the U.S.” with A. Kirkwood and B.H. Stamm. Poster session, 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. November 2011 (Baltimore, MD)

“Divide and Rule: Colonial Policy that Reverberates Multigenerationally.” Appalachian Spring: Sixth Annual Conference in World History and Economics. April 2011 (Boone, NC).

“Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue Prevention Among Suicide Prevention Workers.” 2010 Nebraska Disaster Behavioral Health Conference. June 2010 (Lincoln, NE).

“Healing Power of Women in Postwar Bosnia.” January 2008 (Women’s Studies Program, Boone, NC).

“Voices from the Grave: Bosnia & Herzegovina Today.” October 2007 (Center for Judaic, Holocaust, & Peace Studies, Boone, NC)

“The Changing Nature of War.” August 2007 (Senior Scholars Program, Boone, NC).

“German POWs on American Soil: Getting to Democracy.” August 2007 (Senior Scholars Program, Boone, NC).

“The Long Path to ‘Never Again’: Genocide Prevention Requires Multi-Generational Change.” Biannual Conference of the International Association of Genocide Scholars. July 2007 (Sarajevo, Bosnia).

“Learning to Manage Frustrations & Violence: Lessons Learned & a Theory of Cultural Violence” (invited presentation). 60th Congress of the Mouvement Mondial des Meres (International Movement of Mothers): Questions of Peace Initiatives. UNESCO. March 29–30, 2007 (Paris, France).

“Contextualizing Working with Torture & Disrupted Cultures (invited presentation),” with BH Stamm, C Higson-Smith, & HE Stamm. XI International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) International Symposium on Torture. December 9-10, 2007 (Berlin, Germany).

“Innovative Public Health Approaches in the Mitigation of Collective Trauma: The Challenges in Countering Terrorism” (invited presentation) with BH Stamm, C Higson-Smith, & HE Stamm. NATO Science for Peace Program: Advanced Research Workshop: The Psychological Impact of Terrorist Acts: How Can We Better Help Its Victims & Society. November 2006 (Amman, Jordan).

“Ethnic Extremes & Regressive Social Transformation: The Beslan Incident.” Poster session, Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. November 2006 (Hollywood, CA).

“The Beslan Tragedy in the Context of Ethnic Extremes.” Poster session, Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. November 2006 (Hollywood, CA).

“History & Its Significance in Cultural Regeneration” with BH Stamm & HE Stamm. Center for Judaic, Holocaust & Peace Studies Symposium. October 2006 (Boone, NC).

“Pirates, Chocolate, Powwows & Active Learning” Southeastern World History Conference. October 2006 (Boone, NC).

“Culturally Aware Community Programming Following Conflict or a Disaster.” International Society for Traumatic Stress. November 2005 (Toronto, Canada).

“An Analysis of WWII Prisoners of War & Psychological Trauma.” Poster session, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. November 2004. (New Orleans, LA). November.

“Modeling Cultural Trauma & Revitalization.” American Psychological Association Conference. July 2004. (Honolulu, Hawaii).

“Chronic Stress & Secondary Trauma” (invited presentation) with BH Stamm. Tending the Helper’s Fire, Mitigating Trauma & Stress in International Staff & Volunteers: Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies & . March 2004 (Notre Dame, Indiana).

“Getting Published: Feminist Journals.” National Women’s Studies Association Conference. June 2003 (New Orleans, LA).

“Understanding Cultural Differences when Working in ‘The Field’.” Humanities Series--Clash of Civilizations Harmony of Cultures. October 2002 (Boone, NC).

“Looking Back: Can Anything Be Learned from the Experiences of WWII Prisoners & Their Captors?” WWII-Era POW Conference. September 2002 (Muscatine, Iowa).

“The Necessity of Cultural Relativism & Universalism for the Effective Implementation of the United Nation’s CEDAW & the Establishment of International Equality for Women.” 8th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women. July 2002 (Kampala, Uganda).

"The Refugee Process: From the Trauma of Mass Violence to Resettlement & Recovery." International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. December 2001 (New Orleans, LA).

“Addressing Traumatic Stress in Rural & Frontier Areas: Two Documents.” Poster presentation at International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. December 2001 (New Orleans, LA).

“Measuring the Helper's Power to Heal & to Be Hurt—Or Helped—By Trying.” Research Methodology Training. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, December 2001 (New Orleans, LA).

“The Literary & Psychological Legacies of Captivity as Shown through German POWS in the United States during WWII." Blue Ridge International Conference on the Humanities & Arts. April 2001 (Boone, NC).

“Theory, Research & Practice: Healing of Cultural Trauma in Indigenous Communities”: Specialty Training Course. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. November 2000 (San Antonio, TX).

Chair “The Middle Path: Finding the Practical & Theoretical Center of Ethnic Expression.” International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, November, 1999. (Miami, FL).

“Community Revitalization & Healing of Cultural Trauma in Indigenous Peoples”: Specialty Training Course. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. November 1998 (Washington, DC).

“Am I My Brother’s Keeper?” Phi Alpha Theta & History Honors Society Paper Competition, November 1998 (Boone, NC).


