GERMANY, Academy of Bad Wildbad

GERMANY, Academy of Bad Wildbad


In cooperation with the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation (ALECSO)

1. General approach and framework :

The general aim of the training activities of the Pestalozzi Programme is to train education professionals to become multipliers for Council of Europe standards and values in education.

The work is based on three main pillars

- Content : standards and principles as well as project results of the Council of Europe

- Methodology : learner-centred, peer-training, collaborative work on issues of common concerns to find fit solutions for diverse contexts

- Four-fold concept of competences development : developing sensitivity and awareness, knowledge and understanding, individual practice, societal practice

2. Number : CoE 2011 1010-1014 Bad Wildbad

3. Related Council of Europe Projects :

History teaching

Pestalozzi Programme

4. Dates : 10/10/2011 – 14/10/2011

5. Deadline for application : 15/09/2011

6. Working languages : English / Arabic

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided during plenary sessions; during group work communication will be ensured en linguistic groups and/or by whispered interpretation

7. Venue :

Landesakademie für Fortbildung und Personalentwicklung an Schulen

Baetznerstrasse 92, 75323 BAD WILDBAD

Contact : Ms Bärbel BAUER

Tel. : ++ 49 7081 9259 0 (standard)

Fax : ++ 49 7081 9259-10

E-mail :

Web site :

8. Number of available places :

16 participants from the signatory States to the European Cultural Convention

5 participants from Baden-Württemberg

15 participants of ALECSO

9. Target group :

Teachers of history (10-18) with a local, regional or national multiplier function

Participants must be prepared to actively participate in all phases of the work :

• preparatory tasks before the seminar;

• active participation throughout the seminar;

• reporting, follow-up and dissemination after the seminar.

Participants must be able to sustain professional communication in the working language of the seminar, being English and Arabic.

10. Focus of the training activity :

This training seminar will focus on the the challenges of teaching history in a world which is going through an period of fundamental changes. Teaching history in the context where countries are constructed and deconstructed calls for a review of the aim and expected results of history teaching: which are the competences, the knowledge school leavers need to have? Which are better adapted to allow future citizens to contribute to the establishment and maintenance of modern, democratic and sustainable societies? And which pedagogical and methodological approaches will best facilitate the acquisition of the necessary knowledge and competences?

The training will build on the results of Council of Europe projects and will invite participants to explore together the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes as well as ways of developping these in their daily practice in the classrooms.

11. Expected results :

After the seminar the participants will have

- a shared knowledge of the challenges and issues the teachers of history face in European and Arab countries

- identified common elements of these challenges and shared good practice and initiative of how to answer theses challenges

- elaborated together a number of practices which help to develop a better comprehension and conceptualisation of history teaching adapted to a world which is changing, based on the values and principles of the Council of Europe as well as an appropriate and effective pedagogical and methodological approach based on multiperspectivity

- established the basis for future cooperation in a Pestalozzi Network of History Teachers

12. Outline of programme :

The sessions of the seminar will be organised around the main issues (cf points 10 and 11 above) and the programme will be made available at a later stage

13. Organising body :

This seminar of the Council of Europe at the Academy of Bad Wildbad is organised in close cooperation with ALECSO.

Council of Europe, Directorate General IV, The Pestalozzi Programme

Avenue de l’Europe, F-67075 STRASBOURG Cedex

Contact : Ms Hélène LIMOUZIN

Tel. : ++ 33 3 88 41 36 56

Fax : ++ 33 3 88 41 27 88

E-mail :

Web site :

Landesakademie für Fortbildung und Personalentwicklung an Schulen

Baetznerstr. 92, 75323 BAD WILDBAD

Contact : Ms Bärbel BAUER

Tél. : ++ 49 7081 9259 0 (standard)

Fax : ++ 49 7081 9259-10

E-mail :

Web site :

In cooperation with :

Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation

Tel: 00216 71 905334

Fax: 00216 71 909065

E-mail :

contact :

Web site: .tn

13. Team of facilitators :

(To be completed soon)

14. Travel and subsistence expenses :

Travel expenses :

Participants from the signatory States : travel expenses of those participants are covered by the Council of Europe according to the rules. Participants benefiting from reimbursement of their travel expenses are advised to consult carefully on the website the section about “Rules”.

Participants from Baden-Württemberg : travel expenses of those participants are covered by Baden-Württemberg.

Participants from ALECSO : Travel expenses are covered by ALECSO and/or by the institutions of the participants.

Subsistence expenses :

Participants are the guests of the Academy of Bad Wildbad for the entire duration of the European Seminar. Any travel or activity, included in the programme of the European Seminar, will also be taken in charge by the host country. Participants will be provided detailed information on the trip to and the stay at the Bad Wildbad Academy together with their invitation letter.

15. Other information :

The success of the training activities depends on the commitment of all the participants. By accepting to participate in the Pestalozzi programme, participants agree to participate actively and assiduously in all the phases of the activity.

The participants from the countries covered by ALECSO will be identified and chosen by ALECSO.

Application form :

Candidates must send their application form duly completed to the National Liaison Officer of their country, who will, after approval, send them to the Council of Europe.

All information is available on the web site of the Pestalozzi Programme.


132th European Seminar :

Teaching history in a changing world


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