Timeline of Historical Events - World History AP

Timeline of Historical Events

Directions: For each event find a specific date (or general date range).

Note: The events are essentially in chronological order.

1. First agricultural villages

2. First cities

3. Beginning of Mesopotamian Civilizations

4. Pyramid construction in Egypt

5. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro in South Asia

6. Beginning of Chinese Dynastic Rule

7. Beginning of Aryan Migrations to South Asia

8. Rule of Hebrew King David

9. Establishment of Greek poleis

10. Start of Buddhism

11. Achaemenid Persian Empire

12. Roman Republic

13. Warring States period in China

14. rule of Alexander the Great

15. Qin Dynasty

16. Han Dynasty

17. Start of Christianity

18. Mayan Civilization

19. Constantine’s Edict of Milan

20. Gupta Empire

21. Roman Empire

22. Tang Dynasty

23. Hijra (fled from Mecca to Medina)

24. Schism of Islam

25. Umayyad Caliphate

26. Byzantine Empire

27. Battle of Tours

28. Abbasid Caliphate

29. Viking Migrations

30. Empire of Ghana

31. Gunpowder developed

32. Great Schism of Christianity

33. Christian Crusades

34. Delhi Sultanate in India

35. Mongol Empire

36. Song Dynasty

37. Mali Empire (Mansa Musa + Timbuktu)

38. Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo

39. Aztec Empire

40. Bubonic Plague

41. Renaissance

42. Ming Dynasty

43. Ottoman Empire

44. Gutenberg’s Printing Press

45. European Age of Exploration

46. Atlantic Slave Trade

47. Protestant Reformation

48. Mughal Empire

49. Scientific Revolution

50. Tokugawa Shogunate

51. Mercantilism

52. Silver Trade

53. Columbian Exchange

54. Absolutism (Louis XIV and Peter the Great)

55. Qing Dynasty

56. Enlightenment

57. Industrial Revolution

58. Technologies (steam engine, telegraph, railroads)

59. Atlantic Revolutions

60. End of Atlantic Slave Trade

61. Opium Wars

62. Communist Manifesto

63. Meiji Restoration

64. British Rule in India

65. End of Russian serfdom; abolition of slavery in US

66. Unification of Germany and Italy

67. Berlin Conference

68. “Scramble for Africa”

69. Sino-Japanese War

70. Russo-Japanese War

71. Chinese Republic

72. Russian Revolution

73. World War I

74. Spanish Flu

75. Great Depression

76. Fascism in Europe

77. World War II

78. Cold War

79. Independence Movements (India, Ghana, Vietnam)

80. Creation of Israel

81. Chinese Communist Revolution

82. Genocide

83. Technologies (Airplane, Television, Radio, Film, Computers)

AP World History Periodization Assignment

Directions: Using your completed Timeline of Historical Events, divide the timeline into SIX separate time periods. For each time period, create a title and justify why the time period starts/ends when it does. In at least three sentences, explain why you created the time periods you did. This will help you understand why time periods in AP World History begin and end when they do, because each time period has a general theme or was created around world-changing events.

Dates of Time Period


Title of Time Period




2. __________________



3. ___________________



Dates of Time Period


Title of Time Period

4. ___________________



5. ___________________



6. ___________________




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