Title2 points

Unit ZERO Summer One-Pagers ProjectPrologue: Ladies and gentlemen, history is everywhere; it’s just a matter of looking for it. Foods, clothes, drinks, religions, languages, music, cities, currency…nothing comes from nothing, and all of these items, just to name a few, have a history. Each one has a reason for its creation and development. Each one has a cause and an effect. For example, tomatoes did not exist in Europe until after Europeans reached the new world and brought tomatoes back with them. Think about that a second as you remember the last time you had spaghetti, lasagna, or pizza. And each one can disappear just as easily as it appeared. The role of a historian is to understand the stories, the causes and effects of people, places, events, ideas, both present and past. To make connections and understand perspectives. To remain neutral and objective, looking at facts and evidence to make determinations. For the purposes of AP World History (WHAP’M), we will look at history through the lens of themes. The College Board has determined there are six themes in world history. These themes are:32555481619250043370517335500Purpose: This project has been created as a way for you to demonstrate your understanding of the AP World History – Modern (WHAP’M) Themes as they apply to major world religions and ethical systems. You will use the “Prologue: History Before 1200 CE” in the AMSCO, recommended Crash Course World History videos, a summarizing document of the major world religions, and any other resources you feel are academically appropriate and necessary to demonstrate your knowledge of world religions in a format other than a typical test, whether it be multiple choice, STEM-based, short answer, or essay. This one-pager will allow each of you the opportunity to uniquely express the knowledge you learn. I am looking for a deeper understanding than simply knowing where a world religion originated or a list of doctrines. You need to think bigger. Think of the “how” and “why.” Think of the impact of the religion.Directions: For this project you will create TWO “one-pagers.” A one-pager is a visual representation of what you have learned. It is a way of making your own patterns of unique understanding while allowing you to be creative and experimental. It is a way to respond imaginatively and honestly. It is a way to be brief and compressed through drawings and words. We learn best when we can create our own patterns and understanding. I started having my students create these last year, and they were a big success. However, I will warn you that you are going to have to be creative. You will create TWO separate one-pagers from the list of six religions / ethical system listed below. Please understand, just because you only have to create two one-pagers does not mean that you do not have to learn the other religions you don’t select. You need to be familiar with and know all of the listed religions and ethical systems because they were be continuities throughout world history and this school year as well as being a major component of Unit 0: Pre-1200 CE.Here are more specific instructions:There should be a title and image representing each religionInclude at least 6 images (hand drawn, digitally drawn, illegally borrowed from the internet) that relate to the six SPICE’T Themes of WHAP’M (AP World History: Modern).Cluster around each image ideas specifically related to the particular SPICE’T Theme. These can be words or brief explanations.It should be visually appealing. It must cover one entire 8.5 x 11 inch sheet of paper. An 8.5 x 11 inch sheet of paper is the standard size of a Word document or a Google Doc, as well as a piece of printer paper. You do not have to use a Word doc, Google doc, or hand draw your one-pager. You can use another form of technology if you so choose. I just want you to have an understanding of the size I am looking for in your one-pagers.You might want to consider setting up your one-pager into six parts (since there are six themes) for organizational purposes.When you have completed your one-pagers, you can submit them electronically. This process will vary depending on how you choose to create your project. Some programs can be shared via a link. Other projects might need to be scanned and sent as an attachment through email. Once you have settled on the way you would like to present your information, then we can figure out the best way to submit it to me if you aren’t sure.REMEMBER: Creativity is key. Be unique. Be humorous. Be witty. Creativity doesn’t always apply to drawing. The more creative you are, the more effort it shows, and the more effort shown, the better your project will be.***Be prepared to have your one-pagers compete against your peers for potential BONUS POINTS!!!5955030889000Items needed to complete the assignment:Amsco Advanced Placement Edition World History: Modern [1200-PRESENT]This item can be purchased online or at any bookstoreNote: You will be required to purchase a copy of AMSCO Advanced Placement World History: Modern prior to the start of school. We will be reading and completing work out of this book all year so it is very important that you have your own copy. The cost of this book is less than $20 and can be purchased at the following link: Advanced Placement World History: ModernCrash Course World History Videos: Click HERE to access videosCrash Course World History #6: Buddha and AshokaCrash Course World History #7: China, Mandate of Heaven, and ConfuciusCrash Course World History #11: Christianity from Judaism to ConstantineCrash Course World History #13: Islam, the Quran, and the Five PillarsFREEMAN-PEDIA Religions Notes (Modified)Religions to cover: HinduismConfucianismBuddhismIslamChristianityExample of how to approach the SPICE-T theme and religion: Religion: SocialHow has it impacted social hierarchies? How has it impacted gender roles?What social impact did it have on new areas?PoliticalHow has it impacted various empires? How was it used by various governments?Was it promoted by rulers? Why? (Roman, Byzantine, Abbasid/Umayyad, Gupta, Mauryan, Han, Song Empires)InteractionsWhere did the religions spread?How did it spread?Who spread it?CultureWhat are the beliefs/teachings of the religion?Where is their evidence of these beliefs/teaching within an empire?EconomicsHow did the religion impact trade?How did trade impact religion?How did religion impact taxes?TechnologyDid new technology impact the spread of the religion? If so, HOW did new technologies impact the spread of the religion?Grading: There will be TWO one-pagers. This is the grading for one which will be out of 50 points. Add both together and you get the 100 points Yep, we are cross-curricular, teaching history and math. Title2 points Title Image2 points Social Interactions Image3 points Thoughts4 points Political Systems & Government Image3 points Thoughts4 points Interactions with the Environment Image3 points Thoughts4 points Cultural Developments and Interactions Image3 points Thoughts4 points Economic Systems Image3 points Thoughts4 points Technology and Innovation Image3 points Thoughts4 points Creativity4 pointsTOTAL50 points ................

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