Courses Taught:

• Community Development (GLS 3500)

• Internships—Interdisciplinary Studies and Global Studies Programs

• Junior Seminar: The Darfur Crisis and Gen-Y: New Methods in Humanitarian Crisis and Disaster Response (GLS4000)

• Contemporary Global Issues: Agriculture, Food Insecurity, and Women’s Roles in Agriculture (2000 level)

• Women Across Time (1000 level Society and History course)

• Introduction to Peace Studies (2000 level)

o Spring 2015 part of General Education Theme “War and Peace” coordinated by Alexander Lust

• Genocide through the Ages (Freshman Honors)

• World Civilization I & II

• World Civilization I & II with a women’s history focus

• Forgotten People: Crossing Cultural Divides (3000 level, Karlsruhe, Germany)

• History of War & Peace (3000 level)

• Modern Genocide (3000 and 2000 level)

• Conflict & Peace, First Year Seminar

• Freshman Seminar: Modern Genocide

Student Supervision:

Senior Honors Thesis Committee Member for Alison Horton, Spring 2011

Senior Honors Thesis Committee Member for: A Case Study of the Resource Curse:

Effects of Coltan Exploitation in the Democratic Republic of Congo,” Britney Owens, Fall 2010

Faculty Development

ASU Workshop: Banner and DegreeWorks Training

ASU Workshop: “Navigating the IRB Process”

ASU Workshop: “Developing Argument-Based Assignments in Writing in the Discipline Courses.” July 2013

Guest presenter, “Gender Inequity in the Classroom” for ASU Graduate School & Hubbard Center Teaching Assistants (May 2005).

Guest presenter, “Confronting plagiarism & managing the classroom.” ASU History Dept. Graduate students (2005).

Guest presenter, “Writing for & Publishing in Scholarly Journals.” ASU Hubbard Center Workshop (November 2004).

Guest presenter, “Appropriate Instructional Behavior.” New Directions Conference: A Focus on Students, Appalachian State University (August 2004).

Guest presenter, “What to Do When Your Student Plagiarizes.” New Directions Conference: A Focus on Students, Appalachian State University (August 2003).

Other University Service Work

2014 to present: Member ACT Service Learning Council

2014 to present: Member of Faculty Advisory Board, Center for Judaic, Holocaust and Peace Studies

2014, February, Provided observation in-class time for Visiting Delegation from Nagasaki University, Japan

2011-2014: Member, ASU Early Intervention Team (EIT)

2010: General College Evaluator for Artifact Evaluation Interface, SACS

2008- present: founding member of university consortium TRANSCEND, including UNCG & Guilford

2007–2010: Advising Faculty w Jeremiah Kitunda for student organization, “Do Something”

2006-present: Coordinator for Peace Studies which now includes advising for the new Peace Studies minor for the Center of Judaic, Holocaust, & Peace Studies

2006: Advisory Council, Appalachian Uganda Link

Ongoing: manuscript review for journals & presses including the Journal of Traumatic Stress, Journal of Genocide Studies & Prevention, the NWSA Journal, Broadview Press, Brunner Routledge, & Indiana University Press, Longman Press, Rowman and Littlefield.


2008: “Innovations on the Rural Behavior Workforce for Children & Families,” National Association of Rural Mental Health. $10,000.


2008: Planning Co-Chair for the International Association Genocide Scholars Bi-Annual Conference, George Mason University. 2009.

2008: Organized & presented Genocide & Mass Killing Film Series. Appalachian State University.

2007: Organized three-day symposium, “Genocide, Humiliation, & Conflict,” with Evelin Lindner at Appalachian State University.

2007: Organized & presented Genocide & Peace Studies Film Series. Appalachian State University.

2003: Organized & conducted NWSA Journal editorial board conference & symposium “State of Women’s Studies.” Hilo, Hawaii.

1999: Organized three-day symposium, “Conflict Resolution, ‘Peace Games,’” speaker Larry Seaquist, president of the Strategy Group & senior advisor to the chairman of UNESCO. Appalachian State University.

1999: Assistant in “Holocaust Remembrance Weekend,” three-day lectures & concerts series. Appalachian State University.

1998: Organized lecture series, “Ethnic Genocide in Russia Today,” “Memory & Reality: the Holocaust through the Eyes of Survivors & Historians,” & “Reaching out to Watauga County’s Growing Hispanic Community” for the student organization, Breaking the Silence, Appalachian State University.


2015: Wayne D. Duncan Faculty Enrichment and Teaching Fellowship for Outstanding Teaching in General Education

2012: Honorary Distinguished Member of The National Society of Collegiate Scholars

2004-2005: Part-Time Teacher of the Year

2002: Conference of Southern Graduate Schools, “Outstanding Masters Thesis Award for Best Thesis in Social Science, Business & Education”

2001 Cratis D. Williams “Outstanding Thesis Award”


Advisory Board Member, International Association of Genocide Scholars

Advisory Board Member, Human Dignity & Humiliation Studies, Columbia University


American Association of University Women

American Historical Association

International Association of Genocide Scholars

International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

National Women’s Studies Association

Peace History Society

Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, & Violence, Division 48, Peace Psychology, of the American Psychological Association


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